Master your Path to Success in Starfield: Unleash the Power of These Essential Skills First!

Discover the ultimate Starfield skills! Unlocking these abilities will enhance your gameplay, irrespective of your style From Boost Pack Training to Weight Lifting, master these skills to excel in the game
In Starfield, prioritizing the best starting skills is crucial for players, similar to any other modern RPG. These skills should align with the player's strengths, weaknesses, and game strategy. While there is no definitive set of skills as it varies from player to player, there are a few essential skills that are beneficial for every playthrough.
Named aptly, starting skills prove to be highly valuable at the onset of the game and gain additional effectiveness as players progress, complete challenges, and unlock higher ranks. Initially, players automatically unlock three starting skills based on their chosen Background. However, they have the opportunity to unlock more skills as they level up. Consequently, it is recommended to prioritize the best starting skills in Starfield above all others.
1 Boost Pack Training
2 Commerce
Upon delivering the artifact from the mine, players will be granted a Boost Pack by Sarah. However, they will not be able to utilize it unless they possess the Boost Pack Training skill. While choosing a Background with this skill attached may not provide a significant advantage at this stage of the game after leveling up several times, it becomes an indispensable skill once players possess the necessary tools to make use of the Boost Pack.
Boost your credits in the early stages of Starfield with the invaluable Commerce skill. This skill not only increases the rate at which merchants purchase your goods but also reduces the price of all items. By fully maxing out the Commerce skill, players can enjoy a remarkable 20% discount on purchases and earn an additional 25% in credits for every item sold. For optimal financial success in Starfield, Commerce is undeniably one of the top skills to prioritize.
3 Persuasion
4 Pistol Certification
Why engage in conflict when there exists the opportunity to negotiate one's way out of a predicament? This line of reasoning exemplifies the importance of the Persuasion skill, and it is difficult to dispute its value. From the early stages of Starfield, this skill proves to be immensely beneficial, thus making it one of the most advantageous starting abilities to obtain promptly. Specifically designed for individuals who prefer to avoid physical confrontations or struggle with combat prowess, the Persuasion skill presents itself as a valuable asset.
The Pistol Certification skill is essential for players in Starfield, as pistols are one of the most prevalent weapons in the game. As soon as players select their character's Background, they will quickly acquire their first pistol, which will be frequently utilized during the initial stages of gameplay. Since pistols are readily available, the usefulness of Pistol Certification extends throughout the entire playthrough.
5 Research Methods
6 Scavenging
Research Methods is an essential skill that players should not underestimate, as it significantly enhances the process of crafting and researching. By reducing the resources needed, it provides a valuable advantage when creating new items or completing research projects. While it is not necessary to unlock this skill immediately, players are encouraged to do so as soon as they establish their first outpost and embark on their crafting journey.
In Starfield, just like in previous Bethesda games, looting is highly encouraged. While exploring the vast landscapes, players can discover an array of incredible weapons, as well as valuable Credits, ammunition, and essential supplies such as first aid kits. Furthermore, by enhancing their Scavenging skill, players can significantly increase the quantity of these valuable items obtained through looting. Undoubtedly, the Scavenging skill ranks among the top skills in Starfield.
7 Security
8 Weight Lifting
In Starfield, the most valuable treasures are often hidden inside safes and lockboxes. To acquire these coveted items, players must acquire the skill of lock-picking. However, to successfully unlock the game's most intricate locks, players must first unlock the Security skill and reach its highest level. It is highly recommended to prioritize unlocking this skill early on. While players may not encounter many Master level locks in the beginning stages of the game, they can still engage in challenges to improve their lock-picking abilities.
For those who just can't resist taking every single item that isn't securely fastened to the ground, the Weight Lifting skill in Starfield is undoubtedly the way to go. It has the amazing ability to boost the player's carry capacity by as much as one hundred kilograms, effectively preventing them from becoming encumbered. Of course, it's still possible to unload heavier items onto a companion or store them in the ship or at an outpost, but why bother with all that when you can simply unlock and enhance the Weight Lifting skill for immediate and significant advantages?
Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X|S.