Married At First Sight: Emily and Brennan's Decision Revealed! (SPOILERS)

Discover the final choice made by Emily and Brennan on Decision Day of MAFS. Find out the outcome of their journey on the popular reality show.
In season 17 of Married At First Sight, Emily Balch and Brennan Shoykhet faced challenges in their marriage. Despite their struggles, what decision did they make on Decision Day? The Denver couple encountered difficulties throughout the season, with Emily experiencing an accident that affected her well-being. As they neared the end of the experiment, Brennan's reluctance to communicate left Emily feeling defeated after numerous attempts to connect with him.
Brennan's Actions Hurt Emily
Emily and Brennan's relationship on Married At First Sight season 17 has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows. At the start, both were optimistic about their future together, believing they had found someone special. Emily was drawn to Brennan from the beginning, but unfortunately, he did not feel the same way. This lack of mutual attraction caused strain in their relationship. Brennan chose to keep his true feelings to himself in an attempt to spare Emily's feelings, but his silence only caused more pain. However, after Emily's accident, there was hope that they could start fresh and move forward.
Emily and Brennan Married At first Sight season 17 sitting next to eachother with arms crossed - Emily Was Hurt By Brennan's Actions
Emily has been putting in effort to be present in her marriage, wanting to give her all to make it work. Unfortunately, the accident that was supposed to bring her and Brennan closer ended up creating more challenges for them. Even though Brennan took care of Emily during her recovery, he seemed to go back to being distant and quiet once she was better. During the Decision Day talk with the experts, Emily expressed feeling hurt by Brennan, not just because of his emotional distance in their relationship.
Brennan Seemed Indifferent About Their Relationship
Emily revealed that her marriage with Brennan had become more challenging after discovering that he may have been seeing other women in secret. Clare Kerr, who was paired with Cameron Frazer on MAFS season 17, informed Emily that Brennan had proposed double dates with Cameron while they were still in their MAFS relationships. Despite Brennan denying the allegations, Emily expressed feeling hurt by his actions and his handling of the situation, whether the accusations were true or not.
Married at First Sight Brennan in the center looking distressed & Emily on either side smiling - Brennan Seemed Indifferent About Their Relationship
Custom image by César Garcia
Emily Chose To Divorce
While Brennan didn't seem to care much about their relationship, Emily was hurt by his actions. He tried to defend himself, but didn't say much besides being hurt that she didn't trust him about other women. Brennan admitted that he often kept his true feelings to himself during their Married At First Sight experience to protect Emily from his harsh thoughts. Looking back, he realized it was a mistake.
Married at first sight season 17 emily and couple montage - Emily Chose To Divorce
After everything was discussed, Emily made a decision to end her marriage with Brennan. She expressed that she couldn't continue in a relationship where trust was lacking, especially after Brennan's defensive behavior during their meeting with the experts. Emily recalled a recent conversation where Brennan threatened to "ruin her on television", making it difficult for her to believe his sudden display of empathy. Ultimately, Emily felt relieved to move on from their relationship.
Brennan Chose To Divorce
Instagram article posted by mafslifetime
The Exes Continued To Interact Despite Their Choice
Brennan made the decision to get a divorce, despite not feeling a strong connection with Emily. He admitted that their lack of physical and emotional attraction made it clear to him that the relationship was not healthy. Despite his regrets about hurting Emily, Brennan knew it was best to end things rather than continue in a situation that caused pain for both of them.
Montage Of Married at First Sight Season 17 - The Exes Continued To Interact Despite Their Choice
After their meeting with the experts, Emily chose to stay behind for a chat while Brennan decided to leave right away. Brennan felt a bit uneasy as he walked out, while Emily stuck around to hear from the experts. They expressed how proud they were of her for being so open and vulnerable. Pastor Cal Roberson even mentioned that he believed Emily would have a better understanding of herself in future relationships because of her time on Married At First Sight. Despite leaving the meeting separately, Emily and Brennan maintained communication outside of their marriage, now functioning more like ex-spouses.
Is it Really the End for the MAFS Couple?
The next day, the pair was spotted with the rest of the MAFS season 17 cast. Emily and Clare stood up for Becca Haley during a disagreement with her MAFS husband, Austin Reed. Questions arose about Emily and Brennan’s relationship. They finally opened up about their marriage without worrying about the consequences. Tearfully, they both shared the lessons they had learned together. Emily expressed her gratitude towards Brennan for his support during tough times. Fortunately, the pair ended things on a positive note.
Emily and Brennan from Married at First Sight season 17 side by side on coach while having tense conversation - Are Things Really Over For The MAFS Couple?
Even though Emily and Brennan have decided to get a divorce, there might still be hope for them. While they are officially divorced after Decision Day, a sneak peek of the upcoming episode suggests that Emily is struggling with her feelings for Brennan. She appears upset as she prepares to move out of their shared apartment. Meanwhile, Brennan is seen discussing his thoughts with a friend about any regrets he may have from being on Married At First Sight.
Married At First Sight airs on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST on Lifetime.
Editor's P/S:
The tumultuous journey of Emily and Brennan on Married At First Sight season 17 culminated in a difficult Decision Day. Emily expressed deep hurt over Brennan's