Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Teased The Interns' Destiny in a Sneaky Trailer Moment

Grey's Anatomy Season 20 Teased The Interns' Destiny in a Sneaky Trailer Moment

Catch a glimpse of their future in a subtle scene.

Grey’s Anatomy season 20’s full trailer focused heavily on the interns' fate following the events of the season 19 finale. The finale left viewers hanging with a cliffhanger involving Sam Sutton's death and Teddy's sudden illness. This left Lucas, Simone, and Mika's futures uncertain, as they were all involved in the dramatic events.

The trailer, released by ABC on February 29, hinted at the interns potentially losing their jobs. Scenes showed Nick Marsh admonishing them and Meredith pleading for a second chance. The tension was high, and it seemed like Mika, Simone, and Lucas were in for some unfortunate outcomes. However, a small detail revealed in the trailer hinted at a different fate for the interns in Grey’s Anatomy season 20.

Arizona's Lecture In The Trailer Showed The Entire Class Of Interns Present

Alexis Floyd as Simone, Adelaide Kane as Jules, Midori Francis as Mika, Harry Schum Jr. as Benson and Niko Terho as Lucas in Grey's Anatomy season 20's full trailer - Arizona's Lecture In The Trailer Showed The Entire Class Of Interns Present

Alexis Floyd as Simone, Adelaide Kane as Jules, Midori Francis as Mika, Harry Schum Jr. as Benson and Niko Terho as Lucas in Grey's Anatomy season 20's full trailer - Arizona's Lecture In The Trailer Showed The Entire Class Of Interns Present

Bailey’s energetic introduction of Arizona Robbins’ lecture may have caused some confusion about which students she was addressing, but a couple of quick shots revealed the full group of interns from Grey’s Anatomy season 19. Simone, Lucas, Jules, Mika, and Benson were all seen listening attentively after being told to sit down by Bailey, confirming their continued employment at Grey Sloan Memorial during Arizona’s lecture. Simone’s changed hairstyle also indicated that some time had passed since the events of the Grey’s Anatomy season 19 finale.

The interns’ status was further confirmed by Jessica Capshaw’s Instagram post announcing her return as Arizona Robbins, where she was shown wearing her scrubs. The post included the date “04.04.24,” which falls on the third Thursday after the premiere of Grey’s Anatomy season 20 on March 14, 2024. This timeline suggests that the interns are still safe and employed at Grey Sloan Memorial by the time Capshaw guest stars as Arizona in Grey’s Anatomy season 20, episode 4, amidst the unfolding drama and investigations.

Instagram article posted by jessicacapshaw

Grey's Anatomy S19 Finale's Intensity Already Hinted The Interns Wouldn't Be Fired

Niko Terho as Lucas Adams and Alexis Floyd as Simone Griffith in Grey's Anatomy season 19 - Grey's Anatomy S19 Finale's Intensity Already Hinted The Interns Wouldn't Be Fired

Niko Terho as Lucas Adams and Alexis Floyd as Simone Griffith in Grey's Anatomy season 19 - Grey's Anatomy S19 Finale's Intensity Already Hinted The Interns Wouldn't Be Fired

In Grey’s Anatomy's twenty seasons, there have been interns who got fired or suspended for serious mistakes. Despite this, Grey Sloan Memorial has also been known to give second chances to some interns. Meredith Grey's successful career, despite her own mistakes, is a clear example of this leniency. The intense situation involving Mika, Lucas, and Simone at the end of season 19 hinted that they might also get a positive outcome.

After all, the trio not only followed the correct procedure by calling ulterior attendings but also tried to help Sam, knowing he would have died without their intervention. At the same time, Mika was dealing with another emergency - Teddy collapsing and experiencing a cardiac event right before she was scheduled to operate on Sam, making the situation even more challenging. This suggests that the interns may escape with just a suspension or a warning, especially when compared to the more serious situations past interns have found themselves in on previous seasons of Grey's Anatomy.

Grey's Anatomy season 20 will premiere on Thursday, March 14 on ABC.

Editor's P/S:

The Grey's Anatomy season 20 trailer has sparked both excitement and trepidation among fans. The cliffhanger ending of season 19 left the fate of the interns hanging in the balance, but the trailer hints at a glimmer of hope. The presence of the full class of interns in Arizona's lecture suggests that they may escape severe consequences for their actions.

However, the article also acknowledges the show's history of firing or suspending interns for serious mistakes. The intense circumstances surrounding the interns' involvement in Sam Sutton's death and Teddy's illness could still lead to a negative outcome. The upcoming season promises a rollercoaster of emotions as we witness the interns' struggle to navigate the aftermath of the season 19 finale and the uncertainty that lies ahead.