Marvel Drops a Bombshell: The Original Avengers Theory is Shattered

Marvel Drops a Bombshell: The Original Avengers Theory is Shattered

Unveiling Loki's Secret Avengers Plot and its impact on the beloved Original Avengers Theory, marking a significant turning point in the MCU narrative

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Loki season 2, episode 2.


The Loki TV series disproves the prevailing belief that Loki purposefully attacked New York in order to gather the original Avengers. Instead, it uncovers that his true motive was rooted in personal grievances with his father and brother. As a result, this revelation implies that the Battle of New York lacked any intricate purpose, as Loki was merely fueled by anger and willingly manipulated by Thanos to wreak havoc on Earth.

Loki's self-awareness in the series demonstrates his character growth and decreases the likelihood of future impulsive outbursts. The Loki series effectively disproves the popular original Avengers theory in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tom Hiddleston's God of Mischief continues his adventures in the Multiverse Saga following his first encounter with He Who Remains. Although the Disney+ series showcases a different version of the character from the Sacred Timeline, their shared history enables Marvel Studios to provide fresh insights into his early years in the MCU, including the events of the Battle of New York in 2012's The Avengers.

The Multiverse Saga in the MCU is not connected to the Battle of New York. In Avengers: Endgame, Thanos has already been defeated, and the franchise now faces a new and greater threat in Kang the Conqueror. However, Loki, being a prominent character in The Avengers, tends to bring up his attack on New York, thus making the incident relevant again. In episode 2 of Loki season 2, the God of Mischief honestly reveals his true motivations for being a villain in The Avengers, which effectively disproves the leading theory about the Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Loki's Secret Avengers Plot Explained

Marvel Drops a Bombshell: The Original Avengers Theory is Shattered

Stemming from the variant's escapades across various timelines and realities, a theory emerges suggesting that Loki purposefully orchestrated the attack on New York to assemble the original Avengers. Given Loki's unpredictable nature throughout his time in the MCU, it is not hard to entertain this notion, especially considering that it would also resolve several inconsistencies surrounding the character, including the seemingly foolish and short-sighted nature of his plan. As the God of Mischief, Loki is renowned for his strategic brilliance, making his impulsive assault on Earth completely uncharacteristic.

How Loki Kills The Old Avengers Theory

Marvel Drops a Bombshell: The Original Avengers Theory is Shattered

Regrettably, despite the captivating nature of this theory, the Loki TV series definitively dismisses it when the mischievous God himself divulges the genuine rationale behind his alliance with Thanos and their joint invasion of Earth. Following Mobius' outburst towards Hunter X-5, Loki endeavors to appease him by acknowledging the legitimacy of his anger. Reflecting upon his own past, Loki recounts a personal episode of fury that led him to attack Earth, attributing his actions to his overwhelming frustrations with his father and brother.

There is no complex reason behind the events of the Battle of New York. Loki was not dispatched by the TVA to secretly unite the original Earth's Mightiest Heroes. His intentions went no further than causing chaos on Earth. He was driven purely by anger and allowed himself to be used by Thanos to gather the Infinity Stones. In the Loki series, his self-awareness reflects his growth as a character and reduces the likelihood of him acting impulsively again. New episodes of Loki season 2 are available on Disney+ every Thursday.