Mastering the Linux Terminal: Avoid These 6 Mistakes

Mastering the Linux Terminal: Avoid These 6 Mistakes

Master the Linux command line with ease! Avoid these common beginner mistakes and work smarter, not harder Learn about consistency, reliable sources, user privileges, efficient editing, and effective workarounds With a little terminology and some easy tricks, you'll be a pro in no time

The Linux command line has a rich history dating all the way back to 1969, and it remains the most effective way to accomplish certain tasks. However, for those who are new to it, there are some common mistakes to avoid.

The command line pre-dates graphical desktop environments and was the primary method of using and administering Unix, the predecessor to Linux. With hundreds of commands available and many of them offering numerous options, the command line provides unparalleled granularity, power, speed, and flexibility.

Unfortunately, the blinking cursor in a terminal window can be intimidating to beginners, and the prospect of learning all the available commands and options can be overwhelming. It's a bit of a Catch-22 since the command line is more efficient when used proficiently.

Mastering the Linux Terminal: Avoid These 6 Mistakes

RELATEDCommand Lines: Are They Still Relevant in Today's Computing?

While it's true that almost everything can be achieved through your desktop, the command line remains a powerful tool for those who want to take their computing experience to the next level. By typing text-based instructions and reading responses, you can interact with your computer in a way that provides speed and flexibility that the graphical user interface (GUI) can't match.

Learning to use the command line may seem daunting, but it can save you from some unexpected pitfalls and make you a more efficient computer user. So why not give it a try?

A Little Terminology

The shell, also known as an interpreter, is the software that translates your input into commands and executes them for you. On most Linux distributions, Bash or Zsh is the default shell. To access the command line on a Linux installation with a graphical desktop environment like GNOME or KDE, you'll need to open a terminal window. Although strictly speaking, these are terminal emulation windows, they are commonly referred to as terminal windows. The terminal window is a simulated CRT terminal that replaces the old-school teletype machines that used a paper roll to display what you typed and print the computer's response. Inside the terminal window, you will find the shell which provides the command line. If someone asks you to type something on the command line, execute a shell command, or type something in a terminal window, they all mean the same thing. Simply open a terminal window and start typing at the command prompt.

Most Linux commands have command line options or flags that can modify their behavior, but these options may not necessarily have the same meaning across different commands. For instance, the -i option in grep means ignore case, while in ls, it means to display the inode number of each listed file. As Linux and Unix have been evolving over the years, different releases of the same tool may also have varying functionality and options. To learn more about how a command works and its options, you can consult the manual page with the command "man ls".

1. Don’t Expect Consistency

Mastering the Linux Terminal: Avoid These 6 Mistakes

To ensure consistent results when using a command across different computers, it's important to check the software version of the tool. The --version flag is a widely available option that displays the release number of the tool in the terminal window.

While researching a tool's options online may seem like a good idea, it's important to keep in mind that the information found may not be relevant to the specific version of the tool installed on your computer. For accurate and reliable information, consult the man pages on your computer. While they may not be the most user-friendly, they are designed to be succinct and match exactly with the versions of the tools and commands installed on your system.

Developing the skill to read and interpret man pages is crucial for anyone who spends time on the command line. It may take some practice, but mastering this skill will save you time and frustration in the long run.

Mastering the Linux Terminal: Avoid These 6 Mistakes

The accuracy of online resources can change over time, making it important to check the publication date of any online tutorials you follow. Furthermore, it's crucial to ensure that the tutorial is relevant to the Linux distribution and version you are using. Outdated tutorials can be misleading and ineffective, especially when new technologies replace old ones. To avoid falling for unreliable information, search for articles that provide clear explanations and step-by-step instructions with screenshots. If in doubt, cross-check the information with other reputable sources and be wary of potentially harmful commands. To better understand a command, consider running it through's command parser.

2. Don’t Believe Everything You Read

The website provides a breakdown of the command and its individual components. Rather than blindly copying and pasting a command into your terminal, take the smart approach of having it parsed and explained. Malicious commands are not the only ones to be wary of; innocent commands issued in the wrong order or missing a step can also cause harm to your computer. For instance, forgetting to return to your home directory before executing subsequent commands can result in them being executed in the wrong place within the file system, leading to error messages or even regrettable actions. It's never a good idea to log in as root, regardless of how tired you are of entering sudo. The purpose of sudo is to restrict root's special privileges only to the extent that you need them, preventing any potential damage that could arise from a moment's carelessness while logged in as root.

3. Don’t Log In as root

If a mistake occurs in a script or program, the consequences can be catastrophic when launched by root. As root has unrestricted access to the system, any processes launched by root also have the same level of access. Additionally, leaving your computer unlocked and unattended can allow anyone to gain root access simply by sitting down at the keyboard. Therefore, it is strongly advised to avoid logging in as root whenever possible.

It is crucial to type commands accurately without any typos as even small mistakes can result in unexpected outcomes. For instance, if you mistakenly type nl instead of ln, it will execute nl even if it doesn't make sense.

However, you don't need to memorize all the command names to use them. If you know what you want to do but can't recall the specific command, you can use the apropos command. Just type "apropos" followed by the topic you're interested in, such as "printing" or "remote connection," and it will display all the relevant commands.

For example, typing "apropos printing" will provide a list of commands related to printing.

Mastering the Linux Terminal: Avoid These 6 Mistakes

You can pipe the output through grep to filter the results, or into less to scroll and search through them. To see how to use a particular command, use man to open its man page, or use the --help command line option.

man lp

Mastering the Linux Terminal: Avoid These 6 Mistakes

lp --help

Mastering the Linux Terminal: Avoid These 6 Mistakes


Simplify your command sequences by creating aliases or shell functions for commonly used or complex commands. Choose meaningful names that are easy to remember. This will not only save you time on typing, but also prevent you from constantly looking up command syntax and line options.

Keep track of your command history as it is saved in your shell. Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to navigate through your history. Execute the command that is currently displayed by hitting Enter.

Remember to always include placeholders in your output:

- Use Aliases and Shell Functions


- Use the Shell History Feature

, and

- Search the History


Searching through your command history is made easy with the Ctrl+R key combination. Simply type in the first few letters of the command you're looking for and press Ctrl+R. If there is a match, the relevant command will be displayed. If it's not the right command, press Ctrl+R again to jump to the next match. Pressing Enter will execute the displayed command, but if you want to edit it, use the Left or Right Arrow keys to move the command to the command line.

5. Don’t Use a Difficult Editor

To make your life easier, consider using a simple editor that is easy to learn and doesn't require you to master complex editors like vim or emacs. This way, you can focus more on the task at hand rather than wrestling with the editor.

Using micro as an alternative to nano is a great choice for terminal window editing. Micro offers more functionality and is easier to use thanks to its familiar keyboard shortcuts like “Ctrl+s” for save and “Ctrl+q” for quit. However, if you find yourself struggling with micro, don't resort to a clunky workaround. Instead, persevere and find the correct solution to avoid potential security holes or system instabilities. Additionally, nano is likely to be preinstalled for you, making it a convenient option.

Setting permissions for entire directories to 777 is a common example of bad practice. While it may seem like a quick solution when frustrated and pressed for time, it is important to take the extra step to determine the necessary permissions and properly execute them. The flag 777 allows anyone on the computer to have full access to read, write, and execute files, as well as create and delete files in the directories. It is important to note that learning the command line does not require memorizing every option for each command.
