Master Linux with These 7 Engaging and Interactive Websites

Master Linux with These 7 Engaging and Interactive Websites

Discover the joy of learning Linux with these 7 exceptional websites Experience the thrill of Linux Journey, OverTheWire, Linux Survival, Terminus, Hackerrank, PicoCTF, and Vim Adventures Unveil the best way to master Linux while having an enjoyable journey

Why Should You Consider Learning Linux?

Learning Linux can now be an exciting adventure, thanks to the abundance of online resources available. No longer do you have to endure tedious textbooks and complex technical documentation to acquire knowledge. Our extensive internet search has uncovered the top-notch websites that offer an enjoyable, interactive, and captivating learning experience for Linux enthusiasts.

Understanding the inner workings of Linux is essential if you intend to pursue a career in IT. Proficiency in Linux systems is a requirement in various IT fields, including networking, server administration, programming and development, DevOps, and cybersecurity.

Even if an IT career is not on your radar, gaining knowledge of Linux can still be personally beneficial. Whether you have a curiosity about operating systems, require it for academic studies, or simply want to learn for the sheer enjoyment of it, mastering Linux can prove to be a worthwhile and fulfilling endeavor.

7 Websites To Learn Linux

We deeply researched and curated this list based on the content, user-friendliness, and learning purposes. So, without further ado, let's jump right into the list.

Linux Journey

Master Linux with These 7 Engaging and Interactive Websites

Linux Journey is at the top of the list due to its well-structured lesson format. They cover everything from command-line to networking, ensuring comprehensive coverage. The lessons are conveniently organized into sections and subsections, making it easier for learners to navigate.

While the lessons are primarily text-based with occasional code snippets, those who prefer visual materials may find this a drawback. However, the content presentation is enjoyable to read and remains valuable even if reading isn't your preferred method of learning. Each lesson is brief, allowing you to complete them within a few minutes. Additionally, the lessons include exercises for hands-on practice, which we highly recommend for gaining technical knowledge. To gauge your understanding, there are quiz questions available at the end.


The user interface (UI) provides a sleek and clean design, enhancing your learning experience. With easy navigation, finding the desired lesson is hassle-free. Linux Journey currently offers support for 15 languages, allowing you to learn in your preferred language. If you seek a comprehensive overview of Linux without the need for hands-on experimentation, Linux Journey stands as the ideal companion.

Master Linux with These 7 Engaging and Interactive Websites

OverTheWire offers a unique avenue for enhancing Linux proficiency via engaging in their captivating "Wargames." These thought-provoking challenges predominantly cater to individuals passionate about comprehending computer security, while also providing a dedicated section for building a solid foundation in Linux fundamentals.

There are over ten wargames available, each covering a unique aspect of security. For instance, the initial game, "Bandit," focuses on the fundamental Linux commands. "Natas" explores web security, while "Krypton" delves into cryptography concepts. In "Narnia," you will encounter basic exploitations. Every wargame comprises multiple levels, and you must solve them sequentially to progress and ultimately complete a game. This creates an adventurous experience for players.

To play the games, you must connect to the respective wargame server via SSH. Particularly in the beginner wargames, each level offers learning resources such as manual pages and Wikipedia, allowing you to acquire the necessary knowledge to solve specific challenges. If you enjoy tackling difficult puzzles, OverTheWire can be your optimal choice for learning Linux.

Linux Survival

Master Linux with These 7 Engaging and Interactive Websites

Linux Survival offers a comprehensive collection of introductory Linux topics and commands organized into four modules. Each module covers a distinct set of subjects. For instance, module 1 focuses on file and directory manipulation in Linux. To progress to the next module, completion of the previous one is required to acquire the necessary knowledge.

The lessons are designed to enable you to swiftly grasp the essential material concerning Linux and specific Linux commands. You can then test out these commands in the provided terminal window to witness their practical application. The lessons effectively guide you through the concepts and provide explanations of various use cases. In addition to textual content, visual aids such as pictures and charts enhance your comprehension.

After completing each module, you will have the opportunity to assess your understanding through a quiz. In the event that you input an incorrect command in the terminal or provide an inaccurate answer, the correct response will be displayed to guide you. Additionally, Linux Survival offers a multitude of valuable resources where you can delve deeper into your learning journey, along with a comprehensive list of the most frequently utilized Linux commands. With its user-friendly approach and seamless integration with the terminal, Linux Survival comes highly recommended for individuals seeking to grasp the fundamentals of Linux.


Master Linux with These 7 Engaging and Interactive Websites

Terminus, an engrossing text-based adventure game, aims to facilitate learning of the Linux command line. Developed by a duo of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students, this captivating terminal game will immerse you in a quest to unravel the secrets of a mystical realm and rescue it from the clutches of a malevolent sorcerer.

