Apple TV+ has decided not to proceed with the comedy series High Desert. Despite being directed and executive produced by Jay Roach, known for Austin Powers, and featuring a stellar cast including Patricia Arquette, Brad Garrett, Weruche Opia, Bernadette Peters, and Rupert Friend, the show's journey ends here. Arquette, who played the role of Peggy, an addict striving to rebuild her life as a private investigator in the small desert town of Yucca Valley, California, expressed her disappointment in an Instagram video, captioned with "It stinks," revealing the cancellation of High Desert after its first season.
The New Streaming Landscape Is Unforgiving
Arquette expressed her admiration for the series and the role she portrayed, but calmly acknowledged its cancellation by stating, "You can't emerge victorious every time. It's unfortunate, but... challenging."Previously, streaming shows that were on the bubble typically had a four-week window before decisions were made regarding their future. Due to the nature of streaming, not all episodes or seasons are watched on the day of release, so the viewership numbers are typically calculated over the initial 28 days to gauge success. However, in the case of High Desert, it aired weekly after its initial three-episode premiere, suggesting that the early episodes must have had significantly low viewership, leading to its swift cancellation.
Streamers are now tightening their belts and making significant changes. Platforms are swiftly canceling their original shows after just one season and even removing them from streaming completely. This is done to balance the costs of licensing and residuals. Disney+'s Willow series, for example, was available for only four-and-a-half months before being taken down. Similarly, Paramount+'s Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies lasted a mere three weeks.
Currently, there are no signs that Apple TV+ intends to remove High Desert entirely from its platform. However, this cancellation decision aligns with the shifting priorities of other streaming platforms. As competition in the streaming industry intensifies and the need for profits grows more urgent, platforms as a whole are shifting their focus away from building extensive content libraries. This means that freshman series are given fewer opportunities to prove themselves.
Source: Patricia Arquette/Instagram