Master the Art of Swift Travel in Final Fantasy 16

Master the Art of Swift Travel in Final Fantasy 16

Navigate Final Fantasy 16 effortlessly with the power of fast travel! Discover how players can seamlessly teleport across vast landscapes, saving time and energy during their exhilarating adventures

Final Fantasy 16 immerses players in the thrilling journey of Clive, the esteemed First Shield of Rosaria, amidst a time of turmoil caused by the Blight. As nations grapple with the devastating consequences of the Blight, a lack of solution fuels animosity, resulting in a tragic loss of lives.

Embarking on a new game, players will gradually unravel the intricate narrative while swiftly engaging in the exhilarating combat. The visually captivating world of Final Fantasy 16 showcases awe-inspiring regions, each surpassing the last in its magnificence. Although some areas pose challenges for exploration on foot, the inclusion of fast travel in Final Fantasy 16 alleviates any obstacles.

Players will only be able to use fast travel once they have finished a series of tasks. One of these tasks involves completing a training session with the Lord Commander, followed by a meeting with the Archduke requested by Clive. Although the destination is relatively close, players are encouraged to take their time and explore the area, as there may be valuable items to collect.

After completing the task, players are directed to visit Clive's father, who requests his assistance in investigating a potential goblin infestation. He advises Clive to rejoin the main force once the issue is resolved. Following their conversation, players are tasked with guiding Clive to his quarters. Before embarking on the mission, several cutscenes featuring Clive, Jill, the Archduke, and his wife take place.

With the sunrise, Clive prepares himself for the mission, accompanied by his two companions. This prompts the appearance of a highlighted map, indicating Clive's next destination.

Master the Art of Swift Travel in Final Fantasy 16

To initiate fast travel in Final Fantasy 16, players will simply need to drag their cursor across the specified area. Once the designated area is selected, players must press and hold the X button to successfully perform the action. Upon completion, Clive and his teammates will be instantly transported to their desired location.

Master the Art of Swift Travel in Final Fantasy 16

As the game progresses, Clive gains access to an expanding array of destinations to explore. Hiroshi Takai, the game's director, has confirmed that players can choose between traveling on foot or utilizing a Chocobo to navigate each area. Every region is teeming with diverse monsters and valuable items, necessitating thorough exploration by players.

Final Fantasy 16 will release on June 22, 2023, for PlayStation 5.