Iran's Revolutionary Guard Commander Assassinated in Syrian Consulate Airstrike Blamed on Israel

Iran's Revolutionary Guard Commander Assassinated in Syrian Consulate Airstrike Blamed on Israel

Reports from Iranian state-affiliated media reveal the assassination of a high-ranking Revolutionary Guard commander in a deadly airstrike targeting the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, with accusations pointing towards Israel's involvement.

A high-ranking officer in Iran's Revolutionary Guard was reported to have been killed in an airstrike on their consulate in Damascus, Syria. The Iranian officials and state-affiliated media have pointed fingers at Israel for carrying out the attack.

According to Fars News, which is affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Iranian Quds Force commander Mohammed Reza Zahedi was one of the casualties in the incident that took place on Monday.

Iranian ambassador Hossein Akbari claimed that the building in Damascus was hit by six missiles from Israeli F-35 warplanes. He stated that between five to seven individuals lost their lives in the attack. Akbari mentioned that he was in his office at the embassy during the incident and personally saw the destruction.

Syrian state media, the Syrian Arab News Agency, reported that a building in the Mezzeh neighborhood in Damascus was targeted by an Israeli act of aggression on Monday afternoon, resulting in massive destruction.

When asked for a comment on the incident by CNN, the Israel Defense Forces declined to provide any response, stating that they do not comment on foreign reports.

On Monday, crowds gathered around a collapsed building in Syria's capital as seen in photos. Videos shared by Iranian state media Press TV depicted the destruction, fire, and smoke at the site of the explosion.

Iran and Syria's foreign ministers pointed fingers at Israel for the attack. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian condemned it as a breach of international agreements and urged a strong reaction from the global community.

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad called the alleged attack a serious breach of international rules, particularly the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, during his conversation with Amir-Abdollahian.

This treaty outlines the importance of diplomatic immunity and the protection of embassies and consulates.

Zahedi, the commander who was killed, had previously held positions as the commander of IRGC’s ground forces, the commander of IRGC’s air force, and the deputy commander of the IRGC’s operations.

During a briefing on Monday, United States State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller stated that the US did not have confirmation of either the target or the responsible party.

Miller mentioned that until they have more information on the situation, they prefer not to discuss it in detail. However, they are always worried about anything that may escalate or lead to more conflict in the area.

This is an ongoing story and will be continuously updated.

Editor's P/S:

The alleged airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, has raised concerns about the potential for further escalation in the region. The reported killing of a high-ranking Iranian officer has heightened tensions between Iran and Israel, and the accusations of an Israeli attack have been met with outrage by Iranian officials. The incident underscores the ongoing tensions between Iran and Israel, who have been engaged in a shadow war for years.

The attack, if confirmed to have been carried out by Israel, would be a significant departure from previous Israeli airstrikes in Syria, which have primarily targeted Iranian-backed militias and weapons shipments. The targeting of a diplomatic mission would represent a major escalation and could lead to retaliation from Iran. The US has expressed concern about the incident but has not confirmed the target or the responsible party. It is crucial for all parties involved to exercise restraint and engage in dialogue to prevent further escalation and ensure regional stability.