To navigate and explore in the game, you must use real Linux commands to interact with objects and different areas. The game limits you to a set of commands in each environment, allowing you to thoroughly learn and use each command when necessary. This also gives you the freedom to experiment with the commands. Despite being text-based, the game features retro pixel art graphics that enhance the entertainment factor. These graphics also create a memorable visual connection with the commands you input. If you find the command line challenging to learn and prefer a more gamified approach to master it, Terminus is an excellent starting point for your adventure and to grasp the basics.


Master Linux with These 7 Engaging and Interactive Websites

Hackerrank is a tech hiring platform that includes problem-solving challenges in various areas such as programming languages, data structures, databases, mathematics, and the Linux shell.

If you enjoy competitive programming, you will find this learning style highly engaging. Each challenge presents a problem description, constraints, sample inputs, sample outputs, and an explanation. With an integrated code editor, you can write Bash code to solve the problem. You have the option to test run your code to identify any errors before submitting your solution. Hackerrank evaluates your solutions using different inputs to determine their accuracy.


Hackerrank offers a competitive environment to keep you motivated with its editorials, discussion panel, problem tutorials, and a leaderboard. However, it is important to note that not all problems on Hackerrank have tutorials or solutions attached, making it different from other options in this list. Hackerrank does not provide much hand-holding, which makes it more suitable for individuals who already have a basic understanding of Bash and are looking to challenge their knowledge. If you are someone who enjoys putting your Linux skills to the test, you will definitely find Hackerrank to be a great platform for sharpening your Linux knowledge.

Master Linux with These 7 Engaging and Interactive Websites

PicoCTF is renowned for its user-friendly Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges, specially designed for beginners. CTFs are security challenges that require participants to complete a series of tasks to uncover hidden pieces of text or strings. Many of these challenges involve utilizing Linux commands or exploring susceptible Linux servers.

Choose from a wide variety of challenges, categorized into different topics. The majority of Linux challenges are classified under the "General Skills" category. Upon successfully solving a challenge, you will be awarded points based on its difficulty level. In case you encounter difficulties, some of the more challenging problems offer hints without any penalties. This ensures that newcomers can enjoy the learning process and find it more accessible.

PicoCTF provides a web shell, allowing you to solve challenges even without terminal access. The PicoGym section compiles problems from previous CTF competitions. Your earned points are saved in your account, enabling you to track your progress. If you're eager to learn Linux through engaging security challenges, give PicoCTF a try.

Vim Adventures

Master Linux with These 7 Engaging and Interactive Websites

Unlike other resources on this list that focus on Linux basics or the command line, Vim Adventures is centered around mastering Vim, one of the most widely used text editors among Linux users. This adventure game offers an immersive learning experience to help you become proficient in using Vim.

You may be curious as to why a text editor necessitates playing a game to learn it. Vim sets itself apart from traditional text editors you may have used previously. For instance, to exit the Vim editor, you must enter the :q! command. The reason this editor has garnered such a dedicated following is that once you familiarize yourself with its intricacies, you'll find it indispensable for its efficiency and speed in accomplishing tasks.

Vim Adventures is a comprehensive guide that covers all the essential commands and keys required to navigate and operate the Vim editor effectively. It provides instructions for tasks such as text navigation, data preservation, macro execution, and more. To fully experience the game, you must navigate through an intriguing maze and accomplish various challenges. Unlocking complete game access requires the purchase of a license.

The Best Way to Learn Linux

Instead of relying solely on interactive websites and games for a fun learning experience, nothing beats the effectiveness of getting hands-on experience. This principle equally applies to learning Linux.

So how can one effectively learn Linux? The answer lies in installing and actively using Linux yourself. Immerse yourself fully in the Linux environment.

But fret not. We're not suggesting that you dispose of your current operating system and directly install Linux on your hardware, as there are numerous ways to experiment with Linux. You can employ virtualization software like VirtualBox or VMWare to install any Linux distribution you desire. Subsequently, you can explore the distribution to gain a better understanding of its functionality. The beauty of it all is that even if you accidentally damage something, it will have no impact on your device whatsoever. Once you've familiarized yourself with the aforementioned resources, you can put your newly acquired skills to the test within your installed operating system.

Have Fun Along the Way

Check out our practical guides to learning Linux, which offer a concise and efficient way to enhance your Linux skills. Whether you want to improve your command line proficiency or address security vulnerabilities, these guides provide a unique approach that allows you to not only gain knowledge but also apply it in real-world scenarios. So go ahead, dive in, make mistakes, and celebrate the small victories on your journey to mastering Linux.