Highly Acclaimed 2022 Survival Thriller Secures Approval for 2 Sequels

Highly Acclaimed 2022 Survival Thriller Secures Approval for 2 Sequels

2022's gripping survival thriller, hailed as a masterpiece, surpasses all expectations with its unexpected triumph, leading to the thrilling confirmation of not one, but two highly anticipated sequels

Article Overview

Fall, the breakout survival thriller, is set to become a franchise with two sequels receiving the green light after its surprising success on a small budget of $3 million.

Director and co-writer Scott Mann will oversee the production and direction of both sequels, preserving the vision and style of the original film. Scheduled to commence production in June 2024, fans can anticipate immersing themselves once again in the exhilarating world of the TV tower alongside the beloved, original characters.

Fall, the breakout survival thriller, is poised to become a franchise as it has received the green light for two sequels. Originally released in 2022, this gripping survival thriller tells the story of two women who find themselves stranded at the top of a towering 2,000-foot TV tower. Despite being produced with a modest budget of $3 million, the film defied expectations, winning both critical acclaim and commercial success, paving the way for potential sequels.

Now, Fall is set to expand its universe with not one, but two highly anticipated sequels. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Capstone Studios has given the go-ahead for two sequels, with Scott Mann, the director and co-writer of the original film, returning to produce both installments and directing the third film. The sequels will also showcase the return of beloved characters from the first film, although their identities are being kept under wraps. Filming for the first sequel is scheduled to commence in June 2024.

More to come...

Source: THR

Editor's P/S

As a fan of the 2022 survival thriller "Fall," I am thrilled to hear that two sequels have been greenlit. The original film was a masterclass in suspense and tension, and I can't wait to see what director Scott Mann has in store for us in the next two installments.

I'm particularly excited to see the return of the beloved characters from the first film. Although their identities are being kept under wraps, I'm sure that Mann and his team will find a way to bring them back in a meaningful and exciting way.

Overall, I'm very optimistic about the future of the "Fall" franchise. The first film was a huge success, and I'm confident that the sequels will be even better. I can't wait to see what's next for these characters and this story.