How to Navigate Organisational Politics: Understanding, Reasons, Effects, and Solutions

How to Navigate Organisational Politics: Understanding, Reasons, Effects, and Solutions

Organisational politics involves the pursuit of self-interest and personal agendas within an organisation, often resulting in negative effects It is inevitable, but can be reduced through effective management strategies

Definition of organisational politics

Organisational politics is the manifestation of an individual's self-interest and agenda within a company, often disregarding its impact on the company's objectives and goals. This phenomenon is driven by self-serving human behavior and power dynamics within the organization.

Meaning of organisational politics

Organizational politics, often conducted behind the scenes, is a process in which individuals use influencing tactics and activities to gain and showcase perceived power in the workplace. Unfortunately, many employees misuse this tool to gain extreme popularity and tarnish the reputation of others within the company. It's important to note that workplace politics often leads to negativity and decreased productivity.

Organisational politics often has a negative connotation, but it's not always a bad thing. Navigating the dynamics of an organization requires skillful management of shifting power structures and conflicting agendas. Effective organizational politics involves not just achieving personal victories at any cost, but also building and maintaining relationships to achieve collective goals.

Reasons for organisational politics

How to Navigate Organisational Politics: Understanding, Reasons, Effects, and Solutions

Some important reasons for organisational politics are-

Many individuals desire success and all its benefits, but do not want to put in the necessary hard work to achieve it. They often seek out shortcuts and ways to gain recognition without putting forth much effort. For these individuals, organizational politics become a means to tarnish the reputation of those they view as obstacles in their path.

Some employees struggle to adapt to changes within their organization, which can prove to be unsettling for them. It's important for employees to recognize that change is a natural part of organizational growth and to be prepared to embrace it.

can become strained and the quality of work can suffer as a result of this negative behaviour. It is important for management to address these issues and provide support to those who may be struggling with the changes. By fostering a positive and supportive work environment, employees can feel valued and motivated to adapt to new situations. This ultimately leads to a more productive and successful workplace.

in boundaries between personal and professional relationships can lead to conflicts of interest and compromise the integrity of the workplace. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to maintain a clear distinction between the two and prioritize their professional responsibilities over personal connections. This not only fosters a more productive and efficient work environment, but also ensures that decisions are made objectively and based on merit rather than personal biases.

and power plays become rampant in such an environment, leading to a toxic work culture that can negatively impact employee morale and productivity. Therefore, it is crucial for organisations to prioritize clear communication and transparency in order to foster a healthy and positive work environment.

If someone wants to mislead his superior then he will try to manipulate the information and pass the wrong one with the help of organisational politics


and insecurity can often fuel jealousy amongst co-workers, particularly when one individual is perceived as being more intelligent or successful than the others. This can result in a toxic environment where political maneuvering becomes the norm and attempts are made to discredit the high-performing individual.

and backstabbing are common tactics used in corporate politics to gain an advantage over colleagues. The lack of trust creates a toxic work environment where employees are more focused on protecting their own interests rather than working collaboratively towards achieving common goals. This can ultimately harm the productivity and success of the company as a whole.

often revolve around pointing out the flaws of others, rather than focusing on the relevance of the situation. This tendency to shift the blame onto others rather than taking responsibility for one's own actions can hinder personal growth and development. It is important to recognize and address one's own shortcomings in order to become a better individual.

One of the reasons for office politics is the habit of employees in taking part in unnecessary chatter about co-workers, peers and other people in the organisation

Struggle for power 

. They engage in behaviors such as spreading rumors, backstabbing, and sabotaging others to gain an advantage over their colleagues.

In this environment, trust and cooperation between team members break down, leading to a toxic work culture. It becomes difficult for the company to achieve its goals and objectives when employees are focusing on their own personal gains instead of working towards a common goal.

To prevent such a situation, it is essential for leaders to create a culture of transparency and trust. They must encourage open communication, provide opportunities for skill development, and recognize and reward employees based on their merit.

By promoting a positive workplace culture, leaders can help employees focus on their work rather than office politics, and ultimately achieve success together as a team.

