Master the Ultimate Space Adventure: Starfield's Epic Guide to Obtaining and Piloting Spaceships

Master the Ultimate Space Adventure: Starfield's Epic Guide to Obtaining and Piloting Spaceships

Embark on interstellar adventures in Starfield with your very own spaceship Discover how to obtain and masterfully navigate your ship, including controls, power allocation, and ways to soar through the cosmos at incredible speeds

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How To Get A Ship

How To Fly A Ship

Ship Controls And Power Allocation

How To Fly Faster

Flying a ship is one of the initial tasks players undertake in Starfield when embarking on their journey through the galaxy. While certain aspects of flying are automated, others require players to actively engage with power selection and manual maneuvers in order to navigate through space and combat enemy vessels.

Initially, the process of piloting a ship in Starfield may appear intricate, particularly due to the technical user interface (UI) displays on the screen. However, once players become familiar with the different elements involved in ship flying and understand the information presented on the ship's heads-up display (HUD), it becomes less daunting.

How To Get A Ship

Master the Ultimate Space Adventure: Starfield's Epic Guide to Obtaining and Piloting Spaceships

How To Fly A Ship

Acquiring the "Frontier" ship marks a significant milestone for players embarking on Starfield's inaugural mission, aptly titled "One Small Step." This main quest commences with an encounter between players and the enigmatic character named Barrett, who, following a thrilling showdown against a band of nefarious space pirates, generously lends them his ship and the trusty robotic companion, Vasco. However, as players gradually unveil more of the game's vast universe, they are afforded the opportunity to acquire or stumble upon additional spacecrafts, thereby expanding their fleet. Furthermore, players have the ability to enhance and upgrade their ships, signaling a promising voyage filled with endless possibilities.

Master the Ultimate Space Adventure: Starfield's Epic Guide to Obtaining and Piloting Spaceships

After acquiring Barrett's ship, players are introduced to a concise tutorial in Starfield that teaches them the fundamentals of ship navigation and engages them in their first encounter with enemy ships, providing a glimpse of ship combat. Although the star map and mission selection options facilitate swift travel between planets and systems, it is crucial for players to grasp the art of flying in order to protect themselves from adversaries while orbiting planets. Landing on a planet is made effortless in Starfield, as players simply need to designate their desired landing area without any additional concerns.

Ship Controls And Power Allocation

Master the Ultimate Space Adventure: Starfield's Epic Guide to Obtaining and Piloting Spaceships

Upon seating themselves in the cockpit and initiating takeoff, players find themselves soaring through space in their ship, following a brief cutscene. The central HUD, presented in a circular manner, displays the ship's speed, usually remaining static unless players attempt to accelerate. Additionally, it showcases buttons dedicated to the ship's ballistic, missile, and laser weaponry, crucial for engaging in space combat within Starfield. It's important to mention that players have the ability to seamlessly alternate between third-person and first-person perspectives.

Situated at the bottom-left corner of the screen lies the ship's power allocation system. This feature grants players the ability to assign power to six distinct ship components, thereby tailoring their power distribution in accordance with the given circumstances or personal preferences. Such customization options contribute towards enhancing the overall power and effectiveness of each individual component. These parts include:

Lasers (LAS)

Ballistics (BAL)

Missiles (MIS)

Engine (ENG)

Shield (SHD)

Gravity (GRV)

Master the Ultimate Space Adventure: Starfield's Epic Guide to Obtaining and Piloting Spaceships

In general, players can keep the power options unchanged. Nevertheless, players might consider allocating additional power slots to the shields when under attack or to the gravity bar when performing a grav jump to a larger planet or system. Interestingly, the game's ship flight tutorial encourages players to undertake this customization.

How To Fly Faster

Master the Ultimate Space Adventure: Starfield's Epic Guide to Obtaining and Piloting Spaceships

In Starfield, players have the option to enhance their speed during flight by utilizing the Boost button located at the bottom-right section of the circular central HUD. Additionally, increasing power to the spacecraft's engine enables players to achieve greater velocity. Those seeking improved engine performance can consider upgrading their ship within the Starfield game. Experience the captivating world of Starfield on Xbox Series X/S and PC platforms.