Mastering Fort Condor in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Strategy Guide for Junon Region

Mastering Fort Condor in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Strategy Guide for Junon Region

Gain the upper hand in Fort Condor within Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth using effective tactics and strategies. Discover the ins and outs of this challenging mini-game in our comprehensive guide.

The mini-games in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are both challenging and fun. Players can spend hours playing these mini-games without getting bored. What makes them even better is that they come with rewards, making all the effort worth it. One of the mini-games in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is Fort Condor.

Players will encounter Fort Condor after Cloud, Tifa, and Barett find themselves in the world of the board game. The game will then explain the rules of Fort Condor and how to win. If you are struggling to conquer Fort Condor, especially the one in Junon, you can refer to this guide.

How To Play Fort Condor In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There are three types of units in Fort Condor. These are:



Strong Against

Weak Against


  • Red
  • Ranged
  • Defense


  • Blue
  • Vanguard
  • Ranged


  • Green
  • Defense
  • Vanguard

It is important to summon the right units to deal with the enemies. Aside from the basic units, there are three Hero units.

Cloud (Defense)

Barret (Ranged)

Tifa (Vanguard)

In order to summon the Hero units, you will have to deploy enough Ally Units of the same type. The game also has neutral units like the ballista, trebuchet, and cleric.

To win the game, your goal is to defeat the Boss Unit before time runs out. Failing to do so will result in having to start the level over. It's important to approach each stage with a unique strategy in mind, so take the time to analyze before diving in.

Refine Your Strategies

Before beginning each stage, players will be able to select their preferred formation. There are four unique formations to choose from, each with different types of troops. It is important to align your Hero Units with your Ally Units. For an Offensive and Defensive formation, Tifa and Cloud should be selected as the Hero Units.

Final Fantasy Rebirth Fort Condor 1 Solution

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fort Condor 1 Junon Solution - Final Fantasy Rebirth Fort Condor 1 Solution

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fort Condor 1 Junon Solution - Final Fantasy Rebirth Fort Condor 1 Solution

This is the initial level of Fort Condor, making it the simplest stage. Once you've grasped the basics, your task is to defeat the enemy units. In this stage, it is recommended to use the Offense Focused Formation, with Barret and Tifa as your Hero Units.

Place the two trebuchets inside your base first to handle most of the enemy units. If you feel the trebuchets are at risk, send out some units to protect them.

Once your defense is secure, start summoning Ally Units. Focus on summoning Ranged and Vanguard units to unlock the Hero Units. When you're near the main Boss Unit, summon the heavy hitters and unleash the Hero Units. This strategy may vary slightly in time, but it is effective.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor 2 Solution

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fort Condor 2 Junon Solution - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor 2 Solution

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fort Condor 2 Junon Solution - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor 2 Solution

Fort Condor 3 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a tougher challenge compared to the previous stage. It may require several attempts to complete successfully, but don't worry, the overall strategy remains the same. Start by deploying the trebuchets and then strategically summon Ally Units based on the enemy's moves to gain an advantage. As you approach the Boss Unit, gather as many units as you can and unleash the Hero Unit at the perfect moment.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fort Condor 3 Junon Solution - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor 3 Solution

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fort Condor 3 Junon Solution - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor 3 Solution

To win Fort Condor 3, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth players will have to use the Offense and Defense Forward Formation and the Hero Units must be Cloud and Barett.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor 4 Solution

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fort Condor 4 Junon Solution - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor 4 Solution

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fort Condor 4 Junon Solution - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor 4 Solution

Fort Condor 4 presents the toughest challenge among the normal stages. To tackle this stage, players should opt for the Stronghold Defense Formation. This formation offers unlimited trebuchets, ballistae, and Enforcer units, with Cloud and Tifa as the Hero Units.

To start, place a trebuchet and ballista on the right side. Then, continue building more of these units to stop any enemy units from infiltrating your base. If any enemy manages to get past the trebuchets and ballistae, deploy Enforcer units to handle them. The Boss Unit in this stage has high HP, so it is crucial to advance swiftly to secure victory.

In the Junon Region Protorelic, consider choosing the Elite Vanguard, Elite Enforcer, or Elite Ranger if you feel you don't need more trebuchets or ballistae. Once you've secured enough ground, it's time to launch an attack on the Boss Unit. Approach it closely, deploy all your Defense units, and then call upon Cloud. This strategy should be sufficient to emerge victorious against the Boss Unit. By following these steps, you will successfully complete Fort Condor 4 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fort Condor Junon Region Protorelic

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Fort Condor Junon Region Protorelic

As a reward for completing all four Fort Condor challenges in Junon, you will receive the Junon Region Protorelic.

Editor's P/S:

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the Fort Condor mini-game in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It thoroughly explains the game's mechanics, including unit types, hero units, and formations. The detailed walkthroughs for each of the four stages in the Junon Region offer specific strategies and tips to help players overcome the challenges. The progression of difficulty and the rewards for completing the stages add to the excitement and motivation to engage with this mini-game.

Overall, the article is well-written and informative, providing players with the necessary knowledge and guidance to conquer Fort Condor. It encourages experimentation with different strategies and formations, allowing players to develop their own preferred approaches and experience the game's depth and variety.