Mastering Tank Warfare in Hearts of Iron 4: Top 8 Designs

Unleash devastating power on the battlefield with the best tank designs in Hearts of Iron 4 Our guide offers eight unique configurations, from the Heavy Flame Tank Supremacy to the 1936 Cost Efficiency model Dominate your enemies and lead your army to victory with these behemoths of war
Paradox Interactive has once again delivered a captivating addition to the grand strategy genre with Hearts of Iron 4. This game strives to capture the intense combat of World War II through a wargame setup that determines the fate of the world. Players can create, train, and customize various divisions, with Tanks being one of the most crucial ground units alongside basic infantry. The level of complexity in Tank Designs is staggering, with even the slightest modification potentially determining victory or defeat. Fortunately, there are customization options available for players to create the perfect tank to suit their needs, including designs based on real-life tanks that have proven effective.
8 Medium Cannon Buster
The Medium Cannon Buster design in Hearts of Iron 4 offers a cost-effective solution for tank enthusiasts. By replacing the Tiger template's Small Cannons with a Medium Cannon as the main armament, this tank boasts a superior Soft Attack and proves to be a formidable opponent against the game’s AI challenges. In addition to its impressive firepower, the Medium Cannon Buster also incorporates Torque Bar (Suspension) and Riveted Armor (Armor Type) for enhanced Reliability and Breakthrough, making it an efficient choice for prolonged battles.
7 Heavy Flame Tank Supremacy
Building efficient tank divisions in Hearts of Iron 4 often includes the use of Flame Tanks, which have become increasingly popular. To further optimize their potential for backline support, Heavy Flame Tank Supremacy is the way to go. By maximizing the build, players can enhance the Defense boosts already provided by the flamethrower-based kit.
The Heavy Flame Tank build involves using a Grosstraktor A as a Flame Tank, but without necessarily equipping it with a Flamethrower. Instead, players focus on stacking as much Armor as possible, along with Armor Skirts (Special Features), to increase Breakthrough capabilities. This strategy results in a Flame Tank Division capable of effectively destroying an enemy's rear while also securing defenses for the rest of the team.
6 Soft Giant
Consider the Soft Giant tank build if you're looking for an efficient way to take on AI opponents. While not as heavily armored as the Heavy Tank, this Panzer IV-based tank boasts the speed of a Medium Tank for superior battlefield exploration. The Soft Giant build may rely on limited Small Cannons, but it compensates for this with the addition of a Radio and extra Ammunition Storage, which enhances its Reliability and Breakthrough. With its minimum Soft Attack, the Soft Giant is capable of piercing through the Armor rating of most AI opponents.
5 Super Marine
To enhance a Division's survivability in Hearts of Iron 4, players can focus on creating a well-equipped tank squad with strong Defense to support the rest of the squad. This is the key principle behind the Space Marine build, which prioritizes optimizing Infantry squad performance with the support of a Neubaufahrzeug, rather than relying on high-powered tanks.
For the Super Marine build, Armor Skirts (Special Features) are the recommended choice for boosting tank performance. While Sloped Armor and Cast Armor (Armor Type) can be beneficial in the late-game, they may increase the cost of the Super Marine tank unnecessarily. To keep costs down, players can opt for Riveted Armor (Armor Type), Auto Cannon (Main Armament), and the Two-Man Turret (Turret).
4 Maximized Efficiency
The Medium Tank build in Hearts of Iron 4 that consistently delivers desirable results is the Maximized Efficiency build. This build takes advantage of the Medium Tank's ability to carry a considerable amount of inventory. Using the Crusader as the base tank, Maximized Efficiency equips the tank with various components that help to optimize its performance. These components include the Three-Man Turret (Turret), Small Cannon (Main Armament), Improved Radio and Easy Maintenance (Special Features), Riveted Armor (Armor), and Interleaved Roadwheels (Suspension).
With these components, players can have a Medium Tank that is both fast and well-defended, while still possessing decent firepower. Although Maximized Efficiency may not offer remarkable Hard Attack, its Soft Attack combined with an above-average Max Speed makes it a formidable predator when chasing other ground units.
3 1936 Cost Efficiency
When starting out in most scenarios, players will begin with the Panzer II Ausf. tank. To create a cost-efficient kit that can last for a while without breaking the bank, the 1936 Cost Efficiency design can be used. The key to this build is to use a Light Tank, as using a Heavy Tank can unnecessarily increase costs. Lights can be customized to perform just as well as Mediums, making them a practical choice.
To create the 1936 Cost Efficiency build, players should focus on using cost-efficient options. These options include the Improved Automatic Cannon as the main armament, the Three-Man Turret for the turret, Armor Skirts for special features, Welded Armor for armor, and Bogie Suspension for suspension. By using these options, players can create a build with impressive armor and breakthrough that can make for a valuable addition to any squad.
2 Luxury Jack Of All Trades
To make the most out of Hearts of Iron 4 gameplay, players should consider investing in the Luxury Jack of All Trades. This high-cost Heavy Tank, made from a Vickers base, has the potential to become a formidable superweapon. Its armor-piercing capabilities make it effective against infantry, making it live up to its luxurious name. To make this tank even more powerful, players should equip it with a Medium Cannon (Main Armament) with a Squeezebore (Special Features) and Small Cannons (Turret) for increased Piercing and Soft Attack. Adding a Radio (Special Features) can also improve Defense and Breakthrough, while the Easy Maintenance (Special Features) option can enhance the tank's survivability.
1 Anti-Air Optimization
To protect their armies from aerial units in Hearts of Iron 4, players can utilize Anti-Air Optimization, which involves assigning a Panzer II A as an Anti-Air Tank and using the Improved Anti-Air Gun (Main Armament) with a Three-Man Turret to boost Air Attack. However, players should be aware that this strategy sacrifices 70% of their Breakthrough stat in favor of Air Attack. To compensate, other tanks in the division can improve overall firepower, particularly in Soft Attacks.
Hearts of Iron 4 is available on the PC.