Impact of Google's AI Overviews on Ecommerce Search Rankings

Impact of Google's AI Overviews on Ecommerce Search Rankings

Discover how Google's AI overviews are revolutionizing ecommerce search rankings by extracting product data from unexpected sources, causing a shift in visibility dynamics.

An analysis conducted by Bartosz Góralewicz, founder of Onely, looked into 25,000 ecommerce queries to understand how Google's AI overviews are affecting search visibility for online retailers.

The results of the study showed that 16% of ecommerce queries now display an AI overview in the search results, making up 13% of the total search volume in this industry.

Most of the sources mentioned in these AI summaries do not appear in the top search results for the initial query.

According to Góralewicz, having a top ranking of #1-3 only provides an 8% likelihood of being featured in AI summaries.

Google AI overviews vs. eCommerce ️

We just finished analyzing 25k eCommerce queries.


– 16% of queries return AI-overview (previously SGE)

–13% of search volume from search goes through AI overviews

– 80% of sources don't rank organically for the query (!)


Bartosz Góralewicz (@bart_goralewicz) May 22, 2024

Shift Toward “Accelerated” Product Experiences

International SEO consultant Aleyda Solis analyzed the disconnect between traditional organic ranking and inclusion in AI overviews.

According to Solis, for product-related queries, Google is prioritizing an “accelerated” approach over summarizing currently ranking pages.

She commented Góralewicz’ findings, stating:

Google doesn't just summarize what's already ranked in search results for e-commerce. Instead, it speeds up the process by showing users what they would likely see next.

According to Solis, Google is now using AI to skip over category pages, reviews, and buying guides that it used to rank for certain queries.

In a study of 25,000 e-commerce queries, it was found that 80% of AI overview sources did not rank organically for the query. This aligns with my own observations as well. Many AI overviews for product-related queries are seen as "accelerators" rather than offering in-depth information.

Aleyda Solis ️ (@aleyda) May 22, 2024

Assessing AI Overview Traffic Impact

I've made it easier for retailers to assess their risk of traffic impact from AI by sharing a spreadsheet that analyzes the potential impact. Check out my updated Google AI Overviews (AIO) Traffic Risk Impact Assessment Sheet.

  1. Assess the before/after AIO CTR/traffic gap2. The type of results/pages featured in AIO3. Prioritize content optimization actions accordingly

Check it out …

Góralewicz speculates that Google may be introducing AI overviews for high-cost queries when enabling ads. This speculation is based on data showing that these overviews are currently not available for high cost-per-click keywords. A tweet by Aleyda Solis on May 26, 2024, also mentions this potential development.

An in-depth report across ecommerce and publishing is expected soon from Góralewicz and Onely, with additional insights into this search trend.

Why SEJ Cares

AI overviews are changing how ecommerce websites achieve search visibility. Currently, most overviews use product data from sources that don't rank well, disrupting the usual link between organic rankings and search traffic.

Retailers may need to adapt their SEO strategies for this new search environment.

How This Can Benefit You

Established brands may find AI overviews unsettling, but they also present new opportunities for retailers to increase visibility without having to compete for the most valuable keywords.

Ecommerce sites have the potential to bypass traditional ranking obstacles by focusing on optimizing product data and detail pages specifically for Google's "accelerated" product displays.

The detailed assessment framework provided by Solis enables merchants to audit their exposure and prioritize optimization needs accordingly.


What are the key findings from the analysis of AI overviews & ecommerce queries?

Góralewicz’s analysis of 25,000 ecommerce queries found:

16% of ecommerce queries now return an AI overview in the search results.

80% of the sources listed in these AI overviews do not rank organically for the original query.

Ranking positions #1-3 only provides an 8% chance of being a source in AI overviews.

These insights reveal significant shifts in how ecommerce sites need to approach search visibility.

Why AI Overviews Pull Product Data from Non-Ranking Sources

Google's AI overviews are prioritizing "accelerated" experiences instead of summarizing currently ranked pages for product-related queries. This shift has implications for retailers.

This shift focuses on showcasing directly what users seek instead of traditional organic results.

For retailers, this means:

In order to improve product pages, it is important to go beyond traditional SEO techniques and focus on meeting the data needs of AI algorithms.

By optimizing product pages in this way, there are opportunities to increase visibility even without achieving top organic rankings.

Potential to bypass traditional ranking barriers by focusing on enhanced product data integration.

Retailers must adapt quickly to remain competitive in this evolving search environment.

Practical Steps for Retailers to Evaluate and Improve Search Visibility

Retailers have the opportunity to enhance their search visibility by taking a few practical steps.

Use the spreadsheet from Aleyda Solis to analyze how AI overviews could affect your website traffic.

Make sure your product and detail pages are tailored to match the preferences of AI overviews.

By continuously monitoring changes and updates to AI, retailers can adapt their strategies based on new data and trends. These steps can help them navigate the impact of AI on their business and maintain or improve their search visibility.

Featured Image: Marco Lazzarini/Shutterstock

Editor's P/S:

Paragraph 1:

The study conducted on AI overviews in e-commerce reveals a significant shift in Google's approach to search results. The prominence of AI overviews, which often draw product data from non-ranking sources, challenges traditional organic ranking strategies. While established brands may face some unease, this change presents opportunities for smaller retailers to gain visibility without competing for top keywords.

Paragraph 2:

Google's "accelerated" experience prioritizes direct product information over comprehensive reviews and buying guides. This underscores the importance of optimizing product pages to meet the specific data requirements of AI algorithms. By leveraging the assessment framework provided, retailers can evaluate their risk of traffic impact, prioritize optimization actions, and adapt to the evolving search landscape. Through ongoing monitoring of AI updates and trends, they can stay ahead of the curve and maintain or enhance their search visibility.