James Van Der Beek's Birthday Tradition with TV Mom Mary-Margaret Humes

James Van Der Beek's Birthday Tradition with TV Mom Mary-Margaret Humes

Discover how Mary-Margaret Humes, James Van Der Beek's 'Dawson's Creek' mom, continues a heartwarming tradition by sending him delightful homemade treats on his birthday since the passing of his own mother.

James Van Der Beek Reveals His TV Mom Mary Margaret Humes Bakes Him Treats on His Birthday Every Year

James Van Der Beek Reveals His TV Mom Mary Margaret Humes Bakes Him Treats on His Birthday Every Year

James Van Der Beek and Mary Margaret Humes Getty Images

James Van Der Beek believes he has the best TV mom in Mary-Margaret Humes.

The 47-year-old Dawson's Creek actor recently posted a video on Instagram showing a special birthday gift from Humes, who portrayed his mom, Gail Leery, on the popular teen series from 1998 to 2003. Van Der Beek shared that Humes, who is 69 years old, has been sending him homemade cookies every year on his birthday ever since his own mom, Melinda Van Der Beek, passed away in 2020 at the age of 70.

Happy Birthday Kiddo! Mama MM teased that you might want to check for a package on your doorstep. All my love.

Van Der Beek clearly received the FedEx package and couldn't wait to share the news with his social media followers.

"It doesn’t matter that I’m now older than she was when we first worked together, or that I’ve moved to Texas. She bakes them, and finds me, and does it from the bottom of her heart — and it always warms mine,” the actor shared on Instagram Friday, which also happened to be International Women’s Day.

“Here’s to all the kind, wonderful, loving women on #internationalwomensday who — mothers or not — show the kind of love that lights up the lives of those around them. @thereal_marymargarethumes,” he added.

Van Der Beek took a bite of a sweet treat and declared, "I had the best TV mom of all the boys on television. Thank you, Mary-Margaret. I love you."

James Van Der Beek shared a post on his Instagram account.

In the post, Van Der Beek's wife, Kimberly, joined in to express her love for Humes and her cookies. Their six kids, Gwendolyn, Emilia, Annabel, Olivia, Joshua, and Jeremiah, surely enjoyed the delicious treats.

Van Der Beek and Humes have kept in touch over the years. They reunited with John Wesley Shipp, who played Mitch Leery, in 2019 to celebrate Van Der Beek’s time on Dancing With the Stars. In 2018, the costars reminisced about their days in Capeside during a 20-year reunion interview with Entertainment Weekly.

Humes shared a funny memory of being with James when he signed his first autograph. She recalled a moment when they were at Universal City in L.A. to watch a movie. A girl approached James and asked for his autograph, recognizing him from Dawson’s Creek. James signed it and exclaimed, ‘Oh my God, Mary-Margaret, that was my first!’ Humes couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of what was to come for her friend.

Editor's P/S:

James Van Der Beek's heartwarming tribute to his on-screen mother, Mary-Margaret Humes, is a testament to the enduring bonds that can form on and off the set. Humes's unwavering love and support have comforted Van Der Beek since his own mother's passing, showcasing the profound impact that maternal figures can have on our lives, even beyond the realm of family.

The article highlights the enduring connection between Van Der Beek and Humes, who have remained close despite the passage of time. Their shared memories and mutual respect speak to the lasting power of the relationships forged during their time on Dawson's Creek. Humes's gesture of sending homemade cookies every year on Van Der Beek's birthday is a poignant reminder of the love and care that can extend beyond the confines of a television show. to a seasoned performer with a loyal following, Van Der Beek's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the enduring legacy of genuine relationships formed during life's most formative experiences.