Haunted Encounters: Investigator Jack Osbourne's Startling Close Encounter with the Paranormal

Haunted Encounters: Investigator Jack Osbourne's Startling Close Encounter with the Paranormal

Investigator Jack Osbourne shares a bone-chilling account of a terrifying encounter he and his family had with the paranormal Brace yourself as he recounts the unexplainable scare that left him and his parents, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, shaken to the core

Article Summary

Jack Osbourne discusses his mother's unexplained medical emergency during the season premiere of Night of Terror and how it shook him.

The terrifying encounter with the doll, which had eerie teeth, raised intriguing questions about its origin and purpose.

Contemplating the possibility of a multiverse and the coexistence of different time periods, Osbourne reflects on the investigation conducted in Virginia City, Nevada.

The Travel Channel series Night of Terror chronicles Jack Osbourne's exploration of the paranormal, joined by members of his famous family and some celebrity friends such as Jenny McCarthy, Jamie Kennedy, and Jason Mewes. Each episode takes place in a different location with its own unique history and outcomes.

In an exclusive interview with Our website, Osbourne discusses his mother Sharon Osbourne's unexpected and puzzling medical emergency during the season premiere. He also delves into how he engages the audience in the historical significance of the locations he investigates, encounters a disturbing doll with teeth, explores his sister Kelly Osbourne's potential psychic abilities, emphasizes the importance of using reputable mediums, challenges the concept of a multiverse, shares a ghostly encounter with his father Ozzy Osbourne, and hints at his upcoming investigations.

I really appreciate the extensive historical information you provide for each location in this series on our website. It was truly fascinating to discover the background of each place explored.

JACK OSBOURNE: Absolutely, that's our aim. We believe that captivating people's interest lies in their investment in the story and its historical context. Otherwise, it would just be a mere investigation without any purpose. Setting the right vibe is crucial.

Haunted Encounters: Investigator Jack Osbourne's Startling Close Encounter with the Paranormal

Image via Travel Channel

Which was the most horrifying encounter you had this season? And why did the creepy doll with teeth haunt your dreams indefinitely?

OSBOURNE: How bizarre was that? We filmed so much that I completely forgot about witnessing that particular incident. I was conversing with a colleague and found myself questioning the rationale of the toy creator who decided to give that doll teeth. Honestly, the most astonishing event occurred in Virginia City, Nevada, an old mining town that Kelly and I visited. However, what truly shook me to my core was what happened to my mother. She had to be urgently rushed to the hospital, and it turned into a complete ordeal. On a deeper level, the peculiar aspect is that despite undergoing numerous tests such as brain scans, MRIs, and CAT scans, they could not identify any cause for her losing consciousness and ceasing to breathe for 20 minutes. It genuinely terrified me. I began to question, "Could this have been a demonic attack?" I've always been skeptical of supernatural phenomena, dismissing claims of people getting scratched. I have maintained that kind of mindset as an investigator. However, when something like this occurs, it forces you to reconsider everything.

Do you find that she brings it up again if she becomes angry at you, or have you all made a mutual agreement to never discuss it and simply move on?

OSBOURNE: We filmed the scene in December of 2022, so it's been almost a year now. I've mentioned it a few times, asking, "What do you think happened? What do you remember?" But we simply don't have any answers. We have no clue what occurred. My mom said she felt fine, just a little tired beforehand. Here's the crazy part, although it didn't make it into the final episode due to time constraints (we only have 42 minutes per episode), my mom jokingly said before entering the room for the investigation, "I'm getting tired, I'll just pretend to get possessed so we can wrap up early." I laughed it off, thinking she was just kidding around. That's why when I entered the room and called out to her, saying "Mom?" I thought she was playfully messing with me, but she wasn't.

Did you ever consider ending the season at that point? How did you overcome that situation?

OSBOURNE: After shooting that episode, we took a three-week hiatus due to the holiday season. During this break, I realized the importance of completing our commitment to produce six episodes. However, I was initially in a state of denial and completely shocked by what had occurred. It wasn't until June or July that I finally allowed myself to fully process the situation and question what actually transpired. It may have been a form of PTSD that I unconsciously suppressed. Once the pace slowed down for me, I was given the opportunity to reflect, and it undeniably altered my perspective on various aspects of life. I constantly ponder whether our ghost shows are truly helpful or if they inadvertently become hunts. Indeed, I personally have never encountered an experience like that, making it challenging for me to comprehend and evaluate the aftermath.

