Jonathan Frakes Tops Patrick Stewart's List as Favorite Star Trek Director - An Undeniable Choice

Jonathan Frakes Tops Patrick Stewart's List as Favorite Star Trek Director - An Undeniable Choice

Jonathan Frakes: The Beloved Director of Star Trek Casts, including Patrick Stewart Frakes has helmed multiple Star Trek series, including Discovery, Picard, and Strange New Worlds

Article Overview

Patrick Stewart highly praises Jonathan Frakes as a Star Trek director and believes he would be the ideal choice to direct a proposed Star Trek: Picard movie.

Frakes exhibited his directorial prowess in Star Trek: First Contact, cultivating a favorable and genuine ambiance during filming, showcasing his technical expertise in capturing poignant moments.

Frakes has garnered the admiration of the Star Trek casts as their preferred director, having collaborated with them on numerous Star Trek series and films, and is poised to continue helming future Star Trek projects.

Patrick Stewart has expressed his admiration for Jonathan Frakes as a director within the Star Trek series. In fact, Frakes would be Stewart's top choice to direct the proposed Star Trek: Picard film. In his memoir, titled "Making It So," Stewart explores his extensive experience portraying Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation, the TNG movies, and Star Trek: Picard. Throughout these projects, Jonathan Frakes played a significant role both in front of and behind the camera. Within the memoir, Stewart specifically praises Frakes for his exceptional work as the director of Star Trek: First Contact, which is widely regarded as the second and most successful TNG movie.

Star Trek: First Contact was Jonathan Frakes' first foray into feature film directing, and it showcased his incredible talent. While we already adored his direction on the show, this time he truly outdid himself. Jonathan, known for his lightheartedness and humor, brought a new level of intensity and demanded an emotional authenticity from us that surpassed anything we had done before. This was the major leagues, and Jonathan proved himself to be a force to be reckoned with. In fact, Patrick Stewart credited Jonathan's directorial prowess as one of the main reasons why Star Trek: First Contact was such a resounding success. Here's what Patrick had to say about it:

Jonathan Frakes Is Star Trek Casts' Favorite Director

Jonathan's direction deserves recognition for multiple reasons. Not only did he skillfully navigate the cast, but he also showcased his technical expertise by capturing the intimate and emotional moments of the film without being intrusive. Furthermore, First Contact stands out as the most visually stunning Star Trek film to date, thanks to its remarkable lighting design, meticulously crafted sets, and Jonathan's thoughtful decisions regarding camera movement and color palette.

Frakes has directed Star Trek: Discovery, Star Trek: Picard, and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

Jonathan Frakes has earned the admiration of multiple Star Trek casts as their preferred director. After his work on Star Trek during the 1990s and 2000s, Frakes went on to helm a variety of other TV series and films before making his return to the franchise in order to direct episodes of Star Trek: Discovery season 2. Frakes considers Discovery to be his "home" Star Trek series, but he also took the opportunity to direct episodes of Star Trek: Picard. In addition, Frakes directed the lighthearted crossover between Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Star Trek: Lower Decks. Throughout his career, Frakes impressed Star Trek actors with his affability, wit, and exceptional communication skills. Notably, Frakes and Patrick Stewart have collaborated more frequently than any other colleagues in their respective careers.

In "Making It So: A Memoir," Patrick Stewart shares his vision for a final Star Trek: Picard movie, aiming to expand and delve deeper into the TV series' universe. Stewart expresses his preference for Jonathan to direct it. Frakes is likely to accept the offer, and even if Star Trek: Picard season 3 concludes Star Trek: The Next Generation, Jonathan Frakes can anticipate directing additional Star Trek projects in the future.

You can stream Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Picard, and Star Trek: First Contact on Paramount+.

Source: "Making It So: A Memoir" by Patrick Stewart

Editor's P/S

Jonathan Frakes is undoubtedly one of the most beloved directors in the Star Trek universe. His work on Star Trek: First Contact is widely regarded as one of the best films in the franchise, and his ability to cultivate a positive and genuine ambiance during filming is truly remarkable.

As a fan, I would be thrilled to see Jonathan Frakes direct a Star Trek: Picard movie. His technical expertise and understanding of the characters would make him the perfect choice to helm such a project. Additionally, his rapport with the cast would ensure that the film was a success.