Maximizing Your Mac: Mastering Startup Programs in 5 Simple Steps

Speed up your Mac's startup time by managing your startup programs Learn how to easily view, add, and disable startup apps, and discover other effective ways to optimize your Mac's performance
To view the list of apps that automatically launch upon signing in to your Mac, navigate to System Settings > General > Login Items. From here, you can disable any unnecessary programs that slow down your Mac's startup process or add your preferred applications to the list. Reducing the number of startup items can significantly boost your Mac's booting speed. Save time and resources by eliminating the apps you don't require to open at login. In this guide, we'll show you how to identify the apps that launch at login and how to modify the list.
How to See What Apps Open at Startup on a Mac
Under this menu, there are two sections. The first one is for apps that autostart with macOS, which can potentially launch an application window simultaneously. This section is called "Open at Login." The second section is for helper apps that run services in the background at login without necessarily launching a window. These apps are called "Allow in the Background." Although they do not show that they are open, they still use system resources and may slow down your Mac's startup time.
Background items, such as program updaters and menu bar items like Microsoft AutoUpdate for Office or Magnet, a Mac window manager, may be running without your knowledge. Some startup programs on your Mac can be difficult to identify as they may only be labeled with the developer's name and lack an app icon. If you're using macOS 12 Mojave or earlier, you can find these options by going to System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items > Login Items. All items will be listed under the same section.
How to Manage Startup Programs on a Mac
To manage which programs run at startup on your Mac, navigate to System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items. From there, you can view a list of applications that open automatically when you start up your Mac.
If you want to prevent a specific app from opening at login, simply select it from the list and click the minus “-” button below. The app will be removed from the list and will no longer launch on startup.
Toggling off background items is a breeze with the simple button located next to the app label. To modify which background programs and helpers automatically open on startup for your Mac, you may be required to authenticate using a password or Touch ID. This comes in handy when you want to eliminate unnecessary apps, such as Steam, from launching at startup if you don't frequently use them.
To add a program to startup, open System Settings and navigate to General followed by Login Items. Click on the “+” icon and select the desired application that you want to launch at login. Once you have made the selection, click “Open” to add it to the list of startup items.
What Startup Programs Should You Disable on a Mac?
Generally speaking, only frequently used or mission-critical apps should be included in your startup items. Anything that provides genuine utility like a clipboard manager or a helper application for your chosen note-taking solution is a good candidate.
Disable apps that you don't use often or don't need to run at startup. It's up to you to decide which apps fall into these categories. You can also disable auto-updaters for apps that you rarely use since they will likely check for updates when you open them. If you don't play games often, consider disabling game launchers like Steam. Additionally, you can disable helpers for applications that you only open occasionally.
To avoid any potential issues, it's always a good idea to take note of any changes you make and be prepared to revert them if needed. If you've disabled any apps from opening at startup or turned off any background apps, you can manually add them back or toggle them on from the same menu.
Other Ways to Speed Up Your Mac
While removing startup items can help improve your Mac's boot time, there are other tips you can try to speed up macOS or fix a slow and unresponsive Mac.
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