Is 'Last Week Tonight With John Oliver' the Ultimate Chocolate Buzzkill?

Is 'Last Week Tonight With John Oliver' the Ultimate Chocolate Buzzkill?

Unmasking the bitter side of chocolate: 'Last Week Tonight With John Oliver' exposes the shocking truth behind child labor in cocoa farms, leaving audiences questioning their love for this beloved treat

Article Summary

The exploitation of poverty and weak law enforcement by chocolate companies is the focus of Last Week Tonight With John Oliver's discussion. These companies unjustly underpay cocoa farmers and exploit child labor, all while feigning ignorance.

Companies can effortlessly confirm the presence of child labor on cocoa farms by simply visiting the farms listed on their websites, as it is highly probable that they will come across children engaged in labor. Oliver stresses the importance of government intervention to compel chocolate companies to pay fair prices for cocoa beans and halt the exploitation of farmers and their families.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver took a lighter approach this week by focusing on the topic of chocolate, in an effort to provide some relief to TV fans who received tragic news over the weekend. However, there appears to be an underlying issue with the chocolate industry that the show addresses. Despite being a universally enjoyed product, the cocoa farmers who supply cocoa beans to chocolate companies do not benefit financially. This is due to developed countries such as the United States, and possibly even Willy Wonka, importing cocoa from underdeveloped countries like Ghana and the Ivory Coast, leaving the farmers struggling to support their families.

Chocolate Companies Are Not Interested In Investigating Child Labor in Cocoa Farms

As highlighted by John Oliver, the calculations behind these circumstances are not difficult to comprehend. Large corporations exploit lenient law enforcement and poverty, resulting in the undervaluation of their essential goods. This, in turn, compels locals to accept meager compensation and endure long working hours solely due to their desperate need for any source of income. One must note that this issue is not exclusive to the chocolate industry alone. However, what distinguishes this particular sector is the companies' conscious disregard for the fact that their products are produced with the assistance of child labor.

Is 'Last Week Tonight With John Oliver' the Ultimate Chocolate Buzzkill?

Image via HBO

The episode reveals the chocolate industry's long-standing evasion of responsibility in actively preventing child labor on cocoa farms for nearly two decades, while feigning powerlessness in addressing the issue. Furthermore, the episode highlights how simple it is to confirm the presence of children working on cocoa farms by simply booking a flight to any farm listed on a chocolate company's website and conducting a cursory investigation – discovering such instances requires minimal effort.

Moreover, the plight of adult cocoa farmworkers is equally dire as they toil without any protective gear and are likely underpaid compared to their actual worth, following the pattern of other farm laborers. Clearly, finding a comprehensive solution to this issue is complex; however, alternatives do exist. The government ought to exert pressure on major chocolate corporations, compelling them to pay a higher price for cocoa beans. This, in turn, would alleviate the burden on cocoa farmers who currently feel compelled to involve their own families in order to generate profit. Unfortunately, the main hurdle lies in the lack of interest shown by anyone in pushing chocolate companies to change their practices.

New episodes of Last Week Tonight are aired by HBO every Sunday night. You can also catch up with them on Max. Watch the complete main segment below:

Editor's P/S

John Oliver's episode on child labor in the chocolate industry was both informative and heartbreaking. It's hard to believe that in this day and age, children are still being forced to work in dangerous and unhealthy conditions. The chocolate industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and yet the farmers who grow the cocoa beans are paid a pittance. This is a clear case of exploitation, and it's something that needs to be addressed.

One of the most shocking things about Oliver's episode was the revelation that many chocolate companies are aware of the problem of child labor, but they're not doing anything to stop it. These companies are making billions of dollars off the backs of these children, and they're not willing to give up their profits to make sure that the children are safe.

Overall, I think Oliver's episode on child labor in the chocolate industry was a powerful and important piece of journalism. It's an issue that needs to be brought to light, and I hope that it will lead to some changes in the industry.