Josh Brolin Reflects on His Early Superhero Role Years Later

Josh Brolin Reflects on His Early Superhero Role Years Later

Josh Brolin shares his thoughts on his first superhero movie, reflecting on it years later and expressing his dissatisfaction with his DC debut.

Acclaimed actor Josh Brolin still holds a grudge against Jonah Hex, even 14 years after its release. Known for his roles in superhero movies like Thanos in the MCU and Cable in Deadpool 2, Brolin has also received praise for his performances in True Grit, No Country For Old Men, and Sicario. Whether it's due to his established talent or his straightforward nature, Brolin isn't afraid to speak out against disappointing projects.

Released in 2010, Jonah Hex came out in a time when superhero movies were gaining popularity with Iron Man leading the pack. However, unlike other DC films that followed, Jonah Hex failed to leave a lasting impression due to its forgettable story and obscure character. Brolin's recent remarks only highlight the film's lack of impact in the grand scheme of DC's cinematic history.

Josh Brolin Thinks Jonah Hex Is Terrible

And Critics Largely Agree

A straight-on shot of Josh Brolin as Jonah Hex in Jonah Hex (2010) showcasing the character's facial scars - And Critics Largely Agree - Josh Brolin Thinks Jonah Hex Is Terrible

A straight-on shot of Josh Brolin as Jonah Hex in Jonah Hex (2010) showcasing the character's facial scars - And Critics Largely Agree - Josh Brolin Thinks Jonah Hex Is Terrible

When it comes to discussing movies they didn't enjoy working on, many actors tend to speak vaguely or change the topic. However, Josh Brolin is not one to hold back. In a candid interview with GQ on February 27, he didn't mince words about his feelings towards "Jonah Hex," calling it a terrible movie. Despite not softening his opinion over time, Brolin did mention that he appreciated the opportunity to work with director Jimmy Hayward.

Even though criticizing a poorly made superhero movie can be challenging considering the large number of individuals involved in its creation, the statistics speak for themselves. Jonah Hex received a dismal 12% on Rotten Tomatoes, with the audience score only slightly better. This must be particularly disheartening for someone like Brolin, who has been a part of many successful and highly praised projects. It's no wonder that Jonah Hex is viewed as a letdown.

Josh Brolin's Comic Book Movie Roles


Jonah Hex

Jonah Hex

Agent K

Men In Black 3


Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame


Deadpool 2

Why It's Time For A Jonah Hex Comeback In The DCU

Hex Deserves Better

Josh Brolin's Jonah Hex with scarred face - Hex Deserves Better - Why It's Time For A Jonah Hex Comeback In The DCU

Josh Brolin's Jonah Hex with scarred face - Hex Deserves Better - Why It's Time For A Jonah Hex Comeback In The DCU

Jonah Hex may not have received great reviews, but it wasn't as widely known as other DC failures like Green Lantern. After 14 years, it's time to give the scarred cowboy bounty hunter another chance at a new adaptation. Luckily, with the upcoming DCU Reboot starting with Superman: Legacy, the opportunity for a fresh start has never been more promising. What lies ahead for Jonah Hex remains to be seen.

Source: GQ

Editor's P/S:

The article delves into Josh Brolin's unwavering disdain for "Jonah Hex," a film he starred in 14 years ago. Brolin's candid honesty is refreshing, as he openly criticizes the film's lackluster story and obscure character. His perspective echoes the overall critical reception, with the film's dismal Rotten Tomatoes score serving as a testament to its shortcomings. While it's understandable for an actor to distance themselves from a disappointing project, Brolin's unwavering stance highlights the film's enduring reputation as a critical and commercial failure.

Despite the film's poor reception, the article suggests that "Jonah Hex" deserves a second chance in the upcoming DCU Reboot. This perspective acknowledges that the character has the potential for a fresh and more successful adaptation. However, it remains to be seen whether the character will be given another opportunity to shine on the big screen.