Incredible Tales Unleashed: Mortal Kombat Movie Stuntman's Unforgettable Brush with Danger

Incredible Tales Unleashed: Mortal Kombat Movie Stuntman's Unforgettable Brush with Danger

Discover the untold dangers behind the iconic 1995 Mortal Kombat film as a courageous stuntman revisits a harrowing injury Uncover the lessons this experience holds for the upcoming sequel (301 characters)

Stuntman-turned-director J.J. Perry recently shared a harrowing experience from his time working on the original Mortal Kombat movie. With a successful career in martial arts and coordinating stunts for various film and TV projects, Perry eventually transitioned to directing Jamie Foxx's upcoming Netflix film Dayshift. However, prior to his directorial debut, Perry served as the stunt double for Johnny Cage in the 1995 film adaptation of Mortal Kombat. In a recent episode of Corridor Crew's "Stuntmen React to Bad & Great Hollywood Stunts," Perry recounted how he suffered a rib fracture during the iconic fight scene between Johnny Cage and Scorpion.

During the fight scene, Cage's character tumbles down from bamboo scaffolding after being kicked by Scorpion. The fall causes him to gasp for air and ultimately results in a broken rib. Perry, the actor, shared his experience:

"I actually broke a rib during that fall. One of the scaffolds was hard, and I remember feeling devastated. It happened on the last day of shooting the final scene. I've been knocked out from a head kick before in Korea, but I had never been taken down by a body shot in a tournament. Although I have experienced body shots from heavyweights in the gym, this time I couldn't breathe."

And I couldn't panic, so I had to quickly gather myself, knowing that everyone was watching. I took a deep breath and called out, "[Without air] Jeff!" Jeff Imada, concerned, asked if I was okay. Uncertain of my condition, I replied, "I'm not sure yet." He reassured me, saying, "No worries." I mustered the strength to move, but if you've ever experienced a broken rib, you know that you can't cough, sneeze, pass gas, or even go to the bathroom without pain. Desperate to hide my injury, I tightly wrapped a neoprene bandage around my ribcage and pretended that everything was fine. However, they insisted on sending me to the hospital for an x-ray, and the results confirmed what I feared: I had a broken rib, my friend.

What The New Mortal Kombat Sequel Can Learn From The Original Film

Incredible Tales Unleashed: Mortal Kombat Movie Stuntman's Unforgettable Brush with Danger

When producer Lawrence Kasanoff recognized the potential for a big-screen adaptation of the original Mortal Kombat video game, it hadn't even been released on home gaming consoles yet. Despite initial reluctance from Midway Games, Kasanoff eventually persuaded them to sell him the movie rights. Two years later, the original Mortal Kombat movie hit theaters, surpassing expectations by grossing $124.7 million worldwide. It held the title of the highest-grossing video game adaptation until 1998 when it was overtaken by Pokémon: The First Movie.

The critical reception to the film may have been mixed, but the original Mortal Kombat still managed to resonate with the game's dedicated fanbase, despite some criticism regarding the toned-down violence. However, when New Line Cinema decided to reboot the franchise in 2021, they attempted to address these concerns by adopting a more graphic approach. Unfortunately, this decision led to accusations of straying too far from the established lore of the franchise, as the film introduced new characters like Lewis Tan's Cole Young and failed to include the iconic Mortal Kombat tournament. Consequently, many viewers felt let down by the reboot's treatment of the beloved games.

As the production of a new sequel is already in progress, it would be wise for Mortal Kombat 2 to draw inspiration from the successful elements of the 1995 film adaptation. While the addition of Karl Urban's portrayal of Johnny Cage helps to make up for some of the initial missteps of the reboot, what the audience truly desires is a return to the heart of Mortal Kombat itself: the tournament. Regardless of the direction the latest Mortal Kombat movie takes, it is hoped that its stunt team will face fewer challenges than Perry and his team did.

Source: Corridor Crew