Jujutsu Kaisen: Ranking the Top Grade 1 Sorcerers

Jujutsu Kaisen: Ranking the Top Grade 1 Sorcerers

Grade 1 sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen, alongside Special grade sorcerers, hold immense strength Discover the top-ranked sorcerers, including Atsuya Kusakabe, Kento Nanami, Aoi Todo, Mei Mei, and the formidable Masamichi Yaga, each wielding unique and powerful abilities

Article Key Points

Grade 1 sorcerers are the highest rank a jujutsu sorcerer can achieve, with impressive combat abilities and cursed energy reserve.

Atsuya Kusakabe depends on his prowess in swordsmanship and the New Shadow Sword Style, enabling him to unsheathe his sword swiftly.

Mei Mei exhibits her expertise as a close-range combatant, renowned for her mastery of a two-handed battle axe and her aptitude in manipulating birds through cursed energy.

In a world where cursed energy and spirits coexist, jujutsu sorcerers play a vital role in safeguarding humanity against malevolent curses that pose a threat to their existence. These sorcerers are categorized into different grades based on their skill, experience, combat abilities, and cursed energy reserves.

The grade 1 sorcerers serve as the epitome of what every jujutsu sorcerer should aspire to become, as it represents the highest achievable rank through natural progression. The special grade is reserved for exceptional cases. Grade 1 sorcerers exhibit the capability to confront special grade cursed spirits, making them entrusted with perilous missions, sensitive information, and substantial compensation. Here are the grade 1 sorcerers featured in the series.

Updated October 29, by Emedo Destiny: Sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen are classified based on various criteria, such as cursed energy level, cursed techniques, experience, combat abilities, and cursed energy application. The Grade 1 jujutsu sorcerers represent the pinnacle of society and serve as the standard that all sorcerers should aspire to achieve. The Special Grade designation is reserved for exceptional cases that may arise occasionally, and it should not undermine the effort required to attain the Grade 1 level. These sorcerers are not only the highest-paid individuals in their field but also responsible for safeguarding the jujutsu world. Presented here is an extensive list of Grade 1 sorcerers, along with highlights of their formidable abilities.

5. Atsuya Kusakabe

Jujutsu Kaisen: Ranking the Top Grade 1 Sorcerers

Tokyo Jujutsu High's second-year students are taught by Atsuya Kusakabe. He possesses a strong instinct for self-preservation and is willing to resort to deception in order to avoid danger. Kusakabe heavily relies on his swordsmanship skills and physical abilities to swiftly eliminate cursed spirits. As he lacks a natural technique, Kusakabe has honed his mastery of the New Shadow Style. This style necessitates the utilization of a Simple Domain, precise control of cursed energy, and channeling it into his katana.

Most Powerful Ability: New Shadow Sword Style

His Batto Sword Drawing technique, found within the New Shadow Style, stands as the quickest method for unsheathing his sword. This technique involves manipulating his cursed energy to encircle the blade, dramatically enhancing his speed when unsheathing. Consequently, he gains the ability to swiftly overwhelm his adversaries. Although he openly acknowledges his inevitable defeat against opponents of a special grade, he maintains unwavering confidence in his capability to triumph over those he deems inferior.

4. Kento Nanami

Despite not possessing an innate technique, Atsuya Kusakabe has attained the prestigious rank of grade 1 through his expertise in the New Shadow Sword Style. This style entails infusing his sword with cursed energy, requiring him to heavily rely on his physical strength and swordsmanship abilities. Renowned for his unparalleled Batto-Sword drawing technique, Atsuya's lightning-fast movements often catch unsuspecting opponents off-guard.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Ranking the Top Grade 1 Sorcerers

After leaving his corporate job, Nanami made a triumphant return to the jujutsu world and quickly rose to the esteemed rank of grade 1. As both a mentor and a close confidant of Yuji Itadori, he is highly regarded for his astute problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Nanami's expertise as a master swordsman is evident in his unique approach of melding his blunt sword with his cursed technique. This distinctive combination allows him to effortlessly slice through any obstacle, be it tangible or intangible, including cursed energy manifested as an impenetrable shield.

He possesses enough strength to survive a direct assault on his soul from Mahito, who recognizes him as a formidable and worthy adversary. He has mastered the technique of Black Flash and previously held the record for the highest number of consecutive Black Flash strikes. His proficiency in manipulating cursed energy ranks among the finest in the series, enabling him to augment both his physical capabilities and attacks. By releasing his binding vows, which impose limitations on his powers, he can experience a power increase of up to 130%, catching his foes off guard.

Most Powerful Ability: Ratio Technique

3. Aoi Todo

Nanami's remarkable physical abilities may be widely recognized, but it is his incomparable ratio technique that truly sets him apart. The creation of a vulnerable 7:3 weak spot on his target considerably amplifies the impact of his punches, effortlessly enabling him to dispatch adversaries with lethal precision. When coupled with his unyielding blade, Nanami's mastery of this technique not only empowers him to confront formidable cursed spirits of special-grade level, but also guarantees his ability to hold his own against them.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Ranking the Top Grade 1 Sorcerers

Todo Aoi, a student at Kyoto Jujutsu High School in his third year, stands out as the sole grade 1 sorcerer still studying. Under the guidance of Yuki Tsukumo, Todo underwent rigorous training methods that propelled him ahead of his fellow students. During the attack on Kyoto by Geto, Todo singlehandedly defeated five grade 1 cursed spirits and one special grade cursed spirit. Possessing exceptional physical strength and agility comparable to Yuji, combined with his battle experience and intellect, Todo showcased his dominance over Yuji on multiple occasions.

