Groundbreaking Survey: Football Fans Demand Stronger Action Against Discrimination!

Groundbreaking Survey: Football Fans Demand Stronger Action Against Discrimination!

Majority of football fans perceive a decline in discrimination over the past 30 years, indicating increased inclusivity, as Kick It Out releases its Impact Report to commemorate its 30th anniversary

Football has made significant progress in improving safety, inclusivity, and welcomingness over the past three decades, as revealed by a report by Kick It Out. However, the overwhelming majority of fans still believe that further action is necessary to address discrimination. The Impact Report, published on the organization's 30th anniversary, highlights that most fans perceive a decrease in discrimination compared to 30 years ago or when they initially became football supporters. Moreover, an impressive 73 percent of fans feel that football has become more inclusive.

67% of fans who have experienced discrimination reported experiencing it less frequently now, thanks to the efforts of Kick it Out. Additionally, 79% of fans who are aware of the anti-discrimination organization believe it has played a role in creating a more inclusive game. Despite the progress made over the past three decades, Kick It Out emphasizes that its work is still crucial in the present times.

According to Sanjay Bhandari, the chair of Kick It Out, this report illustrates how the organization has positively transformed the landscape of football since its establishment three decades ago. Minority fans affirm that football has become a safer, more inclusive, and more accepting environment due to the efforts of Kick It Out. The report also reveals that Kick It Out's work has increased people's assurance in addressing and reporting instances of discrimination, which has been substantiated by the organization's own annual reporting statistics.

Groundbreaking Survey: Football Fans Demand Stronger Action Against Discrimination!


Racism continues to prevail as the primary type of discrimination in football. This significant milestone prompts us to pause and contemplate the path we have undertaken. However, we acknowledge that substantial efforts are still required. This research further emphasizes the pressing need for increased measures to combat discrimination across the sport, as fervently desired by the fans.

The content fragment has been rewritten as follows:

"Now is not the time for the game to become complacent. We are determined to permanently eradicate all types of discrimination in sports and urge stakeholders in the sporting community to join us in this mission."

"The Impact Report was created by surveying 2,503 football fans, with two-thirds of them being devoted fans for a minimum of 30 years. In-depth follow-up interviews were also conducted."

Groundbreaking Survey: Football Fans Demand Stronger Action Against Discrimination!

An overwhelming majority of those surveyed (85%) expressed the opinion that there is a pressing need for stronger efforts to combat discrimination against fans within stadiums. Similarly, a significant majority (87%) emphasized the necessity for additional measures to tackle the issue of abuse directed towards players at stadiums. Furthermore, a substantial portion (79%) of respondents identified a need for greater action in addressing discrimination at a grassroots level.

Kick It Out CEO, Tony Burnett, emphasized the importance of acknowledging the strides made in the last three decades while keeping our attention firmly on the future. Our main objective is to effect necessary changes that will foster an environment of inclusivity in football. This requires unwavering dedication, determination, and a collective effort from all stakeholders, spanning from top-tier leagues to grassroots communities.

That is why we urge football to promptly implement a clear system to monitor data on workforce representation for players, coaches, managers, and senior leadership positions.

Additionally, we advocate for football to establish targets aimed at improving representation. These targets should encompass a diverse range of individuals, including black managers, south Asian professional players, and black, Asian, and female leaders and referees.

"Our job is far from over, and we will be working tirelessly with our football partners in the years ahead to deliver tangible change in those areas."

Kick It Out Impact Report: Other findings