Katie Meyer's Adventure in Portugal: A New Chapter in Life

Katie Meyer's Adventure in Portugal: A New Chapter in Life

Katie Meyer, a global hospitality communications professional from California, moved to Portugal during the Covid-19 pandemic, settling in the idyllic seaside resort of Cascais, close to Lisbon. Her journey to a new life in a foreign country has been filled with excitement, challenges, and cultural differences. Let's delve into her fascinating experience and the things Americans will find intriguing and frustrating in Portugal.

A Brave Decision to Move Abroad

Moving to a foreign country can be a daunting decision, especially if it's a place you've never visited. However, in 2021, Katie Meyer, a seasoned professional from California, took the bold step of relocating to Portugal during the Covid-19 pandemic. This decision marked a new chapter in her life, as she embarked on an adventure to a country she had never experienced before.

Meyer purchased a two-bedroom home for €595,000 (around $651,000).

Meyer purchased a two-bedroom home for €595,000 (around $651,000).

Having previously lived and worked in London, Katie's desire to return to Europe became a reality when remote work became standard, and she sold her real estate in the US. This significant change led her to Portugal, where she found the perfect blend of safety, quality of life, and a welcoming culture. Her relocation to the picturesque seaside resort of Cascais, near Lisbon, opened up a world of new experiences and challenges.

Former fishing village Cascais id located a short trip from Lisbon.

Former fishing village Cascais id located a short trip from Lisbon.

Despite the signs of the pandemic still being evident upon her arrival, Katie's spirit was undeterred. She ventured into the unknown, embracing the laid-back vibe of Portugal and the warmth of its people. Little did she know that her journey would be filled with cultural contrasts and delightful surprises.

Meyer has happily settled in Cascais and loves her new life there.

Meyer has happily settled in Cascais and loves her new life there.

Adapting to a New Lifestyle

Katie Meyer's transition to life in Portugal was not without its challenges. Despite the allure of the sunny Mediterranean climate and the laid-back vibe, she found herself grappling with the slower pace of life and the cultural differences that set Portugal apart from her homeland.

The genuine warmth and willingness of the Portuguese people to help expats adapt to their new surroundings were heartening for Katie. However, she also discovered that the Portuguese way of life, while charming, could be frustrating for Americans accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle. From the leisurely approach to service in restaurants and hotels to the absence of a tipping culture, Katie's journey was a blend of delightful discoveries and cultural clashes.

Moreover, the intricacies of Portuguese queuing systems, the challenges of adapting to the local climate, and the unique architectural features posed new experiences for Katie. Despite the obstacles, she embraced the Portuguese way of life, learning to navigate the nuances and treasuring the affordability and beauty of her new surroundings.

Embracing the New Normal

As Katie settled into her new life in Cascais, she found herself adapting to the local customs and embracing the Portuguese way of living. From savoring local delicacies to navigating the cobblestone streets and embracing the slower rhythm of life, Katie learned to find joy in the simplicity and authenticity of her new home.

While occasional bouts of homesickness tugged at her heartstrings, Katie remained steadfast in her decision to embrace the new normal. She found solace in the warmth of the community, the affordability of living, and the enriching experiences that Portugal offered her. Despite the challenges and occasional frustrations, Katie's journey was a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the human spirit in the face of change.