Jeff Bezos Set to Relocate from Seattle to Miami

Jeff Bezos Set to Relocate from Seattle to Miami

Jeff Bezos, the visionary founder of Amazon, recently revealed on Instagram his decision to move from Seattle to the vibrant city of Miami after residing in Seattle for nearly three decades

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has announced via Instagram that he is leaving Seattle, the city where his journey started, and moving to Miami. Having resided in Seattle since 1994, Bezos revealed that he is making this move to be in proximity to his parents, who have recently returned to Florida. Their decision to relocate has brought back memories of their earlier life there when Bezos was a child, prompting him to seek closer connection with them.

"I have resided in Seattle for a longer duration than any other place, and it holds a multitude of cherished memories," Bezos expressed. "While the relocation is thrilling, it remains an emotional choice for me. Seattle, you will forever hold a special place in my heart."

Accompanying the Instagram post is a nostalgic video portraying Bezos exploring the initial Amazon "office" located in a garage in Bellevue, Washington. This three-bedroom house was sold a few years ago, commanding a price of $1.5 million.

Amazon has flourished in the region and emerged as one of the largest global enterprises. Situated in the vicinity of Seattle, the company boasts a workforce exceeding 55,000 employees.

Another contributing element, according to Bezos, is the prominence of his space venture known as Blue Origin. The company's operations have progressively transitioned to Cape Canaveral, located roughly three hours north of Miami.

Bezos expressed his desire to be in proximity to his parents and highlighted his love for Miami. He mentioned his fiancée, Lauren Sánchez, who actively collaborates with him on philanthropic endeavors. Sánchez, while speaking to CNN in November 2022, described their strong partnership and enjoyable experiences together.

The couple recently purchased adjacent mansions in Biscayne Bay for a total of $144 million, according to Bloomberg. This exclusive area, known as "Billionaire Bunker," is home to notable residents such as investor Carl Icahn and NFL star Tom Brady.

Unlike the capital gains tax policy upheld by the Washington Supreme Court, Florida does not impose state capital gains taxes. This is advantageous for Bezos, as he occasionally sells Amazon shares.