How Final Fantasy 16's Story Shines with Naoki Yoshida's Passion for Game of Thrones

How Final Fantasy 16's Story Shines with Naoki Yoshida's Passion for Game of Thrones

Final Fantasy 16's story benefits from Producer Naoki Yoshida's love for Game of Thrones, resulting in a darker tone and unpredictable plot twists No character is safe as the story unfolds, making it stand out among the series' highlights

Leading up to the release of Final Fantasy 16, much of the discussion has revolved around how the game will differentiate itself from its predecessors. The team at Square Enix's Creative Business Unit 3 has been vocal about their desire to push the series forward while also returning to its roots, which includes a darker and more mature story than what fans might expect. Producer Naoki Yoshida's admiration for HBO's Game of Thrones is evident in Final Fantasy 16's narrative and tone, as the recently released demo showcases the harsh realities of war in a world that blends magic and monsters with political intrigue. Yoshida has even shared that his team watched the entire Game of Thrones series to capture its essence and incorporate it into Final Fantasy 16's story. Based on the demo, it seems that this decision may have resulted in the best story yet for the Final Fantasy series.

The Darker Tone Helps Final Fantasy 16 Stand With the Series' Highlights

How Final Fantasy 16's Story Shines with Naoki Yoshida's Passion for Game of Thrones

In Final Fantasy 16, the opening scene uses 'in media res' to introduce Clive, a man in his late twenties or early thirties, accompanying a special unit of soldiers on a mission to eliminate the Shiva Dominant. The scene is filled with violent conflicts between rebel and empire forces, reminiscent of the Game of Thrones influence. But what sets Final Fantasy 16 apart is its three-dimensional characterization of the cast, creating a compelling narrative that rivals even Final Fantasy 6. The use of Game of Thrones influence gives Final Fantasy 16 a darker tone, making it a refreshing departure from the series' recent history.

Just Like in Game of Thrones, No Character in Final Fantasy 16 is Safe

How Final Fantasy 16's Story Shines with Naoki Yoshida's Passion for Game of Thrones

The Final Fantasy series has a history of using the death of beloved characters as a powerful narrative tool. From Final Fantasy 2's party members falling victim to the Empire, to the iconic loss of Aerith in Final Fantasy 7, these deaths have had a significant impact on the stories of these games. This trope is similarly employed in Game of Thrones, where viewers are warned not to become too attached to characters due to the high likelihood of their demise. In Final Fantasy 16's demo, players are introduced to a cast of charming and well-crafted characters, only to witness their tragic fates unfold shortly after.

The quality of writing in Final Fantasy 16 is remarkable, as even the supporting characters are given extensive and enjoyable characterizations. Similar to Game of Thrones, the likable characters are not immune to danger and are just as vulnerable to harm. The overall effect of the Game of Thrones influence is a captivating and engaging story that is sure to captivate players. The demo itself provides a glimpse of what promises to be the best narrative in the series thus far. Fans can look forward to the game's release on June 22, exclusively for PS5.