Kevin Feige Addresses Rumors of Original MCU Avengers Return

Kevin Feige Addresses Rumors of Original MCU Avengers Return

Kevin Feige sets the record straight on speculation surrounding the original Avengers' return in the MCU, putting an end to a significant rumor

Article Overview

Kevin Feige sets the record straight on rumors of original Avengers returning to the MCU. He hasn't heard about fallen Avengers returning.

Feige refuses to address the rumor during the retreat, instead focusing on a project involving Scarlet and highlighting Robert's significance within the family.

Feige's reply implies that the resurrection of the deceased Avengers remains uncertain and will only become evident in due course.

Marvel Studios CEO Kevin Feige clarifies the recent speculations surrounding the potential return of the original Avengers cast members to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight at The Marvels premiere, Feige was asked to address the rumors regarding the inclusion of the "Fallen Avengers" amidst the franchise's recent transformations. He responded as follows:

We need to wait and see. Is that the response? The rumor about the revived that true? I personally haven't come across that information. During the retreat, we didn't discuss that particular rumor. Currently, we are collaborating on a project with Scarlet. I have great admiration for Robert, as he is like a family member, but as for his return, it remains uncertain.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I grew up watching the original MCU Avengers movies and they hold a special place in my heart. I was thrilled to see them all come together in "Avengers: Endgame" and I would love to see them return in some form in the future. However, I understand that Marvel Studios is moving on to new stories and characters, and I'm excited to see what they have in store for us.

I think it's important to remember that the MCU is a constantly evolving universe, and the characters and stories are always changing. While it would be great to see the original Avengers return, I'm also excited to see new heroes and villains introduced. I'm confident that Marvel Studios will continue to create amazing stories that will keep us entertained for years to come.