HBO Max's animated comedy Harley Quinn has achieved remarkable success, leading to the upcoming spin-off show featuring Kite Man and other DC villains. Although specific details about the show are currently undisclosed, recent information suggests that there will be modifications to the original concept.
In March 2022, showrunner Patrick Schumaker confirmed the development of a Kite Man spin-off from the popular Harley Quinn series. Initially named Noonan's, after the villain bar showcased in Harley Quinn, the spin-off would primarily focus on lesser-known Gotham villains who receive limited screen time in the main show. As the series is still in its early stages, numerous changes are expected to occur. Already, one significant change has been made - the spin-off will no longer retain the title Noonan's.
Rather than alluding to the bar frequented by Harley in Harley Quinn, the show's new title now focuses on a single character: Kite Man. A recent press release from Warner Bros. Discovery announces that the series formerly known as Noonan's will be rebranded as Kite Man: Hell Yeah! At this point, there has been no official explanation provided for the change in title.
In Harley Quinn, Kite Man is introduced as the son of two metahumans, although he himself lacks any superpowers. He relies on a kite suit to soar through Gotham, engage in criminal activities, and attract the attention of women. He forms a romantic connection with Poison Ivy, but their relationship crumbles when Kite Man realizes that Ivy does not reciprocate his feelings. Unlike previous iterations of the character, this version of Kite Man is generally carefree and silly, deviating from the more intense and dramatic portrayals. For instance, in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Kite Man reflects the typical psychological trauma experienced by many Batman villains, leading him down a dark path of crime and violence. However, in Harley Quinn, Kite Man lacks any deep-seated trauma and instead faces conflict from his parents' disappointment over his lack of superpowers.
The change in the show's title indicates a shift in focus, narrowing down the storyline to primarily revolve around Kite-Man. While still featuring beloved villains from Harley Quinn, the spin-off now centers on Kite Man as the main character. This change in title also confirms the assumption that the show will maintain a similar tone to Harley Quinn. Although the specific misadventures Kite Man will encounter as the star of his own show remain uncertain, it is evident that his actions will undoubtedly bring chaos to Gotham, much like Harley Quinn's antics.
Harley Quinn seasons 1-3 are available to stream now on Max.
Source: Warner Bros. Discovery