Haunted Encounters: Investigator Jack Osbourne's Startling Close Encounter with the Paranormal

Image via Travel Channel

And then, there are instances where your sister, Kelly, gets involved. Did you ever consider including her or did you think she could handle herself?

OSBOURNE: Kelly is a resilient individual. She has also developed her skills as an investigator. Our joint investigations have witnessed remarkable occurrences, and she initially believed that paranormal investigating was simply a hobby for nerdy individuals playing with toys in basements. However, after several investigations, she has become a firm believer. Having personally witnessed and felt things, she acknowledges that there is validity to the field. As for me expressing concern for her, it is not my place. She was aware of what had happened to our mother. I immediately shared the footage with her, yet she remained determined to continue.

As you've continued to explore this together, what has it been like witnessing Kelly's growth through these experiences?

OSBOURNE: Initially, it was during the COVID shutdown when Kelly first joined me on an investigation. She had no other commitments at the time, so she was like, "Sure, let's do it." However, it has truly transformed her. Kelly has proven to be an exceptional investigator, displaying a natural talent for it. Chip Coffey, a medium we frequently worked with during the season, often identified her as psychic, stating that she possessed the ability. Assessing someone's psychic abilities is challenging for me, but seeing Kelly accurately conveying information she couldn't have known has made me wonder. I can only hope that one day I stumble upon an infomercial at midnight on some obscure cable channel where Kelly is offering free readings, showcasing her talent.

I was captivated by the historical significance of these buildings, as well as deeply intrigued by the abilities of your mediums, Chip Coffey and Michelle Belanger. How did you come across them? What is it about them that instills such a sense of trust in you?

OSBOURNE: We hold our mediums to exceptionally high standards for the show, and Michelle and Chip are among the few mediums I rely on because of their remarkable accuracy. As the producer of the show, I am aware of the information that they are given. When they are only provided with the airport they will be landing in, without any knowledge of their hotel or other details, yet they proceed to reveal specific facts about the location that they couldn't possibly know, I am astounded. Whether it's some form of trickery or a remarkable skill, it is truly phenomenal. Michelle has never conducted an investigation without being blindfolded, from the moment she gets into the car until we arrive at the facility or house. There have been instances where she accurately describes the color of the room we are in, even with the lights off and while she is blindfolded. I simply cannot comprehend how this is possible.

Haunted Encounters: Investigator Jack Osbourne's Startling Close Encounter with the Paranormal

Image via Travel Channel

I strongly believe in the existence of energy within a particular space. Although I have never personally encountered a ghost or had any visual, auditory, or sensory encounters, I am convinced that certain places harbor both positive and negative energy. This belief is especially amplified in locations like hospitals or prisons where numerous individuals have lived and passed away. It becomes even more challenging to comprehend phenomena such as time-bending and the coexistence of multiple time periods. I'm curious to know what your experience in Virginia City, Nevada was like.

OSBOURNE: The conversation about ghosts and paranormal activity is a common one among those involved in paranormal shows. We often debate the nature of ghosts - are they simply the energy of deceased humans, or is there something more to it? Could it be interdimensional or even connected to aliens? The truth is, we don't really know. However, what we do know is that throughout history, people have been writing and sharing stories about ghosts. Just like tales of dragons and other mythical creatures, we now understand that many of these stories were purely fictional. Yet, ghost stories have stood the test of time. This suggests that there may be some truth behind them.

Virginia City adds another layer to this discussion. It delves into the concept of the multiverse, where multiple realities exist alongside ours. Could Virginia City be a place where the timeline of 1850 is still unfolding, while we live in 2023? This idea takes us beyond the typical ghost story and into the realm of quantum physics. However, it is just as plausible to consider the presence of spirits of once living humans in such a place.

Did this experience alter your perception of ghosts in any way?

OSBOURNE: Yeah. As I've delved deeper into ghost hunting and the various experiences associated with it, I've come to realize that there are distinct differences between them. It's clear to me that there must be various phenomena occuring. However, I am unsure about the specifics. I believe the only way we will truly discover if ghosts exist is if someone realizes there is potential for weaponry or immense financial gain. That would redirect the focus of research. Beyond that, people have established religions around this subject, which could be a starting point for understanding the spirit realm. Personally, I have found that the more I explore, the more questions I have.

When you initially embarked on this journey of investigating the paranormal, what were your aspirations? Did you always envision it leading to television shows like these?

