How to Solve High Rent in Cities Skylines 2

How to Solve High Rent in Cities Skylines 2

Discover effective strategies to tackle the issue of high rent in Cities Skylines 2 Explore the role of taxes, education, unemployment, and zoning to create a balanced and thriving city

Cities Skylines 2 High Rent Explained

When constructing their city in Cities Skylines 2, players may encounter the challenge of exorbitant rental prices. This predicament arises as citizens require a greater financial means to reside or operate businesses within specific areas of the city. Failing to address this matter will inevitably result in the relocation of residents, consequently leading to an overall decline in profits. To overcome this obstacle, various alternatives can be considered.

How to Solve High Rent in Cities Skylines 2

Firstly, to find a solution to the high rent problem, let's take a look at its causes. Rent depends on many factors, such as:

The value of land is determined by the quality of city services, presence of parks, and the height of buildings in the vicinity. In turn, the higher this value, the greater the cost of living for residents.

In Cities: Skylines 2, every residential building is assigned a level ranging from 1 to 5, with higher levels being associated with higher rental prices.

Zone types: High-density areas typically offer more affordable rental rates compared to medium and low-density areas.

Education levels: The career prospects of the residents depend on their education levels. Individuals with lower education are typically economically disadvantaged compared to those with higher education, and thus they prefer inexpensive housing options in high-density areas.

Cities Skylines 2 High Rent Fix

How to Solve High Rent in Cities Skylines 2

Now that the reasons for high rents are known, let's take a look at how to solve them.


First and foremost, it is advisable to contemplate the lowering of taxes specifically for residential areas. While this may result in a decrease in the city's revenue, it would alleviate the burden on residents who would otherwise be forced to relocate.


Another effective approach to addressing the issue is enhancing the education of the populace. By increasing their educational attainment, individuals can secure higher-paying employment opportunities. It is crucial to prioritize the prompt establishment of schools and universities as this is an investment that benefits not only the income of citizens but also the overall prosperity of the city.


If the previous strategies have not proven effective, it is advisable to investigate whether unemployment is the underlying cause for residents' financial challenges in meeting rental payments. It is essential for observers to consider whether all the occupants of the building are employed, and if not, to devise means of generating new employment opportunities by establishing commercial and industrial zones.

Create Residential Zones of Different Density

Incorporate a variety of residential areas with varying levels of density as a helpful tip. Combine low-density and high-density zones to accommodate residents with limited financial resources in affordable high-density regions. Experience Cities: Skylines 2 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of Cities Skylines 2, I am thrilled to share my opinions and feelings on the topic of high rent in the game.

Firstly, I believe that the issue of high rent in Cities Skylines 2 is a complex one that requires a multifaceted approach to address. There is no single solution that will work in all cases, as the causes of high rent can vary from city to city. However, by considering factors such as taxes, education, unemployment, and zoning, players can develop strategies that will help to make their cities more affordable for residents.

In my opinion, one of the most effective ways to reduce high rent is to invest in education. By providing residents with access to high-quality education, they will be able to secure better-paying jobs and afford higher rents. Additionally, investing in education can help to reduce unemployment, which is another factor that can contribute to high rent.

Another strategy that I have found to be effective is to create a mix of residential zones with varying densities. This allows residents to choose the type of housing that best fits their needs and budget. For example, low-income residents can choose to live in high-density apartments, while middle-income residents can opt for single-family homes. By providing a variety of housing options, players can help to reduce the demand for housing and lower rents.