Mastering the Unwritten Secrets of Call of Duty Zombies: The Ultimate Guide!

Mastering the Unwritten Secrets of Call of Duty Zombies: The Ultimate Guide!

Discover the unwritten code of survival in Call of Duty Zombies! After fifteen years of intense gameplay, seize the essential Dos and Don'ts to triumph over hordes of undead foes Master the secrets and strategies that will lead you to victory in this iconic game mode


Sharing and teamwork are crucial in Call of Duty Zombies, especially in the early game. Stealing kills or not opening doors can lead to a toxic lobby and hinder progress.

It is vital to allow everyone to reload their weapons before collecting a Max Ammo drop in older games, as the Max Ammo does not automatically refill the player's magazine.

Other unspoken guidelines consist of maximizing points by shooting a zombie's leg and then delivering the final blow with a melee attack, consistently reviving teammates, and sharing resources such as the Mystery Box. Additionally, players should make a collective decision to proceed to Pack-a-Punch when a member of the group is prepared.

Call of Duty Zombies has established a remarkable reputation since its debut in Call of Duty: World at War. Expansions like Zombies Chronicles have achieved significant financial success, while PC users have created impressive custom maps, showcasing the enduring popularity of this game mode. Beloved characters, such as Edward Richtofen, have been introduced, iconic enemies like the Panzer Soldat have instilled fear, and the Ray Gun Wonder Weapons have left an indelible mark. Additionally, fans have developed optimal strategies for playing the game.

For newcomers to Call of Duty Zombies, being unaware of these guidelines can result in frustration if not followed. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize oneself with the dos and don'ts of matches. While Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Black Ops Cold War have simplified gameplay to some extent, older games like Black Ops 3 remain the most popular choices for Zombies. Consequently, understanding these rules can significantly enhance the overall quality of matches.

The Dos and Don'ts of Call of Duty Zombies

Mastering the Unwritten Secrets of Call of Duty Zombies: The Ultimate Guide!

In Call of Duty Zombies, teamwork is essential, especially in the early stages of the game and on certain maps where players begin in a confined area. For maps like Kino Der Toten or Der Riese, it is crucial for players to focus on guarding a single window, even if there are not many zombies present. Taking kills from others at the beginning of the match will likely lead to negative interactions in the game chat, and the player who is affected may be less inclined to assist the one who stole their kills later in the game.

Another way to prevent conflicts is to follow the door rule. Essentially, the player with the highest number of points should always be responsible for opening the next door. This ensures that the team progresses through the CoD Zombies map consistently, without any player being left completely broke. Furthermore, players should familiarize themselves with which doors should not be opened. While these vary on each map, it is important to note that opening the stage door in Kino Der Toten ruins the optimal location for gathering zombies, and opening the main staircase in Nacht Der Untoten makes the preferred camping position unsustainable.

The latest versions of Call of Duty Zombies have resolved this issue, but older games did not reload the player's magazine when they picked up a Max ammo drop. Only the stockpile of ammunition would be replenished in these cases. Although this may not initially seem like a problem, losing a few shots from powerful weapons like the Thundergun or Wunderwaffe DG-2 in later rounds can have significant consequences, even leading to the player's death. Therefore, players should communicate with their teammates using a microphone to ensure everyone is reloaded. If a player does not have a headset, they should wait until the Max Ammo power-up is about to disappear before picking it up, giving other players enough time to reload their weapons.

It is also important to note that there is a proper strategy for building points in most Call of Duty Zombies modes. Players should shoot a Zombie's leg multiple times with their starting pistol before finishing it off with a melee attack, allowing them to maximize their points. Especially in the early rounds, melee attacks should be prioritized as they yield more points. Another essential rule is that players should always prioritize reviving their teammates, particularly when they possess a powerful Wonder Weapon. This is because the phrase "revive me bro I have a Ray Gun" has become a well-known meme in the Call of Duty Zombies community, highlighting the importance of teamwork and reviving teammates.

Keep in mind that there are a few additional unwritten rules to follow in Call of Duty Zombies. One important rule is to prioritize going to Pack-a-Punch when another player needs it, especially on challenging maps like Shangri-La and Moon where teamwork is crucial. It is also considered rude to hog the Mystery Box when a fellow player does not have a decent weapon. While players will need to learn a lot about each map's unique experience, these unwritten rules will provide a good starting point.