Innovative Rifle-Toting Robotic Canines Unveiled by China's Military

Innovative Rifle-Toting Robotic Canines Unveiled by China's Military

Reminiscent of a scene from a futuristic sci-fi series, China's military introduces cutting-edge robotic canines armed with rifles, showcasing advancements in battlefield robotics.

It may seem like a scene from the futuristic show “Black Mirror,” but it is actually the newest innovation in robotics for the modern battlefield.

In a recent military exercise with Cambodia, the Chinese military unveiled a robot dog equipped with an automatic rifle on its back, transforming the beloved companion into a lethal weapon.

"It can be a new addition to our urban combat missions, taking the place of our human soldiers for tasks like scouting out the enemy and hitting the target," explained soldier Chen Wei in a video aired on state broadcaster CCTV.

The video, which lasts for two minutes and was filmed during the China-Cambodia "Golden Dragon 2024" exercise, features the robot dog demonstrating various movements such as walking, hopping, lying down, and moving backwards while being controlled by a remote operator.

During a drill, a robot equipped with a rifle guides soldiers through a training scenario in a building. The video also features a drone with a mounted automatic rifle, showcasing China's array of advanced unmanned technology.

The use of robot dogs in the military, as well as small aerial drones, has been a common practice for some time. Last year, a CCTV video showcased China's rifle-armed electronic canines during a joint exercise with the militaries of China, Cambodia, Lao, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam held in China in November.

In 2020, the US Air Force revealed how it incorporated robotic dogs into its Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS). The ABMS utilizes artificial intelligence and rapid data analytics to identify and address threats to US military assets.

Drones have become a common sight on the battlefield following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. These inexpensive remotely controlled vehicles are now being used on land, sea, and air, capable of taking down advanced military equipment such as tanks and warships.

A NASA-funded program is teaching robot dogs how to navigate extraterrestrial terrain, Isabel Rosales reports.

A NASA-funded program is teaching robot dogs how to navigate extraterrestrial terrain, Isabel Rosales reports.

A NASA-funded program is teaching robot dogs how to navigate extraterrestrial terrain, Isabel Rosales reports.

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Robot dogs are now being trained to walk on the moon. This exciting advancement in technology opens up new possibilities for exploration beyond Earth's atmosphere.

Drones have proven to be powerful tools on the battlefield, as seen in Ukraine. Despite their small defense budgets, military forces can now effectively compete against better armed and funded enemies, thanks to the equalizing capabilities of drones.

China is known for being a top exporter of drones. However, last year, the Commerce Ministry imposed export controls on drone technology to protect national security. Despite this, the People's Liberation Army is gaining attention for its robotic dogs.

Robotic dogs have been appearing on China's strict social media platforms for over a year now. According to the state-controlled Global Times, their participation in military exercises with foreign countries shows that they are in an advanced stage of development.

An unnamed expert quoted by Global Times mentioned that in joint exercises with other countries, new equipment is typically not introduced unless it has reached a certain level of technical maturity.

Editor's P/S:

The advancements in robotics for the modern battlefield, as showcased by China's robot dog equipped with an automatic rifle, evoke a sense of unease. While these innovations may enhance military capabilities, they also raise ethical concerns about the potential for autonomous weapons systems and the dehumanization of warfare. The use of robots and drones in combat distances soldiers from the horrors of war, potentially making it easier to engage in conflicts without fully comprehending the human cost.

Moreover, the proliferation of drone technology, as evidenced by its effectiveness in the Ukraine conflict, has leveled the playing field for smaller military forces. This democratization of military power has the potential to disrupt traditional power dynamics and lead to increased instability in conflict zones. As these technologies continue to develop, it is crucial to engage in thoughtful discussions about their ethical implications and to establish clear guidelines for their responsible use in order to mitigate the risks associated with their deployment.
