Groundbreaking New Game Mode Proposed by Passionate Pokemon Fans
Pokemon enthusiasts advocate for the inclusion of an essential mode in the games, emphasizing its significance in numerous other titles They propose innovative methods for the developer to seamlessly integrate this much-desired feature
Pokemon fans want a New Game+ mode for increased difficulty and improved AI in upcoming Pokemon games.
Possible rewritten version:
Some potential ideas consist of retaining charms, safeguarding Pokemon in the PC, and lowering the levels of the main Pokemon or the entire team.
Additionally, certain enthusiasts desire the inclusion of a more challenging mode as well as the option to bypass tutorials for seasoned players.
Pokemon fans believe that incorporating a new mode into the upcoming Pokemon games would greatly enhance their overall experience. Despite the immense popularity of the franchise, there is always room for further improvement. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduced innovative ideas and gameplay mechanics, allowing players to freely choose their destinations and determine which Pokemon gym leader they wish to battle. Although these additions were well-received by fans, Pokemon games still lack certain modern gaming modes and features. This particular suggestion from fans has the potential to significantly revolutionize the game's existing formula.
Pokemon enthusiasts, such as ReinhartHartrein47, have expressed their desire for a New Game+ mode in Pokemon. This mode would feature enhanced AI and increased difficulty, making it an appealing option for many players. ReinhartHartrein47 specifically recommended that only Charms should carry forward, particularly the Shiny Charm, as it would enhance the chances of finding Shinies during the playthrough.
Furthermore, numerous other fans shared the same sentiment regarding the New Game+ mode, although there were some variations in their suggestions. Some players proposed that their lead Pokemon or entire team should accompany them into the New Game+ mode, albeit at reduced levels, requiring them to start from scratch. Additionally, several fans suggested the preservation of the player's entire Pokemon collection in the PC until they have attained an appropriate level to use them again. This would ensure that the challenge remains intact while allowing players to retain their past accomplishments.
Some have suggested that instead of relying on a full New Game+ mode for increased difficulty, Game Freak should simply include the option to boost the difficulty in Pokemon games. Additionally, there should be an option to skip the tutorial for experienced players. In Pokemon Black 2, a harder difficulty was only available at the end of the game, but with Pokemon Red and Blue being released thirty years ago, many players are already familiar with the basics and these changes could cater to them. It remains to be seen whether Game Freak will actually implement these ideas. In the meantime, players can look forward to the release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC, which may help address some of the criticisms players had about the original games.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for Nintendo Switch.