Incredible Mythological Frescoes Revealed in Pompeii

Incredible Mythological Frescoes Revealed in Pompeii

Exploring beyond the culinary delights of Ancient Rome, a recent find at the historic Pompeii site unveils captivating frescoes depicting mythological figures.

Ancient Romans at their feasts in Pompeii were not just indulging in delicious food, but also in the beauty of their surroundings. Recently, archaeologists excavating the site uncovered a banqueting hall adorned with black-painted walls featuring frescoes of mythological characters linked to the Trojan War.

The ornately decorated room provided an elegant setting for entertainment or conversation during banquets, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, which oversees the site, said.

The elaborate dining room provided an elegant setting for entertainment, according to the Archaeological Park of Pompeii.

The elaborate dining room provided an elegant setting for entertainment, according to the Archaeological Park of Pompeii.

The elaborate dining room provided an elegant setting for entertainment, according to the Archaeological Park of Pompeii.

Archaeological Park of Pompeii

Gabriel Zuchtriegel, director of the archaeological park, explained that the walls were painted black to hide the smoke from the oil lamps in a news release on Thursday.

He went on to say that back in the day, people would gather for dinner after sunset. The flickering light of the lamps created a mesmerizing effect, making the images appear to move, especially after a few glasses of good Campanian wine.

One of the frescoes shows a scene where Helen meets Paris, also known as Alexandros, the son of the Trojan king Priam. In Greek mythology, Paris taking Helen from her Greek husband Menelaus is what sparked the Trojan War.

This fresco depicts Helen of Troy with Paris. In Greek mythology, Paris' abduction of Helen triggered the Trojan War.

This fresco depicts Helen of Troy with Paris. In Greek mythology, Paris' abduction of Helen triggered the Trojan War.

This fresco depicts Helen of Troy with Paris. In Greek mythology, Paris' abduction of Helen triggered the Trojan War.

Archaeological Park of Pompeii

Another painting depicts Cassandra, the daughter of Priam, looking sad with the god Apollo.

According to legend, Apollo offered Cassandra the ability to see the future, but when she rejected his advances, he not only took back his gift but also cursed her so that no one would believe her prophecies. This is why her warnings about the fall of Troy were ignored.

The dining room, which has just been unveiled, measures approximately 15 meters in length (49 feet) and six meters in width (20 feet). It also features a courtyard with a staircase that leads up to the second floor, as stated in the announcement.

PJ4XWX Banquet in Nero's palace - Ulpiano Checa y Sanz.

PJ4XWX Banquet in Nero's palace - Ulpiano Checa y Sanz.

PJ4XWX Banquet in Nero's palace - Ulpiano Checa y Sanz.

Archivah/Alamy Stock Photo

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Someone had used charcoal to draw two pairs of gladiators and what appears to be a large, stylized phallus on the fresh plaster of the staircase arches.

Beneath the arches, a significant pile of building materials was discovered.

The ancient city of Pompeii was covered in ash and volcanic glass when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 C.E. Since the 1700s, archeologists have been uncovering the city that was preserved in time.

According to the archeological park, Pompeii consists of 1,070 homes with over 13,000 rooms, along with public and sacred areas. This recent finding was a result of a significant and continuous excavation effort.

Other finds revealed in the excavation area so far include two interconnected houses, a bakery, a laundry room and a beautifully frescoed living room.

Editor's P/S:

The recently discovered banqueting hall in Pompeii offers a tantalizing glimpse into the lives of ancient Romans. The black-painted walls adorned with frescoes depicting scenes from the Trojan War create a captivating atmosphere that would have been further enhanced by the flickering light of oil lamps. The room's elegant setting