Makina: Granting Hope to Countless Young Warriors Fighting Cancer

Makina: Granting Hope to Countless Young Warriors Fighting Cancer

Nik's Wish: Fulfilling Dreams for Young Cancer Fighters Nik's Wish, a nonprofit founded by Kelli Ritschel Boehl, ensures that young adults fighting cancer, who have aged out of Make-A-Wish, enjoy once-in-a-lifetime experiences With hundreds of wishes granted and counting, Nik's Wish is making a profound difference in the lives of these brave individuals

Kelli Ritschel Boehle says her son Nik was an amazing and caring person.

"But Im sure every mom says the same thing about their children," she said.

Nik, who was 17 at the time, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2008. Tragically, he passed away in the spring of 2012. However, the lasting impact of Nik's kindness and generosity remains even after his demise.

Following his diagnosis and commencement of treatment, Nik was fortunate enough to receive a wish experience facilitated by the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

"To him, it felt akin to the Willy Wonka golden ticket," expressed Ritschel Boehle. "He incessantly sought out the silver linings in this circumstance and consistently entertained extravagant desires."

Nik forged strong bonds with his wish fulfillers and expressed desires for unconventional novelties such as owning a pet monkey or being a contestant on the popular game show, "Deal or No Deal," before ultimately settling on a family getaway to Hawaii, enhancing their shared quality time.

"For this brief moment, cancer was the furthest thing from our minds," Ritschel Boehle expressed. "Our focus was solely on being present with one another, embracing our happiness, and creating cherished memories together. The experience was truly exquisite."

Makina: Granting Hope to Countless Young Warriors Fighting Cancer

Kelli Ritschel Boehl's son Nik experienced immense joy during his battle with cancer when he went on a Make-A-Wish trip to Hawaii with his family. However, a year later, Nik came across another young man who was also undergoing cancer treatment. Unfortunately, this young man had been diagnosed just a month after turning 18, making him ineligible for a wish. This news shattered Nik's heart as he passionately wished for his friend to experience the same happiness he had.

Nik, on the eve of his passing, requested Ritschel Boehle to assist in ensuring that the wishes of young adults battling cancer could also be fulfilled.

"It felt like a seed he planted that incessantly troubled my thoughts, even waking me in the middle of the night," she expressed.

Granting Niks Wish

Niks Wish was initiated in 2012 by Ritschel Boehle, who received valuable assistance from family and friends. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of young adults aged 18 to 24 who are undergoing the challenging battle against cancer. An individual named Nate, who was only 18 years old and had met Nik during treatment, had the privilege of being the organization's inaugural wish recipient. His chosen wish was to journey to California and reunite with his grandmother, enabling him to spend cherished moments with his family.

Today, the organization fulfills a wide range of wishes. They offer generous presents, such as gaming computers, concert tickets, meet and greets with celebrities, and even vacations.

"The common thread among all these wishes is that they must bring joy to the recipients, make them feel loved, and reassure them that we are also their advocates," expressed Ritschel Boehle.

In April, Abigail Savage, a 23-year-old who was battling terminal cancer, received an unexpected surprise at her home. Ritschel Boehle and over a dozen volunteers arrived to inform her that her wish was about to be fulfilled. Along with them, they brought a magnificent 16-foot sculpture of a genie lamp, created by Ritschel Boehle and her husband specifically for wish deliveries. Holding signs and filled with enthusiasm, the group passionately cheered, ensuring Savage felt the immense support from her dedicated team.

Makina: Granting Hope to Countless Young Warriors Fighting Cancer

Abigail Savage received an unexpected visit at her residence from CNN Hero Kelli Ritschel Boehl and volunteers from Nik's Wish, who informed her that her wish was being fulfilled.

"This has been the most incredible surprise in my entire life," Savage shared with CNN. "The only previous surprise that comes close was the diagnosis of cancer. But this surpasses that by a significant margin."

Savage's original wish of traveling by plane to Hawaii was hindered by her deteriorating health condition. However, her experience took a different turn and turned out to be even more significant for her and her family. Instead of flying, she embarked on a journey in an RV, crossing the country to her hometown in Montana, where she had the opportunity to visit her loved ones before she passed away last month. Savage had valiantly fought against the disease for five years.

"I have always been uncertain about when my health will suddenly decline," Savage shared. "That's why it's crucial for me to create cherishable memories like these with my family."

Hundreds of wishes and counting

After the recipient and their family receive the wonderful news that their wish has been granted, a diligent volunteer wish maker will collaborate closely with them to handle all the necessary preparations. The ultimate objective is to ensure that the organization assumes full responsibility for taking care of every single detail, allowing the family to fully indulge in their wish experience and create invaluable memories together.

Initially, Ritschel Boehle doubted her ability to fulfill the role of a wish maker and establish close connections with young adults, as it brought back painful memories of Nik. However, her perspective has transformed, and it has become her most cherished activity.

"I was initially lacking the strength to engage in it," she admitted. "However, I have recently assisted my hundredth individual as a wish maker. I genuinely enjoy conversing with them and building relationships."

Recently, 19-year-old Jordan Morrow received her wish to attend a Taylor Swift concert as part of a trip to Los Angeles.

Makina: Granting Hope to Countless Young Warriors Fighting Cancer

As part of CNN Hero Kelli Ritschel Boehl's nonprofit, 19-year-old Jordan Morrow had her wish fulfilled when she attended a Taylor Swift concert in Los Angeles.

"When I began my radiation treatment, they inquired about my favorite singer, which I promptly answered as Taylor Swift. They kindly arranged for Taylor Swift's music to accompany me during my sessions," shared Morrow. "Her music truly helped me through challenging moments."

Going to the concert and exploring LA has done more than uplift the spirits of Morrow, who has been courageously fighting brain cancer for the past year.

"It serves as a source of strength for me, helping me deal with whatever challenges lie ahead," she expressed. "I am truly grateful to Nik's Wish for this incredible experience."

In the 11 years since Nik's passing, the organization has fulfilled over 300 wishes in more than 30 states. However, Ritschel Boehle remains driven by the same underlying purpose for each wish.

"I believe he is watching over me from heaven, saying, 'I told you, Mom. We can do this. You can do this. They need it. Keep going,'" expressed Ritschel Boehle. "I sense his constant encouragement and support."

Want to get involved? Check out the Niks Wish website and see how to help.

To donate to Niks Wish via GoFundMe, click here