How to Ensure a Peaceful Christmas Eve for Santa and Your Kids

How to Ensure a Peaceful Christmas Eve for Santa and Your Kids

Discover foolproof strategies from sleep expert Dr Raj Dasgupta on ensuring a peaceful Christmas Eve slumber for your little ones, ensuring Santa Claus can sprinkle his enchantment effortlessly

Throughout the entire house, there wasn't a single creature stirring, not even a mouse.

But I, at the tender age of 7, was wide awake with excitement as the clock struck midnight. My mother ended up giving me my first Christmas present - the newest Shaun Cassidy album. I can still recall the exhilaration I felt before I drifted back to sleep.

How to Ensure a Peaceful Christmas Eve for Santa and Your Kids

Photo Illustration by Alberto Mier/CNN

Simplify your holidays with a pre-prepared holiday meal. Since becoming a parent, I understand the struggle of staying up late to wrap presents on Christmas Eve. We don't want our kids to be kept up late or interrupt our wrapping. At best, they slow us down. At worst, they catch a glimpse of Santa in action.

"What can be done?" I inquired of sleep expert Dr. Raj Dasgupta, an associate professor of clinical medicine at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine. I can assure you he is not a Grinch. As the father of three children, ages 4, 8, and 10, he may be implementing his recommendations at home this year.

I have lightly edited his responses for clarity and because I appreciate his taste in Christmas music, self-control around cookie platters, and advice to family and friends. (My replies are italicized below.)

Have a plan for Christmas Eve. Try to go outside in the morning for some exercise and to tire out the kids. The morning sunlight can also help reset our internal body clock, making it easier to fall asleep at night. Wind things down in the late afternoon. Make sure to have set bedtimes and wake times that everyone agrees to follow. If you're going on vacation or changing sleeping arrangements for guests, it's important to agree on who will sleep where and in which bed before bedtime.

How to Ensure a Peaceful Christmas Eve for Santa and Your Kids

Allowing children to have one present each is another strategy for encouraging bedtime for excited kids.

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Limiting holiday sugar intake is important to avoid hyperactivity in children. Studies show that while sugar may not always lead to hyper behavior, it can have some effect. Children who are sleep-deprived tend to crave more sugar, and poor sleep quality is linked to higher added sugar intake. It's best to reduce sugar intake throughout the day, especially close to bedtime and to avoid eating within two hours of sleep. Enlist the help of friends and family to limit sugary treats close to bedtime when they visit.

How to Ensure a Peaceful Christmas Eve for Santa and Your Kids

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Want to finally say something back at the holiday dinner? Try talking like a teacher

Give your kids a special Christmas Eve gift, with a letter from Santa encouraging them to go to bed so he can deliver the rest of their presents. If they have trouble falling asleep, gently remind them that Santa will only come while they are asleep. This gentle warning should help them drift off to sleep.

Once theyre asleep, its time to work with Santa to wrap those presents, so then he can leave.

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight

"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"