Is Link's Latest Quest Taking Him to the Stars?

Is Link's Latest Quest Taking Him to the Stars?

Experience an out-of-this-world adventure as a clever gamer attempts to launch a group of Koroks into space in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, players have the opportunity to construct a massive Zonai flying machine and take flight towards outer space alongside a group of Koroks. The Ultrahand ability in the game enables players to build intricate machines and soar up to various Sky Islands that appeared after the Upheaval - an event that resulted in the launch of a significant amount of land and debris into the sky, causing destruction to multiple settlements and areas in Hyrule. As a result, many inhabitants were forced to relocate to unaffected villages. The emergence of remnants from the ancient Zonai civilization on the Sky Islands prompted Link and Zelda to investigate the ruins beneath Hyrule Castle. Upon waking up in the Great Sky Island above the Central Hyrule region and receiving instructions from Rauru, players must gather useful equipment for Link's journey before venturing to other Sky Islands to uncover secrets and discover additional Koroks and equipment.

TheKingOfSeagulls, a player of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, recently constructed a massive flying machine using a stone Zonai platform as the base and equipped it with several fans and a control stick to enable flight. The player then traveled to Foothill Stable in the Eldin region to collect Koroks and place them on top of the machine. With 15 Koroks on board, TheKingOfSeagulls took off into the sky with the goal of reaching outer space.

Although it is not possible to fly into space in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, TheKingOfSeagulls managed to ascend to the highest point in the game world. From this vantage point, the player was able to observe Hyrule and its various regions from afar, accompanied by nearly a dozen Koroks. However, TheKingOfSeagulls later reported that some Koroks fell off during the flight despite being securely attached to the machine.

Players of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom have shown remarkable creativity in their ability to transport and manipulate Koroks within the game. With the use of Ultrahand and Autobuild abilities, players can create machines capable of transporting multiple Koroks at once, allowing for efficient travel across the game's vast world. Additionally, the game's Sky Islands are home to a plethora of Koroks waiting to be discovered and transported to new locations. These impressive in-game achievements are a testament to the engaging gameplay systems and expansive world of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now for Nintendo Switch.