House Approves Crucial Government Funding Bills in a Race Against Shutdown Deadline

House Approves Crucial Government Funding Bills in a Race Against Shutdown Deadline

In a time-sensitive move, the House has approved a set of six government funding bills, with legislators working diligently to secure passage in both chambers before the looming shutdown deadline at the end of the week.

The House passed a package of six government funding bills on Wednesday. Lawmakers are rushing to get the legislation through both chambers before the end of the week shutdown deadline.

Next, the Senate will need to consider the measure. Lawmakers have two upcoming shutdown deadlines on Friday and March 22. President Joe Biden is scheduled to deliver his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on Thursday evening, making the timeframe to enact the package even tighter.

The recently approved package of spending bills, supported by leaders from both the Democratic and Republican parties in Congress, marks a significant achievement for lawmakers. Instead of relying on last-minute stopgap measures to prevent shutdowns, Congress is now close to passing new legislation to fund essential government departments and agencies.

Despite having a slim majority in the House, Republicans came together to pass the package with bipartisan support. The vote resulted in a 339 to 85 outcome, with 132 Republicans in favor, 83 against, and only two Democrats opposed.

Both Democrats and Republicans are celebrating victories in the spending package. This package includes funding for various departments such as Agriculture, Commerce, Justice, Veterans Affairs, Energy, Interior, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, as well as the Food and Drug Administration, military construction, and other federal programs.

The funding will go towards a wide range of programs and initiatives. This includes hiring new air traffic controllers and rail safety inspectors, providing medical care and benefits for veterans, and supporting science, technology, and research programs. These programs are aimed at boosting the US economy and its competition with China in areas like artificial intelligence.

Democrats have emphasized that the package supports important social safety net programs. This includes $7 billion allocated for the WIC program, which provides nutrition assistance for women, infants, and children - a $1 billion increase compared to the previous fiscal year. Additionally, the package includes funding for rental assistance and various child nutrition programs, such as the school lunch program.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer expressed his satisfaction with the package in a statement, mentioning, "I am particularly pleased that it fully funds the essential WIC program, makes significant investments in our infrastructure, and enhances programs that support services for our veterans."

Schumer emphasized the Democrats' efforts to safeguard housing and nutrition programs and prevent measures that could limit access to women's health or hinder progress in combating climate change.

On the other hand, House Speaker Mike Johnson defended House Republicans' actions by highlighting their victories in promoting conservative policies, opposing liberal proposals, and implementing significant budget cuts to agencies and programs aligned with President Biden's agenda.

The Louisiana Republican stated that the legislation aims to protect parents' right to free speech at school boards and prevent the Biden Administration from taking away Second Amendment rights from veterans. It also includes significant budget cuts to the EPA, ATF, and FBI, which are seen as threats to our freedoms and economy under the current administration. Despite these cuts, the bill fully supports veterans' health care.

The House Freedom Caucus, known for its hardline stance, has officially opposed the spending package. In a statement, they criticized the bill for not addressing key Republican priorities and for giving up leverage to negotiate with Democrats on securing the southern border.

Johnson became the new House Speaker after conservatives removed Kevin McCarthy in a significant vote last year. This has led to concerns that the Louisiana Republican may also face a challenge to his speakership in the future.

McCarthy's removal caused chaos among House Republicans as they struggled to find a new leader. Many GOP lawmakers are hoping to avoid a repeat of this divisive and uncertain situation.

Schumer has mentioned that he intends to present the package to the Senate floor at the earliest opportunity. It's still uncertain when the chamber will conduct the vote.

On Tuesday, he stated, "Once the House transfers the appropriations bills to the Senate, I will bring these bills to the floor for a vote. This way, we can have them approved and ready for President Biden to sign before the Friday deadline."

Schumer mentioned that Biden's State of the Union speech on Thursday will take up a lot of time, adding to the time pressure we are already facing. He emphasized the need for quick action, stating, "The clock is ticking, and with the State of the Union coming up, we must work together to pass these bills swiftly before Friday." He stressed that cooperation and speed will be key for the Senate in the upcoming days.

This story and headline have been updated with additional developments.

CNN’s Morgan Rimmer contributed to this report.

Editor's P/S:

The recent passage of a package of six government funding bills in the House marks a significant step towards preventing a government shutdown. The bipartisan support for the package, with 132 Republicans voting in favor, highlights the importance of compromise and collaboration in ensuring the smooth functioning of essential government services. The inclusion of funding for programs such as WIC, rental assistance, and child nutrition is a testament to the priority placed on supporting vulnerable populations.

However, the opposition from the House Freedom Caucus and concerns over the potential challenges to House Speaker Mike Johnson's leadership raise questions about the stability within the Republican party. The upcoming Senate vote and President Joe Biden's State of the Union address add further time constraints, emphasizing the need for swift action. The Senate's decision will be crucial in determining whether the funding package is enacted before the impending shutdown deadlines, showcasing the importance of bipartisan cooperation and efficient legislative processes in ensuring the continuity of government operations.