Most Powerful Ability: Black Flash

With his imposing physique, he possesses a strong inclination towards close combat, relying on sheer power to vanquish his adversaries. Despite his tank-like build, he displays astonishing agility and reflexes. His unique ability, performed with a mere clap of his hands, enables him to displace any object infused with cursed energy within a specific range. In his dynamic confrontation against Hanami alongside Yuji, he employed his teleportation technique to devise strategic maneuvers against his opponent. Additionally, he can employ a Simple Domain to nullify cursed techniques within a designated vicinity.

2. Mei Mei

Despite Todo's innate technique, the Boogie Woogie, being unleashed in his battle against Hanami, it is not his most formidable move. Rather than being a winning move, it serves as a versatile wildcard. Although he has only utilized it once, during his encounter with Hanami, he managed to inflict damage upon the exceptionally resilient special-grade cursed spirit.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Ranking the Top Grade 1 Sorcerers

Mei Mei, an independent sorcerer, only engages in work when assured of monetary compensation. Even the most powerful jujutsu sorcerers acknowledge her strength. Mei Mei disregards her innate technique, which grants her dominion over birds, considering it insignificant. Instead, she dedicated herself to rigorous training, transforming into a formidable close-range combatant who doesn't rely on her innate ability. Displaying exceptional skill with a two-handed battle axe, she effortlessly cleaves special grade cursed spirits with devastating strikes. Her immense power enabled her to repeatedly shatter the coffin and colossal gravestone of the Smallpox Deity.

Most Powerful Ability: Bird Strike

Her mastery of the Black Bird Manipulation technique allows her to infuse cursed energy into crows, granting her control over them. She exhibits the exceptional ability to command multiple birds simultaneously, even across vast distances. Additionally, a unique visual connection is established between her and the birds, granting her the ability to perceive the world through their eyes. When she invokes the binding vows upon the crows, they possess an unprecedented amount of cursed energy and velocity, leading them to sacrifice themselves in a kamikaze strike against the enemy. Remarkably, a single bird strike possesses enough force to vanquish a special grade cursed spirit with a single blow, with Gojo being the sole individual known to have survived such an attack.

Bird Strike is Mei Mei's enhanced technique, which utilizes a Binding Vow on her crows. This extraordinary ability compels the crows to willingly sacrifice themselves, thus intensifying the cursed energy within them. Acting like kamikaze pilots, the crows soar towards a designated target with astonishing velocity, inflicting substantial damage that can exorcise even a special grade cursed spirit.

1. Masamichi Yaga

Jujutsu Kaisen: Ranking the Top Grade 1 Sorcerers

Panda, the creation of Masamichi Yaga, the cursed corpse user, was brought into existence. As the principal of Tokyo Jujutsu High and the second-year teacher of Geto Suguru, Gojo Satoru, and Shiki Ieri, Masamichi possessed incredible skills in puppet jujutsu. His cursed corpses were capable of storing their cursed energy, and none surpassed the prowess of Panda. This mutated cursed corpse boasted three distinct self-sustaining cores, each with its own specialties and emotions. The potential threat posed by Masamichi's ability to create an army of sentient cursed corpses of Panda's caliber nearly earned him a promotion to special grade as perceived by the higher-ups.

Most Powerful Ability: Cursed Corpses

He possessed formidable close-combat skills, enabling him to dispel curses independently. Moreover, he imparted his knowledge to Panda, and together, they could confront sorcerers without relying on cursed corpses. With his profound understanding of cursed energy and souls, he had the ability to infuse life into lifeless objects. Additionally, he demonstrated his capability to imbue a corpse with the personality of Kusakabe’s nephew, providing solace to the grief-stricken mother.

Principal Magamichi possesses an unwavering command over cursed energy, enabling him to harness its power to breathe life into dolls by infusing them with artificial souls. He has achieved remarkable feats in creating cursed corpses, which fulfill diverse roles in the Jujutsu community. Among his most exceptional achievements is the magnificent creation known as Panda, a meticulously crafted and extensively trained masterpiece in the realm of combat.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I am fascinated by the world of Jujutsu Kaisen and its intriguing cast of characters. The jujutsu sorcerers, in particular, have captured my imagination with their incredible abilities and unwavering dedication to protecting humanity from malevolent curses. Among these sorcerers, the Grade 1 sorcerers stand out as the epitome of strength and skill, representing the highest achievable rank through natural progression.

One of my favorite Grade 1 sorcerers is Atsuya Kusakabe, whose reliance on swordsmanship and the New Shadow Sword Style makes him a formidable opponent. Despite lacking a natural technique, Kusakabe's mastery of the New Shadow Style allows him to unsheathe his sword with incredible speed, overwhelming his adversaries in the blink of an eye. His unwavering confidence in his abilities, even when faced with opponents of a special grade, is both admirable and inspiring.

Another Grade 1 sorcerer who has caught my attention is Kento Nanami, a former corporate employee who returned to the jujutsu world and quickly rose to prominence. Nanami's unique approach of combining his blunt sword with his cursed technique makes him a versatile and unpredictable fighter, capable of slicing through any obstacle with ease. His calm and collected demeanor, coupled with his sharp intellect and problem-solving skills, make him a valuable asset to any team.