Jaw-Dropping Theory: Is Saturn Hiding a Supernatural Secret in One Piece?

Jaw-Dropping Theory: Is Saturn Hiding a Supernatural Secret in One Piece?

Unveiling Saturn's supernatural abilities - a deep dive into the source of his demonic powers Does it truly originate from a devil fruit? Discover compelling reasons why Saturn's incredible abilities might not be attributed to a devil fruit


In the latest chapter of One Piece, Saturn, one of the Five Elders, revealed his powers and joined the war on Egghead Island.

Saturn possesses incredible abilities such as the power of teleportation, the ability to disintegrate his adversaries with a mere glance, the power to immobilize individuals instantly, and a remarkable capacity for rapid healing. The origin of these extraordinary powers remains a subject of fierce debate among fans, with some speculating that Saturn may have acquired them directly from Imu, a legendary figure known as the Sea Devil, rendering the need for a traditional Devil Fruit unnecessary.

The intensity on One Piece's Egghead Island is at its peak as fans eagerly anticipate the continuation of this remarkable arc, with the ongoing war captivating their attention. As the Navy, under Kizaru's leadership, and one of the Five Elders named Saturn make their appearance on Egghead, it becomes clear to fans that a full-scale war is about to erupt, drawing in all the major characters for an epic battle.

Curiosity arises among One Piece fans: Which Devil Fruit does Saturn possess?

Saturn's Transformation

: The events unfolded exactly as described, with Luffy engaged in a fierce battle against Kizaru while all eyes were focused on Saturn as the key player. The latest chapter of One Piece, chapter 1094, finally revealed Saturn's involvement as he made his grand entrance on Egghead, showcasing his extraordinary abilities. While the majority of fans attribute Saturn's powers to an immensely powerful Devil Fruit, there is an equally captivating notion that questions whether Saturn possesses such a fruit at all.

Jaw-Dropping Theory: Is Saturn Hiding a Supernatural Secret in One Piece?

Initially, Saturn had no intention of participating in the conflict on Egghead Island. His plan involved handing over the task of eliminating Vegapunk and safeguarding the Navy's interests to the Marines, particularly Kizaru. However, the arrival of Luffy and his comrades disrupted the Marines' strategy, causing the situation to deviate from their intended course. Vegapunk swiftly won over the Pacifistas, tipping the balance in favor of Luffy and his group. It was precisely this turn of events that compelled Saturn to take action, leading to his unexpected appearance on Egghead Island in One Piece chapter 1094. Utilizing an arcane summoning circle, Saturn summoned himself to the island and teleported through this mystical gateway.

Saturn's Powers

He made his grand entrance onto the island, revealing his transformed state and leaving fans in awe as they witnessed his powers for the very first time in the entire story. As depicted in the chapter, Saturn possessed an incredibly monstrous appearance, surpassing even the size of the formidable Straw Hat Pirates. His body was colossal, resembling that of a spider with enormous bull horns protruding from his head. Undoubtedly, this was a clear manifestation of his formidable Devil Fruit abilities. Fans were truly astounded by the early showcasing of Saturn's powers during this arc, and it is only going to escalate even further, as there seems to be no significant force remaining that can challenge him.

Jaw-Dropping Theory: Is Saturn Hiding a Supernatural Secret in One Piece?

Saturn possesses powers reminiscent of a Devil Fruit, evident in his impressive abilities showcased in One Piece after 1095. Among these, the first power observed by fans was his skill to summon a teleportation circle. This circle enabled him to instantaneously transport himself to Egghead Island, leaving an ominous aura that permeated the entire island, unnerving even non-combatants. Additionally, Saturn exhibited the power to effortlessly decapitate individuals. Such was his might that a mere glance from him caused the head of a weak marine to be blown off.

Does Saturn Have A Devil Fruit?

This unprecedented display of power in the world of One Piece left fans astounded. In chapter 1095, Saturn stunned everyone once again by unveiling even more extraordinary abilities. Not only could he effortlessly decapitate his opponents with a single glance, but he also possessed the ability to freeze them in place. This mastery over freezing extends even to individuals as formidable as Sanji, the third strongest member of the Straw Hat crew. When Saturn unleashed his powers, Sanji found himself completely immobilized, unable to break free from the icy hold. Such a revelation confirms that Saturn possesses a multitude of formidable powers that cannot be taken lightly. Additionally, Saturn exhibited an astonishingly rapid healing factor. Impervious to injuries, he effortlessly recovered from a deep chest wound caused by Bonney's colossal sword, his body mending within a matter of seconds, with no trace of blood left behind.

Jaw-Dropping Theory: Is Saturn Hiding a Supernatural Secret in One Piece?

The question of whether Saturn possesses a Devil Fruit or not has long been a subject of heated debate among fans. It is widely recognized that he embodies the fearsome Ushi Oni, or Gyuki, a formidable creature deeply rooted in Japanese folklore. This Yokai is renowned for its immense power and extreme danger. Infamous for spewing toxic venom and devouring human flesh, it derives sheer pleasure from these gruesome acts.

In addition to that, it is believed that simply gazing at the Ushi Oni results in instant death, similar to the fatal power displayed by Saturn, capable of decapitating individuals. Moreover, the Ushi Oni possesses another astounding ability: the power to immobilize those who make eye contact with it. This ability was witnessed in the previous chapter when Saturn effortlessly froze the entire Straw Heart group right before him. Not even someone as formidable as Sanji could move. It is evident that Saturn possesses the Ushi Oni's power, although it is not necessarily linked to a Devil Fruit. Naturally, this may perplex fans as to the means behind this, yet upon exploring the extent of Saturn's power and his allegiance, a multitude of fascinating explanations emerge.

Why Saturn Might Not Have A Devil Fruit

Jaw-Dropping Theory: Is Saturn Hiding a Supernatural Secret in One Piece?

Saturn's possible lack of Devil Fruit power was hinted at when his Devil Fruit name was not revealed upon his introduction, which is unusual for Oda. While characters like Kaido have had their Devil Fruits mentioned in their character descriptions, Saturn's lack of mention raises questions. It could be because Oda wants to keep it a secret for now, or it could mean that Saturn does not actually possess a Devil Fruit power. Additionally, Saturn's use of a summoning circle, regardless of possessing a Devil Fruit or not, is peculiar and has never been seen before in the story. The fact that the circle had the number five engraved in it suggests a connection to the Gorosei.

Saturn possesses these powers without consuming a Devil Fruit, and the explanation is quite simple. Imu, who sits atop the world, might be the source of Saturn's powers. If Imu is indeed the Sea Devil, it would explain how Saturn obtained such abilities. Imu could have bestowed powers upon the Five Elders, his top guards, without the need for Devil Fruits. This revelation is incredibly intriguing for fans to consider, as it suggests that these characters are actually manifestations of devils themselves, rather than individuals who gained powers from Devil Fruits. Only time will reveal the true extent of Saturn's and the other Five Elders' abilities.

One Piece is available for fans to read through Viz Media. The series can be officially and freely read by fans on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. The release date for the upcoming chapter, One Piece 1095, is scheduled for October 15, 2023.