Mastering Chronomancy: Manipulating Day and Night

Mastering Chronomancy: Manipulating Day and Night

Manipulating the time of day is a crucial skill in mastering Chronomancy, particularly for advancing through quests that require specific day or night conditions. Learn how to harness the power of time to excel in The Thaumaturge.

Initially, players are unable to adjust the time of day in The Thaumaturge. This limitation is understandable during the prologue, which unfolds in a single day. However, once players move on to Warsaw after the Prologue, they will have the option to change the time of day.

As players explore Warsaw in The Thaumaturge, they may encounter missions that can only be completed at specific times. Fortunately, players can freely change the time of day after finishing the prologue. This guide will provide instructions on how to do so.

How to Pass Time

The Thaumaturge_Pass Time_Options - How to Pass Time

The Thaumaturge_Pass Time_Options - How to Pass Time

Players can relax and pass time at a "Place of Respite," which can be found on the map with a clock icon. When near one of these benches or rest spots, players can click on the "Wait" icon that appears next to Wiktor. At a Place of Respite, players can also engage in amusing conversations with Upyr, providing insight into Wiktor's character or just a moment of levity.

Players have the option to wait until Morning, Noon, Afternoon, or Night at a Place of Respite. The current time will not be displayed as an option. Passing time is crucial for certain quests, as some events can only occur at specific times of day. For instance, certain locations may be closed if Wiktor arrives too early or too late, and some characters may only be available at specific times.

After completing the quest "The Mermaid City's Son" and attending Stanislaw Szulski's funeral, players will gain access to Places of Respite in Warsaw. This marks the point in Act 1 where the game allows players to freely explore the city after following a fairly linear path. As players delve into investigating the Black Grimoire, they will have various leads to follow. Knowing how to manually change the time of day can be beneficial during this exploration.

Editor's P/S:

This article provides clear and concise instructions on how to change the time of day in The Thaumaturge, a game feature that becomes available after completing the prologue. The guide highlights the importance of time-sensitive missions and how altering the time can assist players in completing them.

The inclusion of "Places of Respite" and the ability to engage in conversations with Upyr adds an immersive element to the gameplay. These moments of respite allow players to connect with the game's characters and gain insights into their personalities. The guide effectively conveys the significance of time management and its impact on the player's exploration and quest progression, making it a valuable resource for players seeking to fully experience The Thaumaturge.