Master Your Universe in Starfield: Unlock and Elevate Your Skills

Master Your Universe in Starfield: Unlock and Elevate Your Skills

Upgrade your skills in Starfield with this comprehensive guide Discover the 82 skills and their various ranks, along with the prerequisites needed for progression Maximize your potential in the game with our expert tips

In Starfield, there are a total of five distinct skill trees, each containing sixteen or seventeen distinctive skills. Adding to the complexity, every skill in Starfield is categorized into four ranks, with higher ranks offering greater advantages and potentially unlocking entirely new perks.

However, enhancing skills in Starfield is not a straightforward process of allocating skill points until reaching Rank 4. To clarify, players will still require skill points, but they must also successfully complete a unique challenge specific to each skill rank before gaining the opportunity to upgrade.

How to Upgrade Skills in Starfield

Master Your Universe in Starfield: Unlock and Elevate Your Skills

Whenever players unlock a new skill, they will be presented with a corresponding challenge that pertains to that skill. For instance, for the Pistol Certification skill, players will need to achieve a specific number of pistol kills, while for Boost Pack Training, they will need to utilize a Boost Pack a certain number of times during combat scenarios. To monitor their progress and view the challenge requirements, players can access the Skills menu at any time. Additionally, a visual representation of this concept is depicted below:

Master Your Universe in Starfield: Unlock and Elevate Your Skills

After successfully completing a challenge, players can enhance their skill by using another skill point. This action will unlock a fresh challenge, which typically resembles the previous one but with an increased number of kills, boost pack usage, or any other task or feat that was previously required. It is important to note that progress is not carried over from one challenge to the next, as each challenge starts from scratch. Additionally, the game does not begin tracking progress towards a challenge until the respective skill has been unlocked.

Master Your Universe in Starfield: Unlock and Elevate Your Skills

Some challenges are easier than others, making them more suitable for farming. For instance, challenges that involve sprinting while carrying a certain weight are relatively simple for the Weight Lifting skill. However, challenges for skills like Security and Persuasion are highly dependent on specific situations. Players need to locate characters who can be persuaded or locks that can be picked, which significantly increases the difficulty of upgrading these skills.

Master Your Universe in Starfield: Unlock and Elevate Your Skills

The advantage is that players can preview the bonuses for each rank of a skill before investing any skill points. This simplifies the decision-making process regarding whether a skill is worth the investment, and if so, whether to upgrade it to the highest rank or leave it as is. It should be noted that higher ranks are consistently superior to lower ones, but determining whether an additional 10% or a few extra seconds are worth the time and effort to upgrade a skill is not always straightforward.

Starfield is currently accessible for PC and Xbox Series X|S.