Competition for promotions can create a toxic environment

As multiple employees compete for a limited number of promotions, it can lead to an unpleasant atmosphere of office politics. Driven by their ambition, some individuals may resort to aggressive tactics, spreading rumors and casting suspicion on their colleagues in order to secure their desired position.

This perpetuates a climate of mistrust and proves detrimental for the health of the organisation

Reward system 

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Rewards and incentives are often used by businesses to motivate and recognize their employees' hard work. However, when the focus shifts solely on attaining these rewards, it can lead to negative consequences. This can create an atmosphere of unhealthy competition, where employees may resort to sabotaging their colleagues' work in order to come out on top. The result can be an increase in office politics and a decrease in overall productivity.

As soon as there is a new appointment at the upper levels, individuals begin to focus on impressing and gaining favor. However, this can quickly escalate to a toxic environment where colleagues are belittled, undermined, and their reputations tarnished in order to secure a higher position. This kind of cut-throat competition breeds the worst kind of organizational politics.

Effects of organisational politics

How to Navigate Organisational Politics: Understanding, Reasons, Effects, and Solutions

The impact of organisational politics are as follows-

The decrease in the level of productivity 

When individuals become too involved in office politics, their focus shifts away from their work and towards gossip, rumors, and other underhanded activities. Instead of prioritizing their job responsibilities, they spend their time criticizing and undermining their co-workers. Unfortunately, this obsession with workplace politics can have serious consequences, including missed deadlines, delayed projects, and decreased productivity for both the individual and the organization as a whole.

A toxic work environment can arise from the presence of organizational politics, leading to strained relationships between coworkers. Those who engage in this behavior are often viewed unfavorably by their colleagues. Unfortunately, organizational politics can also negatively impact productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

The lack of focus caused by involvement in workplace politics can negatively impact an employee's ability to concentrate on their tasks and projects. Instead of putting effort towards their work, they may become more invested in undermining their colleagues and damaging their reputations.

and behavior of the person as well, leading to a false sense of superiority and an increased risk of failure. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balanced perspective on one's abilities and remain focused on the task at hand to avoid such pitfalls.

and the organisation. The negative impact on employee morale and motivation can lead to decreased productivity and an increase in absenteeism and turnover rates. It is important for organisations to address and manage internal politics in order to maintain a positive workplace culture and retain top talent.

Organizational politics can be a major source of employee demotivation. When employees witness non-performers being rewarded simply because they have a close relationship with a senior manager, or when someone else's hard work is credited to another employee, it can be frustrating and demoralizing.

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The workplace environment has become increasingly stressful, leading to employees being hesitant to discuss their problems with their colleagues for fear of information leakage. This lack of trust among colleagues poses a significant challenge, as it deprives individuals of a safe space to share their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Every one of us needs friends and confidantes, and when we are unable to find them at the workplace because of organisational politics it results in stress and anxiety

Wrongful information 

In the realm of corporate politics, misinformation runs rampant as manipulation thrives. Managers and supervisors are often fed edited versions of events, leading to a distorted perception of the workplace reality. As a result, deserving employees may go unnoticed while undeserving ones receive recognition and rewards. Unfortunately, the dissemination of inaccurate information is a harsh reality of office politics that must be accepted.

Why organisational politics is inevitable

Organisational politics is inevitable because –

Rewritten: There are those who hold greater power and authority within an organization, and as a result, engage in the practice of organizational politics. Additionally, certain individuals who possess political savvy may actively promote this behavior in order to further their own interests.

. It is a reality that cannot be ignored in any workplace. While some employees choose to play the game, others may feel uncomfortable and choose to avoid it altogether. However, it is important to understand that being aware of organisational politics can help employees navigate their way through the workplace and achieve success without compromising their values.

Ways to reduce organisational politics

The ways to overcome organisational politics are

Delegating tasks based on efficiency and work experience can boost employees' job satisfaction and minimize the chances of workplace politics. However, it is equally important for organizations to prioritize transparency in all aspects of their operations.

