Loki Season 2 Finale: First Avengers' Villain's Arc Comes Full Circle

Loki Season 2 Finale: First Avengers' Villain's Arc Comes Full Circle

Loki's journey comes full circle in Season 2, Episode 5 as B-15's presence in the timeline reveals the potential consequences of his actions during the Avengers' invasion

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Loki season 2, episode 5.

Article Overview

In Loki season 2, episode 5, Loki's shift from villain to hero is confirmed through a subtle detail that connects to his previous role as the antagonist in The Avengers. The placement of B-15 in the 2012 timeline as a New York nurse suggests that she would have been one of Loki's victims during the Avengers invasion, thereby emphasizing the significant transformation and development he has undergone.

In the latest episode of Loki season 2, episode 5, the character's emotional journey comes full circle. This is achieved through a subtle detail that connects back to his role as the villain in The Avengers back in 2012. It's easy to overlook Loki's past antagonistic actions, especially considering his transformation in the later phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, this episode serves as a reminder of his journey from villain to hero, with his redemption starting in Thor: The Dark World. Now, ten years after that film, Loki season 2, episode 5 concludes by solidifying his character development, as he prioritizes saving his newfound family.

Through the Easter egg-filled journey of episode 5 in season 2 of Loki, it becomes evident that the old Loki has completely disappeared, leaving only the new and compassionate version. While the episode's plot explicitly showcases this character transformation, there is one unnoticed reference that not only ties to Loki's past but also emphasizes his evolution. This reference is linked to Loki's invasion of New York in The Avengers, a decision he now deeply regrets and which serves as a significant dark moment in his history. It effectively underscores his transition from a villain to a hero.

B-15's Place On The Timeline Means She Would Have Been A Victim Of Loki’s Avengers Invasion

Loki Season 2 Finale: First Avengers' Villain's Arc Comes Full Circle

B-15 plays a crucial role in solidifying Loki's journey in episode 5 of season 2. While Loki is traversing through different dimensions, he is unexpectedly drawn to the lives of his companions from the TVA. In one such instance, Loki finds himself in a hospital where B-15, the ex-TVA Hunter, is caring for a young girl with a fractured arm.

B-15's important detail is that she not only works in a hospital in New York City, but specifically in 2012. This suggests that she likely experienced the invasion by Loki from The Avengers. It's possible that she was either killed during the attack or had to deal with its aftermath. Either way, B-15 would have been affected by Loki's past as a villain, emphasizing the significant transformation of the main character.

How Loki Season 2, Episode 5 Brings Him Full Circle

Loki Season 2 Finale: First Avengers' Villain's Arc Comes Full Circle

In the MCU, this detail showcases the significant transformation of Loki. Although the character has been portrayed as "good" since Thor: Ragnarok in 2017, episode 5 of Loki season 2 reveals that his motivations are driven by the longing to be with his friends. Rather than seeking to save the TVA, he develops the ability to manipulate time for the sake of being with his found family, which grants him a sense of purpose. This ties back to the recurring theme of loneliness that Loki has grappled with throughout his journey in the MCU, effectively completing his character arc.

The impact of B-15's influence on Loki's transformation is heightened by her background as a hospital worker in New York in 2012. As someone who was previously targeted by Loki or put in harm's way due to his actions, she has now become someone he is willing to risk everything to rescue. By actively assisting and relying on those he once sought to oppress, Loki's profound emotional journey reaches its culmination in the ending of episode 5, marking the completion of his true character development in season 2 of Loki. Catch new episodes of Loki every Thursday on Disney+.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about the Loki Season 2 finale. On the one hand, I am glad that Loki's journey has come full circle and that he has finally become a hero. On the other hand, I am sad to see the end of the series and to say goodbye to the characters.

I think that the finale was well-done and that it tied up all of the loose ends. I especially liked the way that the show used B-15's presence in the timeline to show how much Loki has changed. In the beginning of the series, Loki was a selfish and arrogant villain who only cared about himself. However, by the end of the series, he has become a selfless and compassionate hero who is willing to sacrifice himself for others.

I think that Loki's journey is a powerful one that can inspire us all. It shows us that it is never too late to change and that we can all become better people. I am grateful for the opportunity to have watched Loki and I am excited to see what the future holds for the character.