Great Pretender: Revolutionizing the Underrated Anime Genre!

Great Pretender: Revolutionizing the Underrated Anime Genre!

Great Pretender breathes new life into the underappreciated heist genre, boasting a captivating storyline filled with complex characters and unexpected twists

Heists in anime are often associated with popular series like Mission Impossible and Cowboy Bebop. However, Great Pretender, released in June 2020, brings a fresh take to the genre and is a must-watch for anime enthusiasts. This shonen anime focuses on the thrilling adventures of Makoto Edamura, a self-proclaimed "greatest swindler" from Japan. When he gets involved with world-class thief Laurent Thierry, his life takes a dramatic turn as he enters a world of high-stakes heists and forms bonds with a diverse group of teammates.

Throughout the series, Makoto engages in four mind-boggling worldwide heists, all filled with unexpected twists, impactful emotional moments, complex characters, and a captivating storyline. Each episode keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, constantly raising the stakes and leaving viewers anxiously awaiting the next installment. Great Pretender excels not only as a shonen anime but also proves that the often overlooked heist genre deserves much more recognition and attention.

Great Pretender's Characters Are The Series' Greatest Strength

Great Pretender: Revolutionizing the Underrated Anime Genre!

The character roster in Great Pretender is teeming with rich personalities and intricate backstories. Edamura, the fresh-faced rookie, joins forces with his mentor and mastermind Laurent Thierry to pull off their thrilling heists. Another enigmatic addition to the team is the reserved Abbie, whose mysterious connection to the duo remains undisclosed at first. Surprisingly, an FBI agent who seems to be pursuing the group is later unveiled as part of their scheme. Adding allure to the mix is Cynthia, the team's seductive femme fatale, adept at assuming various disguises for infiltration purposes.

Each character possesses a captivating narrative that delves into the reasons they engage in the world of heists, and they all rightfully share the spotlight in every case they undertake. Edamura's complex relationship with his con artist father weaves its way throughout the story, culminating in a climactic confrontation in Season 2. Abbie's troubled past, scarred by the trauma of a war-torn childhood, takes center stage in "Case 2: Singapore Sky". Meanwhile, Cynthia's motivations are driven by her desire to bring down the art dealer who took advantage of her former lover, as depicted in "Case 3: Snow of London". Season 2 revolves around Laurent's quest for vengeance, aiming to avenge the tragic death of his beloved during a past heist.

Things are Never As They Seem in Great Pretender

Great Pretender: Revolutionizing the Underrated Anime Genre!

From the beginning, this anime establishes the complexity of its characters and relationships. Unlikely allies can emerge, and apparent tensions may be nothing more than a facade. "Case 1: Los Angeles Connection" sets the tone, but each subsequent case raises the stakes further. In "Case 4: The Wizard of the Far East," Edamura aligns with the Yakuza, creating a seemingly divided team. The involvement of Edamura's father leads to one of the series' most satisfying and significant reveals.

Popular shows like Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia captivate audiences with their action-packed scenes and memorable characters. This anime offers the same excitement, interwoven with unexpected twists and turns that leave viewers guessing. While it showcases thrilling heists, Great Pretender also proves that the genre is vastly underrated and deserving of more love and attention.

Great Pretender is currently available on Netflix.