How DS9 Broke a TNG Tradition and Improved the Spinoff Show

How DS9 Broke a TNG Tradition and Improved the Spinoff Show

A look at how Star Trek: Deep Space Nine broke a long-standing tradition from Star Trek: The Next Generation and improved the spinoff show in the process.

The Departure from TNG Tradition

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine broke away from a long-standing tradition of Star Trek: The Next Generation, marking a significant departure from the style and approach of its predecessor. The TNG season finales were characterized by big cliffhangers, a trend that DS9 chose to break from the very start. It was a move that set the stage for a new and distinct direction for the spinoff show, setting it apart from the established norms of TNG.

Sisko And Picard in front of DS9

Sisko And Picard in front of DS9

DS9's departure from the TNG tradition was evident from the very beginning, with the show's creators emphasizing a different approach to storytelling and season finales. This departure was a deliberate choice that aimed to establish DS9 as a unique and separate entity within the Star Trek universe.

Star Trek picard the next generation sisko deep space nine janeway

Star Trek picard the next generation sisko deep space nine janeway

DS9 Season 1 Finale: Breaking the Mold

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's season 1 finale, 'In the Hands of the Prophets,' marked a significant departure from the TNG season finales. While TNG's season enders were built around big cliffhangers, DS9's season 1 finale took a different approach. The episode, 'In the Hands of the Prophets,' provided a clear and defined ending, a choice that reflected the show's more serialized storytelling approach.

The decision to end DS9 season 1 with a conclusive episode was a conscious choice by producer Michael Piller, who sought to create a bookend to the pilot episode, 'Emissary.' This departure from the TNG tradition set the tone for DS9's approach to season finales, emphasizing a more nuanced and conclusive storytelling style.

Divergence from TNG & Voyager Finales

The divergent approach of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's season finales was not limited to season 1 but continued throughout the show's run. Unlike TNG and Voyager, DS9's season finales focused on larger-scale cliffhangers and chapter endings, steering away from the gimmicky, easily resolvable cliffhangers that characterized TNG and Voyager.

This departure allowed DS9 to establish a more impactful and consequential narrative, setting its characters on new paths and shaking up the status quo at the end of each season. The influence of DS9's departure from TNG's tradition is still felt in modern Star Trek, particularly in Star Trek: Discovery, highlighting the enduring impact of the spinoff show's unique approach to season finales.
