Mastering Armory Unlocks in CoD: Modern Warfare 3 - A Fast Track Guide

Mastering Armory Unlocks in CoD: Modern Warfare 3 - A Fast Track Guide

Unlock armory items quickly and efficiently in CoD: Modern Warfare 3 Our expert tips will guide you through the Amory Unlock system and teach you how to access menus for fast progression Don't miss out on getting everything for your loadout!

Amory Unlock system explained

Modern Warfare 3's Armory Unlock system presents a deviation from the typical progression in Call of Duty games, as it mandates the completion of daily challenges to acquire various items. Consequently, numerous weapons, perks, killstreaks, and equipment that would usually be obtained through natural player advancement now necessitate the completion of these challenges. Notable examples include the trophy system, Cold-Blooded and Covert Sneakers perks, VTOL Jet killstreak, and a selection of new weapons.

The set of three daily challenges will refresh every 24 hours at 9 PM PT/ 12 AM ET. It is recommended to complete all three challenges in order to unlock essential perks and gear in the armory. Each completed daily challenge earns you one point. However, if you manage to complete all three daily challenges, you will unlock a bonus challenge that allows you to earn even more unlock points.

Since the MP and Zombies challenges are separate, it is suggested to complete both sets of dailies to maximize the points earned each day.

How to access Armory Unlock menus

Upon reaching level 25, you will gain access to the Armory, although the unlock challenges will not be immediately available. To locate the Armory, navigate to the left hand side of the lobby menu where your daily challenges are displayed. You will notice an option to hit Triangle or Y on consoles to "select a new armory challenge."

Selecting this option will redirect you to the Armory unlocks section. Here, you will find distinct tabs for various categories including Weapons, Aftermarket Parts, Perks, Equipment, Field Upgrades, and Killstreaks.

To ensure that your points contribute towards the specific item you desire, you must actively designate the item as your active armory unlock goal. You can choose one item to actively pursue and set others to be queued for future acquisition.

Mastering Armory Unlocks in CoD: Modern Warfare 3 - A Fast Track Guide

Armory Unlocks weapon list

How to unlock items fast and efficiently

One effective strategy to speed up the grind and avoid wasting points in the game is to prioritize unlocking weapons, perks, and killstreaks over smaller equipment such as the Snapshot grenade. Take note of the items in these categories that you are most likely to use and their respective point requirements. For instance, the VTOL Jet killstreak costs 8 unlock points, while the care package streak only costs 2. Always ensure that you have a selection of these high-priority items in your queue.

There is a different method to unlock guns and equipment, so it is advisable to avoid using your valuable unlock points for these. In the Zombies mode of Modern Warfare 3, you can unlock weapons and equipment by successfully extracting them, similar to DMZ. This allows you to unlock all the equipment and weapons, thereby saving your unlock points for perks and killstreaks.

Most of the weapons can be obtained through Wall Buy or as random items from the Mystery Box, while equipment can be easily found in ammo caches and loot containers scattered throughout the game world. Additionally, it is important to communicate with your friends. If one of them has already unlocked a weapon, they can drop it for you in Zombies, giving you a chance to obtain it.

Some items may have bugs when unlocking via the Zombies exfil method. Currently, I am unable to unlock the drill charge, but it was unlocked by my teammates. Keep attempting it.

To learn more about Modern Warfare 3, be sure to read our guide on accelerating your leveling process, encompassing both player rank and weapon progression. In this guide, we showcase all the MW3 mastery camos and provide instructions on how to unlock them.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of Call of Duty, I am thrilled with the new Armory Unlock system in Modern Warfare 3. It's a great way to keep players engaged and motivated, as it provides a clear goal to work towards. The daily challenges are varied and challenging, and the rewards are definitely worth the effort. I especially appreciate the fact that you can choose which items you want to unlock first, so you can tailor the experience to your own playstyle.

Overall, I think the Armory Unlock system is a great addition to Modern Warfare 3 and I'm excited to see how it evolves in future games. However, I do have a few suggestions for improvements. First, I think the challenges could be a bit more varied. After a while, they can start to feel repetitive. Second, I think the rewards could be a bit more substantial. It would be nice to see some more exclusive items that can only be obtained through the Armory Unlock system. Finally, I think the system could be a bit more user-friendly. It can be difficult to keep track of which challenges you've completed and which items you're still working towards.