Master the Art of Pokemon Sleep: The Ultimate Guide to Acquire Every Berry!

Master the Art of Pokemon Sleep: The Ultimate Guide to Acquire Every Berry!

Discover the ultimate guide to Pokemon Sleep Berries! Uncover a comprehensive list of all eighteen Berries, and master the art of obtaining them swiftly Unlock secrets on collecting more Berries and understand the unique characteristics that set Pokemon Sleep Berries apart

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List of All Berries in Pokemon Sleep

How to Get Different Berries

How to Collect More Berries

How Do Pokemon Sleep Berries Differ

Berries are the main source of strength in Pokemon Sleep. To boost its Drowsy Power and attract more Pokemon, players need to feed Snorlax these fruits.

Although described simply, Berries in Pokemon Sleep can be perplexing for new players because of the game's automatic resource-gathering feature and the concealed Berry Note entries that become available only after collecting one of each kind. This guide aims to clear up the confusion by presenting a comprehensive list of all Pokemon Sleep Berries and providing instructions on obtaining them.

List of All Berries in Pokemon Sleep

Master the Art of Pokemon Sleep: The Ultimate Guide to Acquire Every Berry!

In Pokemon Sleep, there are a total of 18 distinct types of Berries available. However, none of these Berries possess a unique power or effect. Nevertheless, certain Berries can provide double the usual Strength, depending on Snorlax's preferences. Below is a list of all the collectible Berries in Pokemon Sleep.

Wiki Berry

Yache Berry

Persim Berry

Pamtre Berry

Sitrus Berry

Leppa Berry

Belue Berry

Cheri Berry

Chesto Berry

Lum Berry

Oran Berry

Mango Berry

Rawst Berry

Grepa Berry

Figy Berry

Durin Berry

Bulk Berry

Pecha Berry

How to Get Different Berries

Master the Art of Pokemon Sleep: The Ultimate Guide to Acquire Every Berry!

In order to acquire a particular Berry, players must enlist a Pokemon specialized in "Berries." These Pokemons have a higher likelihood of collecting the frequently found Berries on the respective island. However, resource gathering in Pokemon Sleep heavily relies on chance, making it impossible to ensure obtaining a specific fruit.

It is important for players to keep in mind that each Helper Pokemon has a Carry Limit. This limit determines the maximum number of Berries (or Ingredients) that it can gather. Once a Helper reaches this limit, it automatically feeds some of its items to Snorlax before resuming collection.

How to Collect More Berries

Master the Art of Pokemon Sleep: The Ultimate Guide to Acquire Every Berry!

To maximize your Berry collection, consider recruiting Pokemon with the skills 'Berry Finding S' or 'Helping Speed M.' These abilities will speed up the fruit gathering process and boost your overall harvest. In addition, by blowing a Helper Whistle, you can instantly obtain three hours' worth of Berries.

Creating a team focused on Berry collection is also beneficial. Pokemon with Lonely, Adamant, Naughty, and Brave Natures excel in helping speed and can gather more resources efficiently within shorter periods.

How Do Pokemon Sleep Berries Differ

While the game provides distinct descriptions for every Berry, they lack any noteworthy distinctions. Nevertheless, if a Berry appears on Snorlax's wish list on an island, it usually bestows twice the amount of Strength compared to other fruits.

Berries do not have any impact on the preparation or taste of dishes and recipes. Furthermore, they cannot be sold as they are exclusively used to feed Snorlax, and thus do not appear in the Bag. Pokémon Sleep can now be downloaded on mobile devices.