Promote teamwork to strengthen the bond so that people hesitate to indulge in office politics

Effective communication will reduce the chances of office politics

Encourage a positive frame of mind in the workplace as people will then hesitate to spread lies and bitch about others

Managing organisational politics

How to Navigate Organisational Politics: Understanding, Reasons, Effects, and Solutions

The most crucial tip for managing organisational politics is to find the right balance. The strategies that one can use in this endeavour are as follows-


Staying true to your core values is crucial in navigating through differences and challenges in the workplace. By acknowledging and accepting what truly matters to you, you can remain focused on your purpose and maintain a positive outlook even in the face of adversity. This allows you to navigate through organizational politics with integrity and grace.

Knowing and understanding the politics within an organization is essential to navigating the work culture. It's often said that if you can't avoid it, you should at least strive to comprehend it in order to effectively play the game and emerge victorious.

Understanding the Roots of Power

To effectively navigate any organization, it is crucial to identify the true sources of both formal and informal power. Who are the key players that hold sway and can significantly impact outcomes? Equally important is recognizing those individuals who operate behind the scenes, wielding significant influence and resources to shape decisions at the highest levels.

Expand your Interpersonal Abilities

Don't limit your interactions to just those within your team or department. Step out of your comfort zone and connect with executives, managers, and colleagues from other areas of the company. Build strong relationships with individuals of different backgrounds and personalities. This will allow you to better collaborate and communicate effectively with a diverse range of people. It is crucial to develop strong people skills, which include maintaining confidentiality and trust in all professional relationships.

Be emotionally intelligent so that your interpersonal skills stand you in good stead and helps in building and maintaining connections.

Listen attentively

and the people within it can change quickly, and if you're not paying attention, you may miss important information or changes that could affect your position or the future of the company. By actively listening to your colleagues and superiors, you can gain a better understanding of the dynamics at play and stay informed about any shifts or developments in the company. This can help you make more informed decisions and navigate the political landscape more effectively.

It is crucial to understand the unspoken rules and preferences of the organization to make informed decisions. By identifying what is essential and what is not, you can prioritize the important factors and disregard the rest.

are often tied to one's ability to navigate the political landscape of a workplace. It is essential to understand the unspoken expectations and power dynamics at play in order to succeed and avoid negative consequences. By paying attention to the unwritten rules and acting accordingly, employees can build strong relationships and effectively navigate the complexities of office politics. Failing to do so can result in missed opportunities, damaged relationships, and even job loss.

in observing the actions of your colleagues and superiors. Take note of their behavior and the outcomes of their actions. This can help you identify patterns and anticipate potential consequences. By staying informed and aware, you can avoid being caught off guard by unexpected outcomes or manipulations. Being proactive also shows that you are engaged and interested in the success of the organization, which can earn you respect and recognition from your colleagues and superiors.

Building a strong network of supportive individuals is a key component of being proactive. This network can provide valuable insight into potential opportunities and obstacles, as well as serve as a safeguard against negative influences. By creating alliances, individuals can leverage their connections to gain an advantage in a system that may not always operate fairly. Additionally, a proactive approach can help employees assert their opinions and defend their positions in the workplace. An ethical and proactive mindset can also serve as a powerful tool for navigating the complex landscape of organizational politics.

Protect Yourself

Being protective doesn't necessarily involve safeguarding others, but rather being conscious of your environment and shielding yourself from potential backstabbers. It involves steering clear of naivety, avoiding blind faith and staying vigilant at all times.

to navigate the intricacies of the workplace in order to protect oneself from unethical and manipulative behavior, while also adeptly handling office politics.

To effectively navigate organizational politics, one must be willing to confront challenges head-on. Ignoring any red flags or assuming that everything is running smoothly can lead to unpleasant surprises down the road. Additionally, it's essential to remain vigilant even if you have formed alliances or have supporters. The reality is that workplace politics can be unpredictable, and loyalties can shift in response to changing circumstances. As such, it's crucial to approach workplace relationships with a healthy dose of skepticism and to remain adaptable to changing dynamics.