Master the Shadows: Unveiling Starfield's Stealth Mechanics for Ultimate Stealthiness

Master the Shadows: Unveiling Starfield's Stealth Mechanics for Ultimate Stealthiness

Unlock the power of stealth in Starfield and infiltrate combat undetected Enhance your gameplay by upgrading the Stealth Skill - discover all the essential details here

Players have the freedom to personalize their Starfield characters to the fullest extent, not only in terms of their physical appearance but also their abilities and characteristics. By embarking on exploration of diverse planets, conquering formidable enemies, and successfully fulfilling missions, players will earn experience points (XP) and advance their character's level. This progress grants them the opportunity to select and enhance desired skills.

This comprehensive guide is dedicated to Starfield's Stealth Skill, offering players a complete understanding of its intricacies and providing invaluable insights to help them become true masters of the skill. Furthermore, it outlines the various perks that players will unlock as they invest in and raise their rank in the Stealth Skill.

How to Unlock Stealth

Master the Shadows: Unveiling Starfield's Stealth Mechanics for Ultimate Stealthiness

In Starfield, players have the option to begin the game by attempting to stay unnoticed. However, they can enhance their abilities by unlocking the Stealth Skill within the Physical Skill Tree, thereby significantly increasing the difficulty for enemies to detect them.

To activate Stealth mode, players must crouch, which can be achieved by pressing B on Xbox or the left Ctrl button on PC.

Stealth Skill Ranks

After acquiring the Stealth Skill, some players may attempt to execute a stealth kill by silently approaching enemies from behind. Alas, Starfield does not support the ability to perform stealth kills. Nevertheless, investing in the Stealth Skill does offer a distinct advantage. Silenced weapons now inflict additional damage during sneak attacks, while targets take longer to detect the player's presence. Consequently, launching attacks and even engaging in pickpocketing endeavors becomes considerably safer and more manageable.

Master the Shadows: Unveiling Starfield's Stealth Mechanics for Ultimate Stealthiness

The Stealth Skill consists of four different ranks that players can enhance as they progress and level up their character. By increasing their rank, players will have the opportunity to unlock various perks. The following list includes all the available rankings and the corresponding perks that can be unlocked.

Stealth Skill Rank



  • Unlocks Stealth meter
  • The player is 25 percent harder to detect when sneaking
  • Suppressed weapons deal +5 percent sneak attack damage


  • Stealth meter upgrade
  • The player is 50 percent harder to detect when sneaking
  • Suppressed weapons deal +10 percent sneak attack damage


  • The player is 75 percent harder to detect when sneaking
  • Suppressed weapons deal +15 percent sneak attack damage


  • The player is 100 percent harder to detect when sneaking
  • Suppressed weapons deal +20 sneak attack damage
  • The player can now open doors while sneaking without alerting enemies

By executing stealthy surprise attacks and progressing through experience points and character levels, gamers can incrementally enhance their Stealth Skill. Moreover, they can advance their expertise further by gaining access to the Concealment Skill, located at the apex of the Physical Skill Tree.

Starfield is now available on PC and Xbox Series X/S.