OSBOURNE: Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would find myself producing and hosting paranormal television shows. Initially, my involvement in this realm was purely driven by personal interest. I would delve into books, devour documentaries, occasionally partake in ghost hunts or UFO night watches, and simply enjoy the thrill of it all. The enigmatic allure surrounding these phenomena fascinated me endlessly. However, it was in 2011 that I embarked on my first venture as a host for a paranormal show, Haunted Highway, and that experience propelled me forward. It dawned on me, "Wow, this is a viable profession." From then on, I made sure to maintain my connection to the field.

Haunted Encounters: Investigator Jack Osbourne's Startling Close Encounter with the Paranormal

Image via Travel Channel

Have you ever had any personal experiences related to your fascination with the paranormal?

As the popularity of this paranormal investigation show continues to grow, how has it evolved? Are there any practices that have been abandoned, or new possibilities that have emerged?

OSBOURNE: That's a great question. The paranormal genre definitely experiences trends. It used to focus on poltergeists, then shifted to demons, and later explored portals. In the past five years, there has been a rise in celebrity paranormal content, which includes my own involvement. Like any field, it's important to evolve and keep things fresh, so finding ways to do that is crucial. I foresee the genre leaning more towards exploring science-based concepts, particularly in the realm of quantum physics. This might become a new trend in the coming years. However, since paranormal investigation is an endless realm with no definitive boundaries, it is difficult to apply the scientific method to it. Thus, the possibilities are limitless. You could even encounter something like the ghost of Sponge Bob and who's to say it isn't real?

When you invite celebrities on this show, do they run away from you when you suggest, "Hey, I have an idea for a trip we could take together," or do you already know who would be interested in participating?

OSBOURNE: I receive numerous requests from people who want to join. Friends of mine, who are actors or in similar professions, often say, "I want to come along. Please let me know when you bring it back. I want to do a ghost hunt." I believe that people who enjoy this genre and this type of experience, everyone desires that "Oh my God!" moment, whether they are scared or not.

Haunted Encounters: Investigator Jack Osbourne's Startling Close Encounter with the Paranormal

Image via Travel Channel

Is your aim to exclusively engage individuals who are genuinely enthusiastic and eager to participate, or do you also find enjoyment in persuading others to join even if they initially lack interest?

OSBOURNE: In terms of choosing locations for each episode, we don't really have a set list or plan. It's more about going with our instincts and finding places that pique our interest. We like to keep it spontaneous and go wherever the ghostly trail leads us.

OSBOURNE: We have a couple of considerations. Discovery has a well-organized schedule for their paranormal shows, ensuring that we don't repeat investigations done in the past five years. While we can visit the same location, we must explore a different aspect or uncover new evidence. Additionally, we extensively search the internet for new leads. I personally follow and engage with a few YouTubers and Instagram personalities who share their findings. One particular Instagram user, who specializes in haunted history, provides us with access to incredible locations and valuable information. Our approach is to diversify our choices, avoiding solely focusing on asylums or prisons, and not all places we visit are overly malevolent or terrifying. For instance, the episode I filmed with Jenny McCarthy centered around a fascinating story in a remarkable house, rather than a supremely wicked or demonic location.

Do you have any locations in mind that you still wish to investigate? Are you looking forward to another season of this show specifically?

If I were granted complete creative freedom, I would be thrilled to produce a captivating series centered around exploring battlefields and locations with a rich military history. The concept holds great appeal for me, as I have close connections with friends in the military who have shared their unsettling supernatural encounters while deployed in Syria and Afghanistan. It stands to reason that if there are apparitions, battlefields would be likely sites, and indeed, these brave individuals have attested to witnessing peculiar occurrences. Tune in to the Travel Channel for Night of Terror.

Editor's P/S

1. As a passionate fan of the paranormal, I found Jack Osbourne's account of his terrifying encounter with the doll to be particularly intriguing. The fact that the doll had teeth was definitely unsettling, and it's no wonder that it haunted his dreams. I can only imagine how unsettling it must have been to find a doll like that in an abandoned house, and I'm not surprised that it left him feeling shaken.

2. I also found the story of Sharon Osbourne's unexplained medical emergency to be very compelling. The fact that she lost consciousness and stopped breathing for 20 minutes is truly terrifying, and I can understand why Jack would question whether it was a demonic attack. It's a reminder that even the most skeptical people can be shaken by experiences that they can't explain.