Mastering the Status Effects in Lords of the Fallen: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering the Status Effects in Lords of the Fallen: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the impact of every status effect in the captivating realm of Lords of the Fallen Unveil the mysterious powers that can alter your fate in this thrilling game

Status effects are crucial in the combat of Lords of the Fallen, as they can greatly impact the gameplay. Both players and enemies can utilize these negative effects, which can be incredibly powerful depending on the character's build and equipment.

Initially, dealing with status effects may be slightly perplexing, as the game does not immediately provide information about the specific effects of each ailment. This comprehensive guide aims to educate players on all the essential knowledge they need to effectively engage in battles involving status effects.

Lords of the Fallen Status Effects

Mastering the Status Effects in Lords of the Fallen: A Comprehensive Guide

Status effects in this game function in a manner reminiscent of other Soulslike games. When a player is struck by an attack that applies a status effect, a bar will emerge along the lower section of their screen. Once this bar is fully filled, the effect will activate. The same principle applies when players strike enemies. Although it is not possible to determine the exact level of a target's status effect bar, a distinct visual effect will become apparent on an enemy once a status effect is successfully activated.

The complete array of status ailments is as follows:

Bleed - Inflicts heavy Physical damage when the bar is filled. Additionally, it increases the Physical damage taken by afflicted entities.

Poison - Inflicts damage over time

Burn - Inflicts damage over time

Ignite - Inflicts heavy Fire damage when triggered and increases the Fire damage taken by affected entities

Frostbite - Decreases the maximum posture of enemies it affects. Players will have their stamina bars reduced by half instead.

Smite - Inflicts targets with a Holy lightning bolt, increasing their susceptibility to Holy damage upon activation.

While not considered a conventional status effect, Wither requires players to constantly remain alert. When an entity blocks attacks or sustains Wither damage, their health bar appears partially grayed out to reflect the inflicted harm.

When the Withered target is struck once more, all of the grayed health vanishes. If an enemy's health bar is entirely withered, they become susceptible to Umbral Finishers, eliminating the requirement to stagger or parry in order to disrupt their stance.

Status effects can be eliminated by utilizing Cure consumables corresponding to the relevant item. Conversely, status effects can be imposed by utilizing weapons that inflict ailments such as Bloody Glory or by applying Salts to a weapon. It is possible to cause multiple status effects simultaneously, making Ignite and Burn especially potent in combat.

Lords of the Fallen is currently accessible on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.
