Master Your Potion Strategy in Pokémon GO: To Discard or Not to Discard?

Master Your Potion Strategy in Pokémon GO: To Discard or Not to Discard?

Wondering if you should keep regular Potions in your Pokémon GO inventory? Find out where to get Potions and when it's best to discard them

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Where to Get Potions

When Should You Discard Potions?

To make room for essential items, Pokemon GO players must regularly organize their inventory. Unlike in the mainline Pokemon games, items cannot be sold; however, trainers have the option to discard them, including Potions. In the absence of Pokemon Centers, trainers rely on Potions to heal their Pokemon. Since it is the only dependable method for restoring health, it is unwise for trainers to discard all Potions in their inventory. Similar to Poke Balls, Potions in GO come in various types, so it is advisable for trainers to differentiate between them before discarding any.

Where to Get Potions

Master Your Potion Strategy in Pokémon GO: To Discard or Not to Discard?

In the initial phases of Pokemon GO, players have the opportunity to acquire Potions and Revives. These items serve a crucial purpose in a tutorial-like mode designed to teach players how to completely restore the health of their Pokemon. As players progress in their Trainer Level, they will gain access to three additional varieties of Potions: Super Potions, Hyper Potions, and Max Potions.

Potions: Effectively restores 20HP.

Super Potions: Restores 50HP, and unlocks at level 10.

Hyper Potions: Restores 200HP, and unlocks at level 15.

Max Potions restore full health and become available at level 25. Regular Potions can be acquired by spinning PokeStop and Gym discs. Once players reach the required level, they can also obtain Super Potions and Hyper Potions from PokeStops/Gyms. However, acquiring Hyper Potions is more convenient during a Daily PokeStop Spin. By spinning a PokeStop or Gym for seven consecutive days, players will receive bonus items as a reward for achieving a Daily Spin. On the seventh day, players will receive a variety of items, including an evolution item like a Dragon Scale.

In addition to being rewarded in Raids, defeating Team GO Rocket, and completing specific tasks in the Special Research category, potions are also obtainable. Players can receive and send Gifts to Friends, and as the Friendship Level increases, the chances of receiving Hyper Potions or Max Potions also increase.

At the in-game Shop, players have the option to purchase x10 Max Potions for 200 Coins.

When Should You Discard Potions?

Master Your Potion Strategy in Pokémon GO: To Discard or Not to Discard?

When the Item Bag becomes full, it is advisable to discard potions. However, players should prioritize getting rid of potions with the lowest healing properties, such as the purple potions (20HP) and super potions. This is especially important if players have a sufficient number of hyper potions and max potions. However, if players only have three max potions, one hyper potion, and 20 regular potions, it is recommended to keep everything.

Another factor to consider when deciding whether to discard potions is participation in raids and battles. Pokemon lose HP during battles, and if players frequently engage in raids or gym battles, they should avoid discarding potions. If they need to create space in their inventory, they should consider expanding their storage capacity (200 coins) or finding other items to discard.

Pokemon GO is available for mobile devices.