Mastering Healing in Final Fantasy 16

Mastering Healing in Final Fantasy 16

Master the art of healing in Final Fantasy 16! Discover essential strategies for recovering after intense battles and uncover the best locations to find valuable healing items in the game

Final Fantasy 16, the latest installment in the franchise, is generating a significant amount of buzz with its highly-anticipated release. Although the game is yet to be launched, its demo has already captivated players' attention. Final Fantasy 16 introduces a plethora of new gameplay mechanics while also retaining some beloved older ones. The demo provides a glimpse into the epic battles that players can expect in the game.

Those who have experienced the demo will attest to its fast-paced action, making it nearly impossible to divert one's gaze from the intense battles. Clive, the game's main protagonist, starts at a modest level, gradually increasing as he engages in combat with enemies. This progression not only enhances his skills but also boosts his overall stats.

On his journey, Clive will confront numerous formidable adversaries, some of whom surpass him in level. While the adversaries of lower levels inflict minimal damage, those with higher levels can significantly deplete Clive's health. Neglecting their health bar may lead players to their demise. Fortunately, the game offers various items that aid Clive in restoring his HP.

Mastering Healing in Final Fantasy 16

The equipped items are conveniently shown in the bottom left corner of the screen in Final Fantasy 16. To restore health, players can easily press either the Up button or the Right button on the D-pad. By default, pressing the Up button allows the use of potions, while the Right button is used to consume high potions.

Clive's frequent encounters often result in low HP, prompting players to prioritize acquiring healing items. In the game, potions and high potions are scattered throughout the world, which Clive automatically collects without requiring any button presses. The regular potion restores a small portion of Clive's health, while the high potion provides significantly more recovery. Specifically, the high potion heals 40% of Clive's maximum HP, whereas regular potions restore 20%.

Mastering Healing in Final Fantasy 16

As the game progresses, players can expect to find more such items, and they will undoubtedly come in handy while fighting strong enemies.

It is crucial to utilize the items judiciously in order to prevent players from depleting their supply of healing items, considering that there is a restriction on the number of potions and other items Clive can carry simultaneously. If Clive's inventory is already full, any additional item will be automatically used.

Final Fantasy 16 releases on June 22, 2023, for PlayStation 5.